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St. Willibrord School and Community Learning Centre End of three year pilot project Report - 2010. Executive Summary –.
St. Willibrord School and Community Learning Centre End of three year pilot projectReport - 2010
Executive Summary – Over the last four years the St. Willibrord School Community Learning Centre has become an excellent tool in helping maintain and enhance the survival and growth of the Anglophone community in the Chateauguay region. As of June 2010, we have reached a point where the families we serve: 1. are aware we exist 2. understand what our mandate is 3. are using our programs and facilities to improve their quality of life While the St. Willibrord CLC has grown every year to service more and more families, it has also partnered with established and new community organizations, businesses, governmental departments and individuals in an effort to inform citizens of the services which are at their disposal. By having made these crucial partnerships, different logistical models have been created in terms of the manner in which services are provided. Whether it be the CLC directly running an entire project (taking registration, paying employees) to having a partner run the entire project and simply utilizing our facilities or creating a shared-run model, whereas the partners involved find a manner to share all the logistical issues in providing a service. Our CLC believes in a WIN-WIN partnership model, whereas the parties involved see long-term benefits from being involved in such a partnerships. This in turn allows for better dialogue between parties and minimizes the risk of “one-offs” (project lasting only once) and allows for a continuous evolution of initiatives as time moves forward. The CLC understands the need to be an “organic entity”, which no doubt has certain policies and priorities to respect (security concerns, union demands, etc.) but also inherently needs to be flexible and ever-changing to keep up with a rapidly changing world for the families that we cater to. Promotion of “outside of the box” thinking and an awareness to not stop at roadblocks such as “we have never done that before” is fundamental for a CLC to survive and strive within a governmental institution. One of our major successes has been to sensitize the “in building staff” (whether it be teachers, custodians, support staff and the “board wide staff” (directors of departments, other school staff, union delegates) as to what we are doing but more importantly why we are doing it. By understanding “why”, employees and parents are more inclined to support projects and ideas that work (and even those that fail) . And of course the “why” is to help the survival of our minority Anglophone community within the province of Quebec.
Executive Summary As the CLC continues to evolve, more structural policies will come into place. A conscious effort to ensure a proper and successful succession plan is being developed. As key personnel (ie: principal, CLC coordinator) will undoubtedly come and go, in order for there to be a solid continuation of CLC concepts, guidelines will need to be secured to help the new personnel. The following document will also help to understand the reasoning for decisions made and what has worked and what has not to date. The first decision that was made for our CLC was “to do stuff”. Chateauguay is a blue collar town, that runs on the “show me” mantra and not “tell me”. This meant starting programs that would begin the awareness and understanding of the CLC mission was key in getting community support behind the project. The collection of quantitative but, more importantly, qualitative data is necessary to help convince, persuade and prove the benefits of having a CLC and its concepts within a school board setting. There is a lot of “this is great idea”, “we love the CLC” type of statements from parents/staff but realize that hard data, especially long-term benefits will take time to collect and will be key in evaluating the success of the CLC project. The creation of a data collection system to use, filter and analyze the data in a systematic manner would be a very persuasive tool in order for the government to evaluate the validity of having Community Learning Centre’s in different regions of the province. In conclusion, the New Frontiers School Board has embraced the philosophy and ideology of becoming more community based oriented. Creating partnerships in an effort to better serve our families has become a focal point for our board, as “promotion of CLC concepts” is now included in all schools and centers success plans. This does not mean each school needs to be a CLC, but to varying degrees and based on the needs and capabilities of each school centre, the NFSB will work towards establishing more community based projects in an effort to improve the academic and social well-being of the children, their parents, extended family members and seniors that call our region home. What is this report?: The following report intends to illustrate and explain the historical evolution, description of best practices and challenges of the St. Willibrord CLC from 2007 to 2010. The document is in a powerpoint format in an effort to allow presenters and opportunity to present these findings to an audience in an effort to educate and explain the data collected.
Table of Contents Executive Summary (2-pages) slide: 2 Table of Contents slide: 4 Introduction: Vision statement, community portrait slide: 5 Theory of change / Chart of our theory of change slide: 7 Development & Implementation of Community Learning Centre initiative 2007-2010 slide: 10 Best practices 2007 to 2010 + challenges slide: 11 What has worked so far slide: 20 Budget slide: 21 Partnership Evolvement (number of partners and short synopsis of their type of partnership) slide: 22 Results of CSSS partnership slide: 26 Enrollment in CLC Camps slide: 27 CLC partnered courses slide: 29 Purposes of Evaluation / Key evaluation Questions / Methodology / Analysis of Findings slide: 30 Conclusion/Recommendations slide: 45 Addendums: attendance of programs slide: 49
Introduction to St. Willibrord School and Community Learning Centre Vision statement: “As a Community Learning Centre for the families of our community, we enhance their connections and provide them with services, projects, and programs within the St.Willibrord Community.” – until 2010. NEW VISION: St.Willibrord School and Community Learning Centre is A safe and nurturing place that values the needs of students, staff, parents and community and inspires us to become autonomous, resilient, life long learners. – new June 2010 Our community: is now our entire town and not just St. Willibrord School (370 students – focus has been to offer services to the town and not just our school). • 52, 000 population: 35% Anglophone / 65% Francophone • 30% Ethno cultural (both Anglophone and francophone) • 8,000 Mohawk / 5% visible minority Out of the 35% Anglophone community, St.Willibrord holds a diversity of culture that is threefold between Anglo 70%, Franco 5%, and Mohawk 25%. Average income of two parent families: $57,809. and in one parent families it is , $20,137.00 (representing 20% of our population) Regional CLC concepts: Our CLC has a focus to open a variety of programs to the community at large and not just solely to the St. Will population. We target primarily to the four other schools in our board in the greater Chateauguay region: three elementary schools (Harmony, Centennial Park, Mary Gardner) and also our regional high School Howard S. Billings.
