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Production developments. Prepared by: John Harrison , Production & Distribution Director February 2008. Background Workflow Outsourcing Impact. Production developments. Background. Production developments. Key areas of focus Quality Speed Timeliness Cost Service.
Production developments Prepared by: John Harrison, Production & Distribution Director February 2008
Background Workflow Outsourcing Impact Production developments
Background Production developments
Key areas of focus Quality Speed Timeliness Cost Service Production developments: background
Aims Quality Efficiency Outsourcing Supply chain philosophy Buying strategy Streamlined Workflow Production developments: background
Department structure Team structure: Workload fluctuations are managed effectively New staff are trained well Expertise is shared Developments can be universal Central groups (systems, purchasing) provide key support A core team working on the Asia-Pacific titles ensures that services and developments are shared and applied across this list. Jim Ruddock heads up this group. This group works very closely with our colleagues in Editorial to ensure the best service for your titles. Production developments: background
Online Sales Submission Correcting Copyediting Typesetting Print Production developments Production workflow
Submission process Language polishing services www.oxfordjournals.org/for_authors/language_services.html Translation services Submission systems – integration with workflow Automatic feed of metadata into tracking system Introduction email to authors Production developments: workflow
Production tracking system Production developments: workflow
Production developments: workflow • Copyediting • Process and QA • Pre-edit • XML conversion and validation • Copyedit • Proofread • Quality assurance • Clear style sheets • Offshore editing: consistency, skill, flexibility • Process automation • Performance management • Measurement and feedback
Automated copyediting tool Production developments: workflow
Quality measures and feedback Errata and versioning measures and analysis Error monitoring and categorization Spot check proofreading In-house QA checks Plus, constant review of approach All feedback from editors helpful Core of production’s job Production developments: workflow
Typesetting and proofing Use of templates for quality, consistency, and speed Using online proofing system Development of further functionality within online proofing system Corrections monitored and reported Corrections vetted, PDF compare function Online author tracking for authors and editors Production developments: workflow
PDF compare tool Production developments: workflow
Online Full-text HTML Advance Access Aim for standard high-performance model: Instant online publication in full typeset form with auto-copyediting Option of extra service with manual copyediting depending on journal Production developments: workflow
Printing EDI – system connectivity Printing/distribution: Singapore, US, UK Print technology: offer stochastic printing of images Paper: price, environment, purchasing policy Social accountability auditing Production developments: workflow
Sales opportunities Custom publishing and POD opportunities CDs: searchable, linked Supplements: abstracts, proceedings, etc Meeting programs Online-only content Production developments: workflow
Managing outsourcing Production developments
Management processes Service level agreements Feedback: Weekly feedback Monthly performance reports Use of KPI reports in the supplier selection process Personal visits (on site and at OUP) Objective quality monitoring Production: managing outsourcing
Production: managing outsourcing • KPI report
Impact Production developments
Production developments: impact Author survey How does the overall Oxford Journals experience compare to publishing an article with another publisher? (February 2007)
Quality More detailed ways of measuring quality Copyediting can be further automated to increase reliability Typesetter copyediting allows consistent, reliable service Production developments: impact
Speed/timeliness Automation Management of suppliers Improved service level agreements Analyse and resolve delays Collaborate with editorial offices and societies Production developments: impact
Cost Cost reduction via robust supplier selection process: RFPs for typesetting, printing and distribution, 2 year cycle Scored on financial, quality, speed and ethical criteria Visits to suppliers Production developments: impact
Service Production Editor provides key point of contact and support Full backing of Jim, Damian, Genny and John Our technological capabilities mean that working with Asia-Pacific titles is efficient Production developments: impact
Continued improvement Standardization not uniformity Article-based workflows Advance Access Partnership with editorial offices to improve efficiency Purely electronic workflows Timely supply of copy Online tracking for authors and editors Production developments: the future