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The Rise and Fall of Communism in China

This article explores the historical events leading to the rise of communism in China, including the fall of the Qing Dynasty and the Republican Revolution. It also discusses the era of civil war and nationalism, the Long March, Japan's invasion of China, and the Communist Revolution. The article concludes with an overview of Mao Zedong's leadership, the establishment of the People's Republic of China, and the failures of the Great Leap Forward.

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The Rise and Fall of Communism in China

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  2. The Fall of the Quing Dynasty • The end of the empire • Reforms are not working • People want political change; a republic • The Republican Revolution – 1911 • Sun Yat-sen • Supports Gen Yuan Shigai • Three-stage reform process • Military take-over • Transitional phase • Constitutional democracy

  3. Era of Civil War Nationalism • Koumindang • Sun Yat-sen • Three Principles nationalism democracy people’s livelihood • Jiang Jieshi becomes President, 1928 Communism • Chinese Communist Party • Mao Zedong • Three Ideals imperialist powers out opposed the warlords land reform support of the peasants

  4. THE LONG MARCH 1934

  5. 1 YEAR 6,000 MILES 6,000/87,000 TROOPS Hardships – fought all the way; freezing weather; lack of food; night marches Mao established as unquestioned leader of CCP

  6. Survivors of the Long March


  8. Japanese Aggression – 1931-1945

  9. Victims: Japanese bombing of Shanghai

  10. The Rape of Nanjing Japanese soldiers march into the city

  11. Japanese atrocities against the Chinese Bayonet practice

  12. Beheadings Took Place in Public!


  14. Post World War II Nationalists Communists Jiang Jieshi Mao Zedong southern, central China north, eastern China middle class peasants

  15. Reasons for the Communists’ Success • Mao won support of peasants – land • Mao won support of women • Mao’s army used guerilla war tactics • Many saw the Nationalist government as corrupt • Many felt that the Nationalists allowed foreigners to dominate China.

  16. Taiwan: The Republic of China Jiang Jieshi and his followers, about two million, flee to Taiwan The Republic of China was declared What do you think the message is in this cartoon?

  17. THE GREAT LEAP FORWARD • “hard work for a few years, • happiness for a thousand” • 5 year plan to increase agriculture and • industry • Communes • Groups of people, 30,000, who live and • work together • Property held in common • Had production quotas • Failed due to poor quality of products, poor • weather hurt agriculture; 16 million starve

  18. Communist China Under Mao • Industrialized China • Increased literacy • Class privileges ended • Rural Chinese received health care • One-party dictatorship • Denied people basic rights and freedoms --> Inner Mongolia, Tibet

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