Introduction to St. Willibrord School and CLC Our theory of change: the beginning in 2007 We received a grant from MELS to implement a Community Learning Centre within the school. Some of our staff knows about this project and are excited to get involved. Others do not know much and are concerned about the impact it will have on their daily routine. We want to look at ways to engage the staff in understanding what this project entails and have them engage in decisions about its functioning within their school. As well, we would like to later find ways to engage the students within the school as they too are part of this community. Furthermore, we have hired a coordinator and would like to collaboratively establish how this coordinator will work within the school. There is a potential for team and trust building processes to be facilitated as a way to help with the start of this project. providing information on change processes; discovering what is going with the staff and feeding that information back as a way to help everyone better understand how people feel and what people’s expectations are; and facilitating any process that is essential for building trust and a sense of team within this school in order to start this project in a positive way. In essence, we hoped to create a climate for change in the hopes that the subsequent phases of this project will be rewarding and effective.
Origins … If the people in a community and their families feel a strong connection to the community school and their needs are fulfilled… their children are more likely to grow up and settle in the same community, seeking out the same experience for their children… thus increasing the English population province wide.
Development & Implementation of St. Willibrord School and CLC: 2007-2010 THE DEVELOPMENT of a change for the school: • In the Spring of 2007, the coordinator with the help of a consultant worked together to slowly pull together a provisional steering committee. The first meeting consisted of the coordinator, a parent from another school and the consultant. • The consultant helped the coordinator to plan the agendas for the meetings by referring to the CLC project guidelines as well as reflecting on current needs and priorities of St. Willibrord. • During one of the first provisional committee meetings a teacher expressed that she thought it would be worthwhile to just simply ask the teachers what their concerns were. Her view was that teachers would feel engaged if they were asked about their concerns and if their concerns were addressed. The coordinator and consultant put together a short survey that simply asked about their concerns. There was a low return rate. However, the concerns were addressed at a staff meeting by the coordinator. • The coordinator shared with the provisional steering committee what was needed to meet LEARN’s requirements. The provisional steering committee worked collaboratively to work on outputs. In one meeting in was deemed important to have a vision statement. The consultant facilitated a discussion about values and what is important to the school community. The group brainstormed and then worked at making a coherent vision statement. The principal recognized the need to reflect on the school’s current vision statement and brought that into the discussion.
Development & Implementation of St. Willibrord School and CLC: 2007-2010 SPRING + SUMMER 2007 The provisional steering committee worked on setting priorities. Some initial priorities that were identified during the SPRING of 2007 were: • 1) Running a literacy camp in the summer (18 students in summer of 2007) • 2) Establishing a pre-K program for the Fall (achieved in Fall of 2008) • 3) Advertising the CLC to the community (always part of consciousness) • 4) Hosting an Open House or Town Hall meeting in the Fall (Fall 2007) • 5) A respite service for parents with children with special needs (has not happened) • 6) Healthy living program (Joined “Healthy School” initiatives in 2008) • 7) Establishing the formal Steering Committee (Fall 2007) • 8) Mohawk Saturday Centre (has not happened) • 9) Seniors Intergenerational Activities (Began Fall of 2009) • 10) Partnership with Literacy Council (has no happened – but have tried without success) • BEST PRACTICES • Open door policy for Steering Committee meetings • Maintaining updates about CLC progress to school staff • Building on what is already being done (i.e. Code of Life with CLC mission and school crest) • Work with people who are excited, enthusiastic and motivated to move a change effort forward • Strong relationship between Project Coordinator, School Principal and the School Board
Development & Implementation of St. Willibrord School and CLC: 2007-2010 RAISING AWARENESS The principal of the school was pivotal in raising awareness within the school community. The principal made it a priority to discuss the development CLC at every staff meeting and address staff concerns with openness and honestly. The principal also involved the students in designing a new logo for the school that encompassed the change taking place with the development of the CLC. Simultaneously, the CLC coordinator attended community events and community network opportunities. The coordinator made initial contacts and communicated the goals of the CLC to community members. Challenge in summer of first year: 2007 The coordinator position changed person in the summer of 2007. This challenge pushed the change process backwards as the school team worked to recreate credibility, forward movement of project and trust among the stakeholders. As the project was still in its infancy and the level of trust was fragile and still questioning, this forced a shift in the approach that we took toward the change process. Once the new coordinator was introduced and the staff, parents, and children were invited to experiment with the activities he created for them, then the pace of change could return to its previous velocity. The proof was in the actions at this time. * New coordinator remark: First priority was to get “Actions” happening. His belief was that a “show me” town compared to a “tell me” town as Chateauguay was. Community needed to see action in order to jump on board, and not hear simple rhetoric about what will happen. The action philosophy was used in an effort to build momentum, awareness (word-of-mouth community, as many minority communities are) and embark on the CLC action journey sooner rather then later.
