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Andrew Barta & Terry Fletcher University of Ballarat Grad.Dip.Ed .(Sec )

Andrew Barta & Terry Fletcher University of Ballarat Grad.Dip.Ed .(Sec ). Terry Fletcher & Andrew Barta University of Ballarat Grad.Dip.Ed .(Sec). Science education for the indigenous population Indigenous science education for the general population.

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Andrew Barta & Terry Fletcher University of Ballarat Grad.Dip.Ed .(Sec )

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Andrew Barta & Terry Fletcher University of Ballarat Grad.Dip.Ed.(Sec)

  2. Terry Fletcher & Andrew Barta University of Ballarat Grad.Dip.Ed.(Sec)

  3. Science education for the indigenous population • Indigenous science education for the general population

  4. Preservation of culture and knowledge • Utilisation of culture and knowledge

  5. General issues Historical • Second-class citizens • Eradication of culture • Stolen generations • Self-determination and self-management • Recognition of individuals – right to vote • Recognition of ownership – Mabo

  6. General issues Current • Poor life expectancy and health outcomes • Poor education – levels and attendance • High rates of incarceration • Drug and alcohol abuse • NT intervention

  7. Education issues • Truancy • Pertinence of curriculum • Cultural differences • Literacy

  8. Science for indigenous kids

  9. Indigenous science for kids

  10. Science and indigenous science

  11. Acknowledgement The background image utilised in this presentation, painted by Heather Laughton, was sourced from the cover of the Northern Territory Government’s Report of the Northern Territory Board of Inquiry into the Protection of Aboriginal Children from Sexual Abuse 2007. As described in the report, “The design represents the coming together of different people to help tackle the problem of child sexual abuse: mothers, children, grandmothers at a safe place, fathers and grandfathers at a safe place, and in the middle a resource centre with a mentor/counsellor/educator and family members and other support people. The resource centre represents a place where people can come together to work out their problems as a family or as a community, and also to learn how the mainstream law system and Aboriginal law are both strong ways of protecting children.” Apart from being a beautiful image, Terry and Andrew believed the description fitted well with the intent of this project.

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