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D. evelopment of On-line Instruction Media an Administration System based on Moodle Program on Learning Behaviors of PhD. Students. Jeuajan Wattakiecharoen, PhD. Graduate School, Christian University, Bangkok Thailand Prachyanun Nilsook, Assoc PhD.
D evelopment of On-line Instruction Media an Administration System based on Moodle Program on Learning Behaviors of PhD. Students Jeuajan Wattakiecharoen, PhD.Graduate School, Christian University, Bangkok Thailand Prachyanun Nilsook, Assoc PhD. King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Bangkok Thailand
The purposes of this research were: to develop of on-line instruction media and an administration system based on Moodle program, to create instruction media on TTPM7313: Qualitative Research Design course, to evaluate satisfactions and attitudes of learners toward on-line instruction media. 1 2 3
Moodle Moodle program is a system for which educators can create learning protocol such as learning document, multimedia, assignment, whereas the learning management system (LMS) which is a software application for which learners can interact online courses engaging learners in discussing course materials, to foster a sense of community, and to enhance learning.
Population PhD students registered in Qualitative Research Design course in the third semester of the Academic Year 2011, Christian University. The population of this study included the first year graduate students in PhD program. They were 13 PhD students in all disciplines of Administration Science (7 nursing administration,1 public and private administration, 1 educational administration and 3 hospital administration). They all were part time students.
Qualitative Research Methods course According to the course requirement, the graduate students had to enroll in TPPM7313: Qualitative Research Methods course. This course was two credits with two hours of lectures as well as three hours of self study per week. The e-Learning activities started at the beginning of the course to 15 weeks during the third semester 2011
web site (http://ctulms.christian.ac.th) The Internet learning module is located at the e-Learning web site of Christian University: CTU Computer Center. Moodle version 1.9.11 was used to Manage the e-Learning activities
content The web-based learning content was developed based on the course description, behavior objectives, teaching unit, teaching and learning activity.
Methodology Qualitative approaches were employed in this study. In depth interview was used for qualitative data collecting.
. At the end of this course, participants were asked what they thought about the learning experience. The e-Learning interview topics included the usability; content and design; overall knowledge gained and program impact on the students’ learning behavior. Content analysis was used to assess the students’ opinions anonymously on both the e-Learning modules and the overall course.
. RESULTS The results showed that all of participants (100%) frequently access (more than once a week) the e-Learning website, journals, content resources, assignment exercise and schedule were the most popular tool.
RESULTS • Data from interviewing was shown in 4 themes: • Navigation and usability. • Content and design. • Program impact on the students’ learning behavior. • Knowledge gain.
. • 1 ) Navigation and Usability: • Easy to read , access and navigate through the CTU e-Learning link . • Online resources and menus were available and easily accessible. Forgetting the password was a big problem in two female students. • They had previous experience with word processing, spreadsheet, browser, presentation, and digital photo software. • All remarked they thought computers were useful and used them for their • research, eight used them during free time, and all noted that they were okay with computers. • None had used Moodle before. Students can learn everywhere and • every time they like and revisit the course as often as they like, if they • don’t understand.
. 2) Content and Design: The course content was organized in a way that allowed the participant to meet the learning objectives. The course content was up-to-date and helpful real-life examples or applications. The e-Learning modules helped their understanding of the course and retrieved the educational media easily. They suggested that the participant can also use examination module on this online learning for the final examination in the class room. The Moodle "Assignment" tool with advanced uploading of files was used for deliverable for the course, with each "assignment" placed where it was due. This provides an easy to understand schedule of what is required.
3) Program Impact: Moodle should provide more effective where there are a large number of students using the system with individual supervisors, with the lecturer in charge being able to monitor progress. The participant will be able to apply the knowledge and/or skills gained from this course and help them to improve their understanding. Overall, the participants were satisfied with this course and enjoy this type of learning. Some pointed out that they could easily arrange work duty with learning, or that they could repeat online lessons as often as they wanted, or until they understood. The participant suggested that teachers may need to put extra effort in developing their course at the beginning and will cost you extra more to get some media content like sound recording and video. Students must have strong self-discipline in taking courses. Lack of face to face interaction among teachers & classmate, so they must go together with normal class. .
4) Knowledge Gain:Prior to completing this course, their level of knowledge/skills about qualitative research was little. After completing this course, their level of knowledge/skills about qualitative research is better. Overall, the participants were highly satisfied with the course.
In conclusionMoodle program improved their computer-assisted learning skills as well as knowledge transfer in higher education. Moodle program is a useful tool for developing on-line educational system. It also meets the requirement of educators, and learners who relate to this system.
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