Development & Implementation of St. Willibrord School and CLC: 2007-2010 BUILDING CAPACITY & SUSTAINABILITY 2007-2008 school year: In this year activities were created and information was given to all schools in Chateauguay. Participation was logged. Invitation to all schools from our board. Brochure brought to each school. Partnerships with the CSSS, Champlain College, community groups, and various small business entrepreneurs are explored and relationships with leaders from various groups is established. Investment in physical plant is done to build more viable space for future partners and programs. i.e. prek/dance studio, industrial kitchen in cafeteria. Staff to manage and coordinate after hour activities is introduced to create model for sustainability. Best practices: • Maintaining open and honest dialogue with staff • Having key staff members (principal, teachers, caretaker, secretary) part of decision making process • Meeting with governing boards of the schools involved to try and clarify and educate decisions makers from other schools about what a CLC is and why it exists. Creating an understanding that the CLC is also theirs (parents from other schools) and not just those attending St. Willibrord. • Providing activities for the community so that the concrete approach of the CLC initiative could be seen and felt by all. By having actions, word-of-mouth started. • Response to the suggestions and needs of the community considered in all levels of planning sessions, activities, and programs. • Never undermining the initial worry of security concerns. Especially in an elementary school setting.
Development & Implementation of St. Willibrord School and CLC: 2007-2010 BUILDING CAPACITY & SUSTAINABILITY 2008-2009 school year: In this year activities were continued and added to include all nights and Saturday. More programs were added. Steering Committee is expanded with partners and other schools invited to join. Meeting is held once a month, as a “think tank” and governing body of CLC decisions. Partnerships created now involved courses at the CEGEP level, community groups meeting on the premises, entrepreneurs expanding their use of our space to satisfy our needs as well as their business plans. In addition, the approach “Ecoles en Sante” is understood and agreed upon in an effort to give a portrait of our community’s health, and planning began to improve the situation. Pre-K “Parkview Pre-school” started in our school. A rental model, whereas rental was giving to school to help start payback the renovations and in-turn will become a profit thereafter. Physical plant improvements are paid off through revenue of project and reinvestment in further physical plant changes begins. i.e. cafeteria, parking lot transformation. Best practices: • Addition of more human resources to be “hosts” and be sure all security measures are in place during CLC activities. With children and adults involved at different times doing different activities, needed to have presence in the building to ensure security measures and information were disseminated adequately. • Creating information sessions for white collar, blue collar, secretaries and other school board personnel to understand not just the “what” we are doing but the “why” we are doing. Discussion and acknowledgment about how every person in a board as a role in supporting the growth of CLC concepts. Whether it be to help promote, create policy or be part of the decision making body (invitation to steering committee) of the CLC with NFSB.
Development & Implementation of St. Willibrord School and CLC: 2007-2010 BUILDING CAPACITY & SUSTAINABILITY 2009-2010 school year: - Activities continued to grow with the introduction of programs at other Chateauguay school explored. CPS and Nova Centre now house CLC bases concepts (Music course + seniors computers). • Steering committee’s role is changing as it becomes a school & board wise consultative body. Attempts (somewhat successful, still not a very regular attendance) to have a member from as many different schools as possible. For better communication between centres and the activities happening in each. • Partnership with CSSS realized for social and emotional health of families. In addition, a strong relationship with the seniors group and McGill Institute for learning in retirement and CECN is established. Intergenerational programs (writing life story, peer-learning group) have started. • Partnerships keep evolving to become stronger: especially with the CSSS – CLC now part of decision making in community – Table de jeunesse. CLC coordinator now on executive of Table De Jeunesse as to which groups get the brunt of available TDJ funding. An “Anglophone” voice now part of the decision making body. • Translation of CSS activities, helping them reach the Anglophone population. • CLC is truly part of fabric of the school. Evolution and solidifying of CLC as integral part of St. Willibrord identity. Discussion even arose about changing name to “St.Willibrord Community School”. • Creation of new company – Carrefour Crossroads. Company will service youth based activities in our area. Helps long-term survival of some activities, creating jobs, less work on certain school board departments, easier to deal with certain union issues. This model could even possibly be enlarged as to be the main service provider (with shared revenue model) for majority of children based courses if need be. Example: Summer Camp, run entirely by Crossroads - $5000 given to CLC (10% of total revenue) – and most of the coordination, payments, salaries, insurance taken care of by company. In case new principal or coordinator arrives, transition can be done easily as they step into something that already runs itself.
CLC: Best Practices 2009-2010 • Wednesdays @ Willibrord: creation of fantastic endeavour that established a community trade show once a month. Easy for families to find about available local social services. Food and baby-sitting provided on-site. An excuse buster model to combat several workshops that seem to have apathetic participation levels. • Media coverage more extensive as understanding grows within community. • use of school website, creation of CLC Facebook page, using school board portal for announcements of events, Montreal Gazette and CTV News both had a story about St. Willibrord CLC. Awareness has grown especially through the word-of-mouth factor. • Creating a reality whereas individuals (more than the principal & coordinator) are involved and pro-active in the continuation, growth and constant evolution of CLC. (ie: Crossroads company) • Combination of CLC-run and partner run programs: CLC managed & rental of space format. Exploration of partnerships for higher learning: McGill University and Champlain College. • Continuation of programs that are successful and cancellation of those which are not with an acceptance of the change in needs, wants, and evolving to keep up with family trends. • Expansion of concepts to other schools in our school board through information sharing, consultation with school communities, and involvement of all schools in every event. • Finding a financial balance of generating revenue all while not increasing the financial burden on already struggling families. Respecting this ideology when determining price point for projects is key.
