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Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf B. Kämpfer Indian Summer School 2011 Extreme Matter in the Universe (part 3). LHC at CERN: searching Higgs, SUSY, the unknown. SM: masses of quarks & part of leptons (e.g., e-). P. Higgs 1964. Mystery of Mass.
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf B. Kämpfer Indian Summer School 2011 Extreme Matter in the Universe (part 3)
LHC at CERN: searching Higgs, SUSY, the unknown SM: masses of quarks & part of leptons (e.g., e-) P. Higgs 1964
Rel. Heavy-Ion Colls.: RHIC & LHC RHIC LHC hydro applies: Frankfurt HIC group
Thermal Model at Work chemical freeze-out densities ratios adjust to data Andronic et al. 1106.6321
Chemical Freeze-Out Systematics PBM, Stachel, 1101.3167
Particles vs. Antiparticles post- and pre-dictions Andronic et al. 1106.6321
Blast Wave Fits kinetic freeze-out chem. f.o. fit of pT spectra by T and v ALICE 1108.3257 BK 1996
Fluid Dynamics for urHICs t present day standard tool: 3. kinetics (transport model) 2. hydrodynamics 1. kinetics (transport model) mid rapidity first contact preequilibrium hydro: sQGP hadronization hydro: hadron gas chemical f.o. hydro: hadron gas kinetic f.o. weak decays x t ? free stream free stream fluid
Milne Coordinates Bjorken flow: Bjorken symmetry: Gubser flow:
Bjorken Flow Milne cordinates Bjorken symmetry EoS in conformal limit: e = 3p entropy in comoving volume = conserved for every EoS w/o dissipation mystery:
Longitudinal Pressure Gradient v = th y initial conds: Bjorken flow Bozek, PRC 2009 • init. non-Bjorken flow: • different evolution • it is hard to modify Bjorken‘s flow once it is there origin of Bjorken flow? Kajantie, Eskola, Russkanen, EPJC 1998
Soft and Hard Probes ALICE, PLB 2011 jets
Hard Probes: Medium Modifications energy loss RHIC: disappearence of away-side jet
Transverse Flow soft probes central semi-central peripheral no p momentum space configuration space
STAR at RHIC Bluhm et al., PRC 2007 hydro Cooper-Frye momentum distrib. v2(p_perp)
Viscous Fluid Dynamics water is good fluid, honey not, oil partially
bulk viscosity shear viscosity rel. Navier-Stokes eqs.
Viscosities from Calculations Bluhm, BK, Redlich, PRC 2011
A Unified Description: AdS/CFT 2 Chesler, Yaffe, PRL 2011 1 1‘ 3 2‘ time AdS/CFT: 1. solve 5d Einstein vacuum eqs. (with symmetries) with negative cosmological constant 2. obtain 4d energy-momentum tensor from holographic renormalization (boundary theory)
What remains for CBM at FAIR? T = mu energy frontier SIS18 Bevalac SPS RHIC LHC AGS SIS100/300 intensity frontier: rare probes (charm, photons, dileptons)
physics case technical design simulations & feasibility
Key Issues for CBM • in-depth study of onset of deconfinement • EoS & transport coefficients • medium modifications hadrons • „never studied“ at SIS100/300 energies: • charm: hidden & open, charm baryons • (created early probe dense stage) • dileptons & photons: penetrating probes • (monitoring the dense stage, looking into fireball) • fluctuations: higher moments sensitive to proxy of CEP • correlations: size (temporal & spatial) measurements
Strongly Coupled Systems transport peak quasi-particles AdS/CFT weak coupling strong coupling
Summary • Cosmic Confinement/Hadronization: no imprints • nucleons as remainder due small excess (= accident?) • Nucleosynthesis: sensitive test of cosmic dynamics • abundancies of light elements is specific imprint • Neutron Stars: quark cores seem possible • (but hard to verify; need fine tuning of cold EoS) • RHIC & LHC: sQGP seems w/o doubts, EoS from lattice QCD, • sQGP = most perfect fluid: viscosities are small, • energy scan at RHIC gives orientation (no rare probes) • HADES&CBM at SIS100/300: exploration of phase diagram, • rare & penetrating probes, closer link to hadron physics
Probing the Fireball‘s Interior PRL 2007 thermal radiation: Gallmeister et al. PLB 2000 Rapp-Shuryak PLB 2000
DLS Puzzle Solved by Bremsstrahlung? Nikola Tesla 1888 Barz et al. 0910.1541 Bratkovskaya, Cassing NPA 2008 C(1 AGeV) + C DLS: PRL 1997 HADES: PLB 2008 M [GeV] 1997: bremsstrahlung ... contribution was found to be small 2007: DLS puzzle... may be solved when incorporating a stronger bremsstr. contribution Aichelin et al. 2008: w/ bremsstrahlung Santini et al. 2008: w/o bremsstrahlung Schmidt et al. 2009: w/o bremsstrahlung
CERES Pb(158 AGeV)+Au <T> = 170 MeV cocktail thermal rad. DY thermal rad. cocktail t pre-equ. fireball freeze-out
NA60: Di-Muons NA60 0907.3935 broadening no shift LMR IMR NA60 NA60 0907.3935
real photons Quarks & Gluons Hadrons RHIC Drees 0909.4976 PHENIX 0912.0244 cocktail confirmed by pp PHENIX PHENIX 0912.0244
Dielectrons PHENIX data
Photons PHENIX data
Fluid Dynamics from Gravity FG coordinates Bhattacharyya, Hubeny, Rangamani ... JHEP 2008 bulk near z = 0, asymp. AdS metric & black brane strong coupling regime: universal sector in long-wavelength solutions, isotropization assume as relevant d.o.f.
epsilon expansion: z expansion equivalent? iterative solutions of Einstein eqs. constitutive eqs.: extrinsic curvature on r = const from
Janik, Lecture Notes Phys. 2011 The Janik Route Bjorken flow + symmetry, Milne coordinates e
0 0 1 Get e(tau) from AdS/CFT FG coordinates: boundary theory: z = 0 z expansion (indices suppressed): ... • iterative solution for n > 4 Einstein eqs. Skenderis et al., 2000 Definition: Kretschmann
Large tau: requirement: K = regular (no singularities in the bulk) values of the only scale shear viscosity = Gyulassy, Danilewicz PRD 1985 numbers Small tau: Einstein eqs. constraints for A, B, C allowed init. conds. anisotropy measure Beuf et al., JHEP 2009
Heller, Janik, Witaszczyk 2011 1st-order hydro stage: q = 0 F/w = 2/3
Comparison of with Frankfurt third-order rel. diss. hydro, extension of Israel-Stewart El, Xu, Greiner, PRC 2010 Denicol, Koide, Rischke, PRL 2010 shear tensor: for Bjorken flow & symm. Boltzmann m = 0 transient dynamics looks as gradient expansion