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English Language and Literature GCSE - Year 10 and 11 Overview

A detailed overview of the English Language and Literature GCSE courses for Year 10 and 11 students, including key differences, exam dates, revision tips, and resources for AQA exams.

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English Language and Literature GCSE - Year 10 and 11 Overview

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  1. English Language and Literature Year 10 and Year 11

  2. All students will take both separate English Language and Literature GCSEs Paper copies of the key points from this presentation are available.

  3. Year 10 All students follow the same courses, but are doing so in different ways. (only 1 tier for all grades) AQA English Language (8700) and Literature (8702) – Sets 1 to 5 All assessment from exam in Y11. These are national changes.

  4. New GCSE number instead of letter grade. What does it mean?

  5. Year 10 course

  6. Key Differences • Students have to study and be able to write about the whole novel or play (Lit). • Students have to write a creative piece in the exam. (Lang) • Spelling, punctuation and grammar is worth more of the final grade. (both) • Context is more important (Lit)

  7. Year 10 Year 10 English Mock in early July. Students will do an AQA sample English Paper 1 and a sample Literature question on ‘Macbeth’ There will be in class practise / revision as well as homework.

  8. Year 11 Sets 1-3

  9. AQA English (4700) - TUESDAY 7th JUNE (am): 1 Exam Paper (2 hours and fifteen minutes) : • Four questions based on ‘unseen’ texts and two written tasks (60%) Revision: • Read and add to notes on non-fiction texts. Look at mock and practice papers • Remember TIMING IS KEY • Q1 – 15 mins / Q2 – 15 mins / Q3 – 15 mins / Q4 – 30 mins/ Q5 – 25 mins / Q6 – 35 mins • Practise past papers. Know what is always in sections A and B. Section A questions are always worded in the same way. • ELE/English/KS4/AQA/2014-16 folder

  10. AQA English Literature (9715)- MONDAY 23rd MAY (am) Unit 1: Drama and Prose, 1 hour 30 minutes (40%) – Drama = ‘An Inspector Calls’ Prose = ‘Of Mice and Men’ (studied in Year 10 and revised in terms 3, 4 or 5 ) Revision: • ELE/KS4/AQA/201416/AQAEnglishLiterature/OfMiceandMen2015exam • Section A: ‘An Inspector Calls’ / Section B: ‘Of Mice and Men’ – read and add to your notes on characters and themes/ watch the film versions. • Practise past papers. • ‘An Inspector Calls’ – You choose one question from two printed on the paper. • You will have 2 parts to the ‘Of Mice and Men’ question. You do both parts. a) Will ask you to comment on a passage printed in the exam paper b) Will ask you to comment context (American society in 1936) in the whole novel.

  11. AQA English Literature (9715)- FRIDAY 27thMAY (am) • Unit 2: Relationships Poetry Anthology and an ‘unseen poem’ , I hour 15 minutes (35%) • Two sections. Section A is on the ‘Relationships’ cluster. Choose one question from two. Spend 45 minutes writing about two poems. Section B is on an unseen poem. Spend 30 minutes on this section. • Read and add to notes on ‘Relationships’ poems. • Practise past papers. ( Look at ELE/KS4/AQA/201416/AQAEnglishLiterature/PoetryMay15exam • or BBC Bitesize/GCSE/English/Literature or AQA/Subjects/English/GCSE/Literature9715

  12. Set 4 and FL All students will do both courses. Why not AQA as the other sets? All written assessment is at the end of the course. This gives students time to develop and progress. Speaking and listening = 10%

  13. English Language Specification at a glance This Level 1/Level 2 Certificate qualification comprises three assessments: • Paper 1: written examination • Paper 2: written examination • Paper 3: speaking and listening coursework

  14. English Language Paper 1 – 2 hrs 15 mins (70%) TUESDAY 7th JUNE (am): Overview of content Reading • Unseen passage. • Section A of the Edexcel Anthology Writing • Topic of a piece from Section A of the Edexcel Anthology • Writing to inform, explain and describe.

  15. English Language Paper 2 – 1 hour 30 mins (20%) - THURSDAY 9th JUNE (pm) Overview of content Reading • Unseen passage. • Section B of the Edexcel Anthology Writing •Writing to argue, persuade and advise. • Writing to explore, imagine and entertain.

  16. Literature • This Level 1/Level 2 Certificate qualification comprises two assessments: • Paper 1: written examination - Mon 23rd May (am) •  Paper 2: written examination

  17. Paper 2: Friday 27th May (am)

  18. Year 11 - Support • Targeted revision of Paper 1 questions. Ms Young in R3 (Thursday 3pm) • Aiming for A*. Mr Wilkes in R2 (Thursday 3pm) • Will switch to a general English homework/help club for Y11.

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