CLC: Best Practices 2009-2010 • Involvement of staff in creating of and participation in activities, courses, and programs of the Community Learning Centre. Ideas encouraged from all members and not just those on steering committee. • Participation in local and regional community tables. Sharing of information in order to transmit information to our school populations about local services available. Also creates a voice to represent minority English concerns on these predominantly French roundtables. CLC becomes a resource to help other organizations reach the Anglophone community. • Participation in international conferences such as the community schools international forum in Portland Oregon, the Rural development conference in Saskatoon, the Community Development conference in Phoenix Arizona and Coalition of Community Schools in Philadelphia. • A structured schedule for human resources and security. Entrance in the back, more parking area. • The movement from simply “What” are we doing – to “Why” are we doing also. Parents and community members, now understanding more completely the value added of CLC to their community. • Moving towards a school board wide CLC Concept base model. As “St. Will” is the hub for Chateauguay, but other schools know they are involved in promoting the activities – possibly hosting them if need be also. Built within strategic plan – promotion of CLC concepts now part of school success plans with NFSB.
CLC Challenges: 2007-2010 CHALLENGES 1. VCN – technology. The VCN is not an economically powerful tool. VCN was conceived as a method to bring financial sustainability, but unfortunately that has not come to fruition and that specific business model is not realistic. As technology changes so rapidly and reality of payment to use by outside sources is just not a reality for our CLC. The VCN has been utilized by teachers for Video-conference activities, but likely not to the extent we would have hoped. It is however growing and becoming a viable teaching tool. We also had problems with our projector, but LEARN stepped in to help in replacing our projector. 2. Human resources – unions: the more money coming in and more activities, with employees doing different jobs in a CLC reality. Adhering to union rules and procedures is a continuous challenge. 3. Publicity – costs, participation, sustainability: there is not a limitless publicity budget. Reaching those outside immediate school population is difficult. 4. Finding solutions to an ever changing and growing needs of the community. Families need more and more help especially during hard-economic reality. 5. Continuing to bolster relationships and encourage autonomy of all stakeholders. Many ideas are pitched, but partners (individuals) sometimes just want the CLC to do it, without any help. Not realistic when dossiers get larger and larger as the CLC continues grow. 6. Workshops to get parents to attend. Apathy, time constraints are hard to combat. 7. Find services in ENGLISH to answer needs. There are definitely more needs than available bilingual resources. 8. Other administrators understanding and buying in – as all of them play role in supporting, understanding and participating in the development of our school board’s resolution of Community connections. This challenge has improved as we have grown.
CLC - Challenges that were addressed • Parking situation (lack of) “was unbearable and needed attention” new parking lot in the back. More spots, safer for entire school. Had been a problem for St. Will for years. • Lack of time to properly implement the needs and the ideas. Coordinator was hired full time. • Lack of immediate financial cushion to start innovative programs because the return paid for the initial expensive and then became a profit. (the example is our basement - if we had not had the $$$ fronted for the PreK/dance studio it would not now be bringing in $450.00 a month in revenue) • Not enough communication between the different government agencies who are all supposed to be lined up to help facilitate this process. Process of working together seems to be evolving (i.e CSSS, and school boards). • Difficulty finding time to manage and nurture relationships with multiple business partners. The more partnerships the more work and management that is required. • The departments in a school board need to be involved in the process as new procedures need to be created. i.e. pay for occasion non union people, building being open more, entente with city, and working with the custodial staff to accommodate the new realities. This doesn’t work yet in some places, it is a process. • Security for the entrance of the school in the elementary setting. Establish the best option for security, with entrance in the back, a resource person in the building anytime there are activities with children. Ability to be more flexible with partners and trying help them hold events within our building. • Adult groups coming into the elementary school during the school day gives us a challenge for security. But security of children and staff is always a top priority and open for dialogue. • Communication to parents. A CLC Brochure is created with school board design team, twice a year. A Fall (Sept) and Winter (February) session. Partners info and CLC run courses are included as each elementary school gets the brochure delivered to their students.
What has worked so far… • Bridges the gap between families in the community and the school • Answers questions, needs and support without only focussing on academics • Just the fact that people are in the building and using it, is good • Team approach to solving challenges • It brings families together for good quality time- • It helps make a child happier - the entire child- • Reduces anxiety and stress on a child because they can participate in activities without their parents having a financial burden • Brings schools within their own school board together- surrounding the child and their family in the community together strengthens the English people’s camaraderie. • It creates places where minority groups can help itself and is not be dependant on the “francophone” majority to provide it.- ex: social workers needs or nurses or doctors… this can be addressed by the CLC for the people • Fills a gap where people need alternatives for things like childcare. i.e. Summer Camp • Staff becomes more conscientious of the outside stress on a child and makes them aware of opportunities for the family to tap into. Example: single parents families can suggest our link to Re-Nou-vie (single parent families association) • Increases citizenship within our community as people take ownership of the community regardless of background. They are no longer outsiders in their own community. • It decreases isolation because it helps to build connections between people. • Solves problems that before seemed insurmountable. • Increased or maintained enrolment – when predictions had our enrolment decreasing • Increases daily attendance. (Students who used to be absent frequently are now coming to school so they do not miss out after school) • Encourages people to think of what they need and want and then inspires them to let it happen by putting the conditions into play for it. • Tutoring program is offering a fantastic resource for improvement and the results are being tracked • Bringing together of the different generations in our community through programs
Budget: Snapshot of financials of St. Willibrord CLC. Basic money breakdown. IK: In-kind Notes: Decrease in revenue from 08-09 to 09-10 due largely to March and Summer Camp money being directly handled by Carrefour Crossroads as the service provider. They now pay salaries of employees and administrative work. In return they give a “partnership fee” back to the CLC. Example: $1000 for March break and $5000 for Summer Camp. This allows for a stronger long-term survival of the service and a maintenance of quality service. Data for 2007-08 was not as detailed and specific as following years.
