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Customers not accolades

Customers not accolades. A different way of delivering housing services. Portsmouth City Council Housing Service . Background Retained Housing Stock Seven Area Housing Offices Four repairs and maintenance contractors What was the service like in 2006?

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Customers not accolades

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  1. Customers not accolades A different way of delivering housing services

  2. Portsmouth City Council Housing Service • Background • Retained Housing Stock • Seven Area Housing Offices • Four repairs and maintenance contractors • What was the service like in 2006? • Progressive and Innovative Management • Good resident involvement • Senior Management supported the front line teams • Best Practice • Striving for Upper Quartile performance - stretch targets!

  3. External view as at July 2006 • Audit Commission Repairs and Maintenance Inspection • Good 2 star with promising prospects for improvement • CPA Scorecard • Housing Service 3 out of 4 • BVPI 212 Void Performance 2005/2006 • Portsmouth City Council = 30 Days • Unitary Authorities Ave 44 days and Upper Quartile 30 days • All England Ave 44 days and Upper Quartile 29 days

  4. Something wasn’t right …. • Our residents, members & staff were telling a different story about our performance • This was the foundation to our interest in the systems thinking Vanguard method

  5. A different perspective Outside In

  6. Changing Management Thinking Command and Control Thinking Systems Thinking Top-down Perspective Outside-in Functional specialisation Demand, Value and Flow Design Separated from work Integrated with work Decision-Making Budget, output, activity targets, standards etc Related to purpose, capability, variation Measures Extrinsic (carrot & stick) Motivation Intrinsic Manage budgets and people Act on system Ethic What matters…..? Contractual Attitude to customers Partnering and co-operation Contractual Attitude to suppliers

  7. What we learnt about our systems

  8. External Influences IT Systems Budgets Policy & Procedure Functional Specialisation Repair request info Budget commitment Schedule labour and material Repair info carried out W/o completion info. & customer satisfaction Cost of works completed Repair received Contractor receives job Operative receives job Obtain materials Attend repair Works order processed Invoice received Invoice paid Hand off Hand off Hand off Hand off Hand off Hand off Hand off Wrong office No w/o issued Overbooking Wrong or no part Post inspection Invoice match fail 10% in CS 2 - 3% 3% 50 - 80% Up to 4 week delay 1 - 2 p.m. Not on Contract Order part and re-book 10% 20 p.a. Further works required No contact for Cat E 20% Wrong trade Wrong address No access Lack of time Inaccurate contact details 20 - 25%. 1% 50 - 100 p.a. 15 - 20% 2% 30% V.O. authorisation Invoice without V.O. 30 - 40% Hold payment as job incomplete 5 - 10% Wrong Contractor 1 - 2% 1 - 2% Typical System – Response Repairs

  9. Then: Summary • Services were designed remotely against theory • They were target driven • They were disconnected • People in the organisation left their brains at the door when they arrived and followed process • They were afraid to be wrong or highlight issues • They cheated • Motivation was extrinsic Not only were our services poor, but the people in it had their creativity and originality suppressed.

  10. What did we do? • We used the method to understand and define the Customers Purpose of the service AND • Actively Designed Services to meet the purpose

  11. Now

  12. Service Areas reviewed • Response Repairs • Planned Maintenance • Voids & Allocations • Green and Clean • Out of Hours Services • Rental Income • Sheltered Housing • Recruitment and HR Underway: • Money Advice/Tenancy Support • Communal Space

  13. What are the results? • Clarity of Purpose & Performance Data • Overlap of reviews • Counter intuitive transformation • Change thinking Achievements • More for less • More for the same • Things we used to care about take care of themselves • Staff morale (staff survey)

  14. Revenue Savings

  15. Capacity = Work + Waste Cost = Work + Waste

  16. Why has been successful? • Results speak for themselves • Method achieves true transformation • Customer focussed • Achieves real continuous improvement • More than a management tool • Changes thinking • Core set of principles

  17. Opportunity • Financial pressure isn’t the ideal backdrop for transformation but is an opportunity to change • “The right response is..Asking if every penny they spend is going to the right place. Not just asking ‘how can we save money’ but ‘what do we really need to be doing.’ Eric Pickles, 13 October 2010 • If the thinking doesn’t change the response is the same • One size fits all approach • Assumption that all activity is work

  18. Come and see for yourselves … Dictionary definition of evidence: ‘Anything that establishes a fact or gives reason for believing something.’ – the real evidence of what we have achieved is in Portsmouth • information about Vanguards Systems Thinking Method WWW.Systemsthinking.co.uk

  19. Thank-you

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