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Jaroslav Najbert. “You look at it this way, boy.” How to teach descendants of the orderly citizens of real-socialist Czechoslovakia?. History and Memory. The Soviet Past - 1953-1990 2011 November 28-29. Teaching history. 1. Traditional believe of many historians and public:
Jaroslav Najbert “You look at it this way, boy.”How to teach descendants of the orderly citizens of real-socialist Czechoslovakia? History and Memory. The Soviet Past - 1953-1990 2011 November 28-29
Teachinghistory 1. Traditionalbelieveof many historiansand public: Teachers are popularisersofthehistorical science Pupilsreproducethefactsofthe past 2. Reality ofmodernclass: Interpretativesubject, multiperspectivity, Interactionwithhistorical consciousness
Family memory of Communist dictatorship in school education School (teachers, schoolbooks) X Familymemory
Memory in schooleducation 1. Culturalmemory sharedwithin a nationalcollective official text, pictures, rituals school – oneof the major carriers and mediators of cultural memory
Memory in schooleducation 2. Communicative (family) memory Individualexperienceoflivingcommunicator Distinctivefamilyunderstandningandinterpretationofthe past May differfromtheculturalmemory
Cultural x familymemory Cultural memory, August 1968 Family memory, August 1968
Whatshallweteachaccording to curriculum? History is„the cultivation of the individual historical consciousness and the effort to maintain the continuity and historical memory, especially in terms of passing on historical experience.“ Framework Educational Program (FEP), Ministry of education, 2007
Culturalmemory in education the formation of positive civic attitudes developing a consciousness of belonging to European civilization and culture promoting the adoption of the values on which contemporary democratic Europe is founded(FEP) MEMORY OF POLITICAL PRISONERS AND OPPONENTS OF COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIP
Researchofthefamilymemory Germany Harald Welzez et al. Opa war kein Nazi: Nationalsozialismus und Holocaust im Familiengedächtnis (2002)
Researchofthefamilymemory • CzechRepublic • Institute forthe Study ofTotalitarianRegimes Oral historical project forschools “Velké a malé příběhy moderních dějin” Great and small stories of modern history
Great and small stories of modern history Confront „great history“ (schoolbooks, TV) with „small history“ (family memories) Three parts: methodological and motivational schooling for students, realization of interviews final analysis and interpretation
Characteristicsoftheproject Researched era 1968-1989: Prague Spring - Normalization (era of neostalinism) - Velvet Revolution 220 interviews Ministry of Education grant support
Characteristicsofthe sample Collectiondoes not representbalanced sample ofmemoriesofpre-1989 Czechoslovak society (not ourintention) Collectionfreelyavailable on thewebsiteofour Institute Above-averageshareof university absolventsandsecondary-school-educatedwintesses
Conclusions? Specific function of family story telling - an interview within the family becomes a medium for creating an image of the past May be more powerfull than school books Not common description of the past! – evaluation, experience, influence the interviewer
The period of Communist dictatorship not uniformlyrecalled negative evaluation prevails minority nostalgically neutral cases of obvious ostalgie and positive evaluation of the theory and practice of regime of state socialism.
Lack of conflict remembering in the families Not clear willingness to challenge moral attitudes or values of family members in the times of real-socialism Communists have disappeared from the families The personal responsibility is often downplayed or externalized with reference to the nature of the time or regime
Examplesofnonconflict story telling/receiving Merely exceptional spontaneous confession of a membership in the Communist Party „Who doesn‘t steal, robs his family“ No challenging of the fact that relatives repeatedly lied on public or acted contrary to their conscience (elections, public rituals, etc.)
Theses Students accept the anticommunist attitudes prevailing in the cultural memory • condemnation of injustice, restriction of freedoms, undemocratic communist dictatorship The relatives are not seen as active bearers of values and attitudes against which the pupils define
Results? Communistswerebastardsbuttherewere no bastards in my family. „My grandfather was not a Commie.“ Author‘s Alert! Weneeddetailedresearchandcomparisonwithin post-communiststates MemoryofNacism x MemoryofCommunism
Problemof multiperspectivity Differentfamilymemories – differentpespectivesofevaluation AnticommunistCzechculturalmemoryaccepted by many families X Minority personalmemoriesoftimesofsocial stability andorderlylife
How to teachstudentswithnonconformfamilytradition? “You're wrong boy, your reflection of the past is false, you have to look at it this way.” Absolute authority doesn‘t work in praxis Tolerance in modern education Confront perspectives, not discredit