Partnership Evolvement • CEDEC (2007): holds a monthly meeting or workshops in our CLC. As a home base for most Chateauguay English speaking entrepreneurs. • Family Yoga (Sylvie Carmel - 2007): A kindergarten teacher which was one of the first courses ever offered in our CLC. The family Yoga class is now a staple in our programming. Brings parents and kids to do yoga together. Offered now adult yoga course in Winter 2010. 10-weeks ($50) - both semester • CECN: Chateauguay English Community Network (2008) - One of the most “important” partners. We have been able to help solidify the CECN, have place for their meetings, help promote their projects. They have been key to bring in English speaking seniors for intergenerational program along with creating MILR Chateauguay campus. CLC now part of their executive committee beginning in Summer of 2010. A partnership that is very natural and beneficial for both. • French Conversation (Annabelle Daignault - 2008): Cycle 3 teacher, offered very non-stressful but enjoyable French conversation for parents. Small group (6-8) but is something we want to grow. Started in Fall 2009 and continues. 10-weeks ($50) - both semester • Parkview Pre-school (Fall 2008): Established in a un-used part of our school, which was renovated, PreK now runs five days a week. She is already full (4-year old program as of: April 2010) for year 2010-11. Has been huge success, allows for early intervention, better prepared children for kindergarten, grade 6 children can help out with little children and is part of the school fabric. • Les Clementines Pre-school (Fall 2009): Established in Harmony school, helped create the partnership. As the demand is there, she started with 9 children and ready to grow already. Shared space with daycare. PreK created in schools to help with enrollment and get children started within our own school board. This did not exist before CLC. • Toastmasters (Fall 2009): Public speaking group that rent space once a week. They had no place to hold meetings and were not in existence in community before the CLC was established.
Partnership Evolvement • NOVA – Nova Career Center (Winter 2009) – now host Seniors computer courses every week. Started with our laptops but partnered up wit NOVA as they have more and larger (monitors) computer, a larger computer room which makes it easier for the seniors. • MILR (McGill Institute of retired learners – Fall 2009) – Partnership along with CECN to create courses for especially seniors ad retired citizens. Has blossomed into a mini-campus whereas a few courses have been offered in conjunction with one another. • CPS/MGS/Harmony/HSB school (Fall 2007) – our school boards schools all pass out the information and promote the activities as al their students are invited to participate in the activities. One course hosted at CPS to date (Winter 2010). • Champlain College St. Lambert: Early Childhood Education Attestation program offered at our CLC (January 2009). Two and half years started with 32 students, at 25 (Summer 2010). Residents in our area getting trained to have qualification after completion, • Quebec en Forme (Fall 2009): Joined the committee to create and be part of our area’s QEF governing body. Will be one of three schools, two other ones are from French school board to in theory benefit from lunch time activities and healthy eating initiatives. As of (May 2010) waiting to hear on our proposal. • Resources Illimitees (Fall 2007): Printing company prints our brochures for free in exchange for putting the their logo and a thank you as a “good community company” in the brochure. Over 6 000 copies done free of charge. • Jazzercise (Fall 2008): Rent space three times a week. These courses did not exists in our town before creation of CLC. • Zumba (Arriba dance) (Fall 2008): Rent space two times a week. These courses did not exists in our town before creation of CLC. Miss Rina also teaches our Hip Hop and Zumba courses for kids. She gives a good rate for her services and we return favor vice-versa. • Combat Cardio (January 2010): Exercise course for adults they offer a service that did not exist prior.
Partnership Evolvement • Play Palace (Summer 2008 to Summer 2009): Fun kids house that offered discounted access to our summer camp children, also gave free entrance to limited number of children that could not afford it. • Lacombe Martial Arts (2007): Offers martial arts courses for three years now, only $50 for 10-weeks and allows for teaching of discipline and physical activity. • St. Patty’s Day Parade Society of Chateauguay (2008): hold annual dance at our school for during weekend of their tournament. We also play in a charitable game staff against them during their “outdoor classic” day. They have donated over $4000 combined to our CLC over the last couple years. • Irish Dancing + Cheerleading (Fall 2008): Gives cost-effective courses and she has grown now to open her own academy that takes part in local community events and is now growing exponentially. • Let’s Be Creative (January 2010): New art based course that uses many different types of mediums. • Kids Painting (Fall 2009): change of teachers but a staple in bringing more arts. • Re-nou-vie (Fall 2008): Single mother help group, they offer workshops and support to the women. • Table de jeunesse (Fall 2008): Permanent member and fixture a youth table of Monteregie. Definitely now part of the community group landscape. The sense is we represent the entire English community because are able to reach this particular population. Asked in Spring 2010 to now be part of the committee which decides which groups shall receive funding for youth table grants. Shall be sure to now sensitize groups to also not forget Anglophone community. • Women’s Entrepreneurs (Fall 2009): Monthly meetings of women entrepreneur’s networking and trying to help one another in the creation of their businesses. • St. Patty’s Cup Committee (Spring 2009): Annual dance held in our school. We wave the rental and clean-up fee and they in turn, give a hefty donation our CLC. Minimum of $2000 for the last two years 2009-2010. We also have a staff team play in the outdoor classic ceremonial first game.
