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BP/DRIS TG. Sergey Parinov, euroCRIS membership meeting, St. Andrews, November 2009. Best Practice (BP). Best Practice legacy - 1998. Code of good practice, 1998:
BP/DRIS TG Sergey Parinov, euroCRIS membership meeting, St. Andrews, November 2009
Best Practice legacy - 1998 • Code of good practice, 1998: • it has been created to establish a framework for encouraging interoperation and harmonisation between European(and other) research institutions • its intention is to focus clearly on the reasons for having a CRIS and on the main components of the system • adoption of it will lead to: • Increased usability of data and value of CRISs to the users (often with varied demands and requirements) • Increased interoperability between CRISs • Reduced operating cost for CRISs • Reduced effort for information exchange
Best Practice legacy - 2006 • Code of the Best Practice, 2004-2006 • the inter-relationships between CRISs, and between CRIS and other related information systems environments (e.g. digital libraries, scientific datasets) has become clearer
“Best Practice” definitions • “… best-practice is considered by some as a business buzzword used to describe the process of developing and following a standard way of doing things…” (Wikipedia) • “Best practices can also be defined as the most efficient (least amount of effort) and effective (best results) way of accomplishing a task, based on repeatable procedures that have proven themselves over time for large numbers of people.” (Wikipedia)
Ideas for the Code of Best Practice 2010 ? • General view: • What are current tasks of CRIS development according target groups of users • … taking from a “large number of people” as repeatable ways to solve the tasks • … and publishing as “standard ways for doing things”
Topics suggested by Keith Jeffery • What data structure do I use for a CRIS • What questions can it answer • Can it produce researcher VCs? • Can it produce web pages describing a group or department? • Can it help in research proposals? • Can it store information on research outputs? • Will it interface to an existing OA IR? • Can it produce a publication list for a group or department or project? • Can I link it with other CRIS to get a continent or world view? • How do I reduce the manual input from researchers? • Will the CRIS interoperate with existing finance, HR, project systems? • How does it relate to patents databases? • Financial and business topics • Can it provide a breakdown of research funding by year, by source, by department, by group in my university?
Ideas from Max Stempfhuber • “it should be a nice looking publication downloadable as PDF and also printable” • “it could be more efficient if we work on the individual chapters in a coordinated way and put it up for comments the moment we feel that the euroCRIS members will be willing to contribute”
DRIS legacy - 2008 • Current list: • ARAMIS, Swiss Information System on Research and Development • Austrian Science Fund project database • Bulgarian Current Research Information System • Dutch Research Database • Estonian Research Information System • Estonian Research Information System • FRIDA - national research documentation system • Inventory on Scientific and Technological Research in Flanders (IWETO) • ISTC Portal "Science and Technology in CIS" • Oasis database • Portuguese Science and Technology Platform • Slovak R&D Information System • Slovenian Current Research Information System
Example of a record • cfName: Inventory on Scientific and Technological Research in Flanders (IWETO) • Acronym: IWETO • cfURI: http://www.iweto.be/Home.html • cfResProdId: IWETO • cfDescription: IWETO supplies information about Flemish research teams and projects, specifically the most important research themes, priorities and current research projects.
Ideas for DRIS from Keith Jeffery • “My personal view is that DRIS is a component of Best practice and acts as an index to exemplars of best practice in CRIS” • “The DRIS system itself should be CERIF compatible since we are moving towards the whole euroCRIS website being CERIF-driven. As a CERIF-compatible database DRIS itself forms an example of best practice” • “…each system indexed by DRIS is a product related to organisations, persons and probably there are associated publications, events....”
DRIS+BP is a CRIS of a community of euroCRIS members • “…each system indexed by DRIS is a product related to organisations, persons and probably there are associated publications, events....” Keith Jeffery, president euroCRIS • DRIS+BP information system should serve euroCRIS community and create strong benefits for users to be a part of this community • In general, it can accumulate CRIS artifacts of digital heritage for future euroCRIS members • A platform for DRIS+BP current implementation is SharePoint 2007, we looking for better platform, e.g. integrated with future euroCRIS web site
DRIS+BP technical details • Pilot version - http://eurocris.socionet.ru/ with public ‘read’ access to all DRIS+BP materials, surveys and additional services: • free registration to get ‘participant’ permissions (for euroCRIS members only) • DRIS wiki with technical requirements, specifications and other details • DRIS forum for discussions about further development • Help Desk for DRIS+BP users
DRIS+BP main functionality • live demonstration, it starts from http://eurocris.socionet.ru/DRIS-CERIF/
Increasing motivations and benefits for DRIS+BP users • Create/update your complex professional portrait by presenting your data as a set of cross linked objects {CRIS – Pers – OrgUnit - BP_articles}, it can be stored and updated for a long time • Present your professional achievements and ideas as a part of community’s Archive/Museum • Participate in a DRIS+BP development to build a professional ‘social network’ and increase benefits of euroCRIS community (see e.g. a 'Facebook for Scientists‘,http://chronicle.com/blogPost/Federal-Stimulus-Funds-From/8568/) • Using DRIS+BP tools and access to the community produce substantial professional “products”
DRIS+BP annual report • Idea: to list the best of current year achievements, hot problems and new future trends as euroCRIS community opinion • Procedure: online nomination of CRISs, Pers, Orgunits, articles (using DRIS+BP forms), discussing (online forum) and voting (online survey) during a year • Title: Annual report of euroCRIS community • Structure of the report: • achievements (articles+CRISs+pers+orgunits) • the most popular, hot professional problems • the most challengeable future trends, expectations • Initial Editorial Committee: Max Stempfhuber, Anne Asserson, Sergey Parinov
Surveys of euroCRIS community • As first steps to better understanding of possible benefits from euroCRIS “community of practice”, the online surveys can be useful, e.g.: • Who are we? • What were done by us (a registry of professional results/achievements)? • What common/specific professional problems are we solving? • What future are we building/expecting?
Professional impact index • A registry of professional results and achievements (within DRIS+BP) as information objects: • “results”+”pers”+”orgunit”+”BP_articles” • A tool for semantic linking of info_objects • A service for monitoring changes in DRIS+BP and linkages, accumulating statistics • A service for statistics processing to build a set of professional impact indexes
List of main actions for 2009-2010: • Preparing of the first issue of an annual report with publishing it in December 2010 • Surveys of “things” related with CRISs and forming digital collections of them (as an Archive or Museum of CRIS artifacts) • Survey of people from euroCRIS community to find and exploit new community’s benefits
1. Annual Report • We will announce (in December 2009) a start of preparing of the report’s first issue • It will include suggestions for discussing: • a title and a structure • tools/rules to submit/nominate materials • tools/rules to vote for them • Editorial Committee
2. Digital Museum of CRIS artifacts • In January 2010 a concept of collections of digital artifacts related with CRIS will be presented for discussing, including • A definition of a CRIS artifact, what is not the artifact • Principles of collections’ forming, submission rules/tools • Who will maintain it and bear responsibility • Technical solution, including long-term “preservation” approach • Currently we invite euroCRIS members to help us with this first step
3. euroCRIS community benefits • In February 2010 a concept of the euroCRIS community’s survey will be presented for discussion and improvement • What aspects of the community could be investigated • What community’s benefits or “products” are of interest • What survey tools could be used, etc • We invite euroCRIS members to participate in building this initial concept (to provide ideas, criticism, online tools, etc)