Partnership Evolvement • CSSS: We are now an official “Healthy School – Ecole En Sante”. We are also now officially on the following tables. • Table De Jeunesse – (as of May 2010 – also part of the executive (4 members) that decides which community groups get what percentage of money allocated to partners of the Table. Of course now we look into those projects that are consious of Anglophone community also. • Table De Pettite Enfance – 0-5 year old community table. • Table 6-12 ans – a small group that our region is trying to grow. • Have helped the CSSS translate some of their material (ie: Survival Gide for Teenage Parents). They have given us funds to find teachers to do the work. • Part of the Annual Youth table Conference – organizing, being sure English workshops are involved during the day. • **Wednesday s @ Willibrord** - Once a month, a COMMUNITY TRADE SHOW in the school. More then 30 different community groups and agencies took part during the 8-events (First Wednesday of every month “except Sep & Jan.). A $2 spaghetti is available, activities for children, free babysitting services, workshops for parent groups that were involved: CSSS / Station 7 / Carrefour Jeunesse Emploi / Re-source / CECN / AVIF / RIAPAS / CALACS / City of Chateauguay: Mayor or city counselor on-site to answer questions / CSSS: Nurse or nutritionist to have information table. Cooking ideas, healthy living tips, health questions. / Maisons Des Jeunes of Chateauguay & also Mercier: bike tune up shop, info table. Heritage St-Bernard / Carrefour Crossroads: Camps and courses info / Chateauguay Valley Literacy Council / Roussillon Social Housing Committee: info on tenant rights / Benado: conflict resolution workshops and info / Crossroads Summer Camp & Summer Basketball Camp / Homework assistance from HSB students / Centre communautaire de Chateauguay / Maison Des Jeunes de Mercier / Station de l’aventure maison de la famille: offer free babysitting / Espace Chateauguay / Alcoholics Anonymous / Rencontre Chateauguois: offer $2 spaghetti dinner and information kiosks.
Results of CSSS Partnership: health and social services CSSS: • CSSS team in school • Social worker • Nurse • Dental hygienist • Écoles en Santé • Youth table rep. 2006 • none • none • 1 day/week • grade 3 • no • none 2010 • Partner CSSS Community Coordinator • two days/week-40 dossiers • 1.5 day/week + extra project work • liaison with Hospital- Kanahwake • all grades + intensive work with K- early screenings, sealants , and daily teeth brushing • first English Monteregie school to be a “Healthy School” • Representative / and part of funding committee which decides how distribution of money shall be divided between community groups.
Enrollment in CLC Camps Enrolment Data (Camps) other Maximum capacity is 151 students for any camp – with the limited space we have in the gymnasium and cafeteria. Summer Camp 2010 – filled by early April. Took a month to fill-up, approx: already 25 people on waiting list. Legend: CPS: Centennial Park school MGS: Mary Gardner StW: St. Willibrord Har: Harmony other: majority from French board
Enrollment in CLC Run courses Enrollment Data (Winter 2008-Jan/Jun) total StW CPS MGS Har other CLC run courses. We take the money, pay the instructors, make the receipts. We attempt to keep price for our families low, as we have tremendous amount of families that are on a fixed budget. - Standard price range is approx: $50 for 10-week session. - Payment of instructors is standard $30 an hour. Total of $300. - Takes a minimum of 6 participants at that price range to break even per courses in order to pay instructor. .
CLC Partnered courses: Different levels of planning needed for partnered courses. Some are strictly rentals. Others shared logistically or we facilitate for our partner (be it: space, advertising, translation, etc.)
CLC Evaluations: Evaluation of our CLC has been done in a few different methods: 1. WestEd will have an independent analysis of the NFSB Community Learning Centre Concepts. (will be added when received) (not yet received) 2. Tell them from Me surveys 3. Independent evaluator (Ms. Andrea Simpkin) was asked to make a sample size evaluation during the Fall of 2009 and Winter of 2010. The following are her findings: The purposes of the following evaluation is to: • To provide a report on the implementation and outcomes of the CLC at the end of the funding period; • To obtain feedback from partners, participants, teachers and students on the benefits of CLC programs and services; • To identify successes and challenges; and • To explore areas for program improvement and development.
Key Evaluation Questions Prior to our assessment we developed key evaluation questions that are grouped in three categories identified by LEARN. Development of School-Community Partnerships Development of School-Community Partnerships Development of School-Community Partnerships Development of School-Community Partnerships Development of School-Community Partnerships Development of School-Community Partnerships Development of School-Community Partnerships Development of School-Community Partnerships Student Engagement & Success Student Engagement & Success Student Engagement & Success Student Engagement & Success Student Engagement & Success Student Engagement & Success Student Engagement & Success Student Engagement & Success Access to Educational Opportunities & Lifelong Learning Access to Educational Opportunities & Lifelong Learning Access to Educational Opportunities & Lifelong Learning Access to Educational Opportunities & Lifelong Learning Access to Educational Opportunities & Lifelong Learning • In what ways and to what extent have students participated in CLC activities? • In what ways have students benefited from CLC activities? • In what ways has the CLC promoted lifelong learning among students and the broader community? • What has been the level of participation of students and community members in these activities? • What have been some of the outcomes of these activities in terms of benefits for community members? • What partnerships have been developed with community organizations and what purposes do they serve? • How have the partnerships benefited the community in and outside the school?
Methodology In order to answer our key evaluation questions we hired an external consultant to develop and deploy a methodology that encompasses a wide-range of data collection tools in order to illicit as much feedback as possible and in an impartial manner. The following is a description of the tools we used and our rationale. One-on-one interviews: Interviews were conducted to illicit feedback from partners. These interviews were conducted on the phone and took between 15-30 minutes. The reason we chose interviews as a means to illicit qualitative feedback from our partners is because we felt that more of a dialogue could be achieved and listening to our partners is important. On-line Surveys: These surveys were developed by using “Survey Monkey”- an inexpensive and online survey development tool. We developed surveys for participants of CLC activities, students and teachers. These surveys were launched in September. We decided to use the online survey as a way to illicit both quantitative and qualitative feedback from a large sample size. Furthermore, “Survey Monkey” allows for easy data collection and analysis. In order to get as many respondents as possible we offered an incentive which was a chance to win a free course. Enrollment data: All registrations for CLC activities are collected. We used these to determine the level of participation of students and community members in these activities.
Analysis of Findings Our key evaluation questions will drive our analysis. The development of school community partnerships will be discussed first and we will illustrate our results up to October 19, 2009 and then will elaborate more as more data comes in. Many partnerships have been developed. We have grouped these partnerships in order of what purpose they serve. Adult Physical Activity Child Physical Activity Family Connection Networking Learning/Education • Family Yoga • Parental support for children with special needs • Rhyme Time - story time and singing songs • Toastmasters • McGill Senior Peer Learning Group • Champlain Courses ECE • Senior Computers • Zumba • Jazzercise • Pilates • Sports Night • Irish dancing • Cheerleading • Hip Hop • Martial Arts • Kids Ballroom dancing • Zumba kids • CEDEC Meetings • Charity Dances - St. Patty's / HSB Alumni • Senior Computers
Analysis of Findings Continued • Advanced creative dance Physical Activity Child Physical Activity Family Connection Networking Learning/Education • CECN meetings • Seniors writing class • Re-nou-vie • CLC Video Conference Seminars • Seniors writing class • Parental support for children with special needs • Children's painting • Babysitting course • Acting • Guitar • Pre-K • Summer literacy • March camp • Tutoring • Pre-school • Cooking
Analysis of Findings Continued • In addition to offering a wide variety of programs to the community, respondents indicated that their needs were being met.
Analysis of Findings Continued The programs offered at our CLC have benefited the community in many ways. Based on 27 respondents (to date) of our online survey, the following illustrates the categories that emerged and some of the responses collected when asked, “How have you benefited from the activities that the CLC has provided?” Affordable cost • “provided a place for my children to go for an affordable price”. • “My daughter was able to continue with a learning environment throughout the summer thanks to the Literacy Day Camp and is now able to pursue some of her creative interests at an affordable cost to me”. Social interaction • “My son has been able to interact with other children in a place that I trust”. • “By providing my daughter with a place to have fun and interact with other children”. • “My child has improved his social skills interacting with children of different ages as well as learning teamwork and cooperation”. Learning / Continued Education • “My daughter was able to continue with a learning environment throughout the summer thanks to the Literacy Day Camp and is now able to pursue some of her creative interests at an affordable cost to me”.
Analysis of Findings Continued Next, we examined students' participation in CLC and how they are benefiting from the programs offered. In order to gain this insight we asked parents for feedback of their child's participation and perception of their child's engagement. As well, students in grades 4-6 were asked to fill out an online survey Based on 12 responses from parents, the programs that had the highest participation Summer Literacy Camp, Hip Hop and Sports Night. Students are benefitting by increasing physical activity, learning new skills and building on literacy.
Analysis of Findings Continued Parents were asked list the CLC programs that their child(ren) have been participating in. The data shown here is based on 12 responses. As more data is collected from our online survey this will be modified. Data based on 12 responses
Analysis of Findings Continued Students were asked to rate their perceptions of value statements deemed important to the success of the CLC programs. Most students 'agree' with the value statements. Given that one of the goals of the CLC is to promote life-long learning, some interesting feedback includes: • 47% of respondents feel as though thy are provided with leadership opportunities • 45% of respondents feel that they are given opportunities to improve on skills • 60% of respondents feel challenged to learn new things Based on this feedback, an area for improvement is maintaining control during activities as 47% of respondents 'agree' that things get out of control during activities.
Analysis of Findings Continued Students were asked to rate certain skills and competencies. Then they were asked whether they have improved or stayed the same in terms of their ability since they have participated in CLC programming. Although for most of the skills and competencies respondents indicated that their ability is about the same, 55% of students indicated that they have improved in creative skills, like art, music, dance, drama. As well, 54% indicated they have improved in working with computers/internet since being involved with the CLC.
Analysis of Findings Continued In order to assess how St. Willibrord's CLC promotes lifelong learning amongst students and the broader community we interviewed some of the key partners we have. They were also able to provide us with their perceptions of the outcomes of their programs. As well, the data collected from students and teachers help us further understand of the CLC promoted life-long learning. In order to assess the participation of the students and community members we used the enrollment data.
Analysis of Findings Continued Teachers were asked to think about the students in their class that are participating in CLC programs and assess the level of impact the CLC programs are having on certain skills/competencies. In 77% of the skills/competencies teachers felt as though there had been a positive impact for their students. The areas that the majority of teachers agreed are having a positive impact are: • Sports, athletic, physical activities • Creative skills, like art, music, dance, drama • Making and keeping friends • Leadership skills Areas where we could place more effort in terms of impacting students are: • Planning, setting goals, and being organized • Math
Analysis of Findings Continued Partners were asked to reflect on how they felt they were promoting lifelong learning within their. Some of the responses were: • program • “Students learn to respect one another and learn how to work together”. • “Students are learning that everyone is different”. • “Adults are learning how to learn from one another and network”. In general, partners are feeling that they are providing programs that aren’t offered elsewhere or that is offered elsewhere but unaffordable to the people attending their programs. Partners were asked what they felt were outcomes of their programs. Responses included: • “…providing networking opportunities”. • “Learning from experts that would otherwise be unaffordable”. • “Some adults are so impressed with the CLC that they gave donations for the summer camp”. • ANALYSIS CONCLUSION: • A common theme that emerged from the interviews with partners was that the CLC was providing the English community with programs that brought people together and where people were connecting in ways not seen before.
Analysis of Findings Continued Interesting overall Results: taken from Tell them From Me and other sources. Our school and CLC is one: • Enrollment of students: (was projected to decline, but…) • 2006 - 347 2010 - 365 • St. Willibrord students with a positive sense of belonging: • 2006 – 69% 2010 - 78% • Bullying survey: Bullying is an issue • 2007 - 53% 2010 – 29% • Summer literacy camp: • 2006 - 18 2010 - 150 (20 on waiting list) • Running Records results: students not reading at grade level • 2008 – 80% cycle one 2010 – 10% cycle two • (these are the same students) • * data from April 2010*
Conclusion • Promoting lifelong learning is central to the goals of the CLC. Based on the results of this study we feel that we are doing an excellent job at promoting lifelong learning but more can be done. Bridging the gap between our native population and the school has been one area, where we have had some difficulty. • We know that obesity is on the rise in children and sports and physical activity have been widely desired as part of CLC programming and enrolment and participation are high. We believe that promoting physical activity is also promoting a healthy lifestyle and this is an important lifelong skill. • Stress and anxiety are also on the rise in our society today. Creative skills such as art, dance and music are all skills that can reduce stress and anxiety. Parents, students and teachers all feel that these skills are being built on in the CLC programming and as a result students are learning lifelong skills to deal with such things as stress and anxiety. • The Community Learning Centre at St.Willibrord has revitalized the school community and improved the sense of belonging of the students and the families. It has created a place for the English community to meet and dialogue about their lives in this city and in the province.
Conclusion Continued • Leadership and the ability to meet new people and maintain relationships are competencies that have been acknowledged as being developed during CLC programs. In today’s competitive work environments these abilities are critical. Again, by developing leadership skills and relationship management ability at young ages we feel we are promoting lifelong learning. • Achieving the theory of change of 2007: We answered the needs, evolved with the stakeholders as they developed their understanding and took ownership of the community learning centre. During our period of evaluation we questioned what our vision and mission should become in accordance with the educational success agreements of the school with the school board and the partnership agreement of the school board with the ministry. Our CLC and school are so intertwined, it only made sense to know make them one in the same. Initial acceptance of the CLC in our school has been achieved and now it has reached point to marry the two into one.
Recommendations • A community school needs to address the stressors of the immediate school as well as the community outside its walls. Responding to stress of Teachers, impositions of the curriculum, and the social emotional needs of the students. While attempting to include CLC initiatives within the classroom, matching them with LES (Learning Educational Situation) would be more receptive and successful. • Partnerships that are” WIN-WIN” for both parties are the nucleus to the success of a community school. The people need to be the main players in the function, sustainability and management of this system within a school. A “CLC” is only as effective as it serves its people. • Creation of a “permanent code” type of school board wide database system (used also for billing, receipts) to track the involvement of students to possibly see a correlation between academic success from being involved in CLC projects. Long-term effects and an effective data collection system will be an excellent and persuasive tool if the positive outcomes are what we believe they may be for our families. • Involving business in the support and sponsorship of investments to this initiative are key explorations to be taken in the near future. As a financial reality is always looming and hanging over the sustainable viability of the project. But taking the CLC away now or in the future, now that the community has bought in – is not an option.
Future directions: • CLC connections will become common place for all/most schools in the New Frontiers School Board. • Equal opportunity for all our schools to take part in CLC concepts at whatever level they are capable of managing. • Discussion of name change ---- “St. Willibrord Community School” ---- an idea, to be debated. The CLC is one in the same with school. • Continued search and creation of WIN-WIN partnerships. • The school needs of the students and the staff will be addressed and responded to in a pro active manner. • Attempt to partner with the local chamber of commerce will improve our ability to offer service. • Social and health issues can be addressed through the involvement of the Community Learning centre's actions. • Work with the CSSS, Mohawk Council and education centre and Quebec en Forme to coordinate efforts for health and social services. • Develop intergenerational projects that include schools and centres partnering them. As societal demographic shifts continues, taping into senior resource would make a lot of sense. • Liaise with youth and adult education initiatives including SARCA services • Based on the principals and centre directors assessment of needs, we need to create a CLC platform for each school to use to track students and their progress. This tool will be used in the evaluation process with quantitative & qualitative date. • Be able to collaborate with the schools on the priorities of the strategic plan and the success plan to integrate community learning centre concepts. • Support in writing financial reports and grant applications is necessary. • Organize and support relevant professional development including Video conferencing for pedagogy, inclusion towards LES based ideas. • Representation on committees and focus tables such the CRE, table concertation, forum jeunesse, table jeunesse, Action Haut St.Laurent, etc... Being present definitely helps in building relationships.
ATTENDANCE DATA: of CLC run eventsStarting in 2007 to 2010 - breakdown Enrollment Data (Winter 2007-Sep/Dec) Enrollment Data (Summer Camp 2007) StW total StW CPS MGS Har other Total Enrollment Data (Winter 2008-Jan/Jun) - Projects attempted that did not work: Dental Hygiene Seminar, Being Mindful Together workshops, Private tutoring services. - Tracking which school participants came from was not done.
ATTENDANCE DATA: of CLC run events Enrollment Data (Winter 2008-Jan/Jun) total StW CPS MGS Har other - Projects attempted that did not work: adult book club, adult pilates