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Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences. Particle Physics Research in Institute of High Energy Physics. 陈和生 ( Hesheng Chen). Institute of High Energy Physics. Comprehensive and largest fundamental research center in China For : High energy physics
Institute of High Energy Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences Particle Physics Research in Institute of High Energy Physics 陈和生 (Hesheng Chen)
Institute of High Energy Physics Comprehensive and largest fundamental research center in China For : • High energy physics • Accelerator technologies and applications • Synchrotron radiation technologies and applications 1000 employees, ~ 650 physicists and engineers
Beijing Electron Positron Collider:beam energy 1 – 2.8 GeVPhysics Run:Luminosity 1031cm-2s-1 @ 1.89GeV, 5 month/yearSynchrotron Radiation Run:140mA @ 2.2 GeV, 3 month/year
北京谱仪 Beijing Spectrometer
BESII Detector (95-97 upgrade) VC: xy = 100 m TOF: T = 180 ps counter: r= 3 cm MDC: xy = 250 m BSC: E/E= 22 % z = 5.5 cm dE/dx= 8.4 % = 7.9 mr B field: 0.4 T p/p=1.8(1+p2) z = 2.3 cm Dead time/event: 〈10 ms
北京谱仪国际合作组 韩国 (3) Korea University Seoul National University Chonbuk National Univ. 美国 (4) University of Hawaii University of Texas at Dallas Colorado State University Stanford Linear Accelerator Center 英国 (1) Queen Mary University 日本 (5) Univ. of Tokyo Nikow University Tokyo Inst. of Technology Miyazaki University KEK 中国 (15) 中科院高能所 中国科技大学 山东大学, 浙江大学 华中师范大学 上海交通大学 北京大学, 高等科技中心 武汉大学., 南开大学. 河南师范大学 湖南大学, 辽宁大学. 清华大学, 四川大学
BES has the world largest J/ and samplesplus: 2-5 GeV R scan, threshold, 8 pb-1“, 22.3pb-1 Ds … J/ 106 106 99.11-01.3 01.11-02.3
Main Physics Results from BES • Precision measurement of mass . Systematic study of decays: new VT decay suppressed modes and First measurement of B((2S)+-). measurement of fDs from pure leptonic decay of Ds. • Measure Br(DS) in a model independent way. • > 120 entries in PDG from BES.
Precision measurement of mass(1992) 1776.9 – 0.19 – 0.16 MeV +0.18+0.20 • World average value changed by 3 • Accuracy improved by a factor of 10 • lepton universality together with measurements of lifetime & leptonic decay Branch ratios.
BESII New Results R Measurement at 2-5GeV (91 points) R/R(%) Before BES 15-20 BES 6.6
Impact of BES’s New R Values on the SM Fit for α (Mz2) and Higgs mass 1995 beforeBES R data 2001 withBES R data • g-2 experiment
Threshold enhancement of J/Ψ→γ p pbar, BW fit →narrow resonance below 2mp
Other Major research fields in IHEP 1. Particle physics experiment • Particle-Astrophysics experiments • L3 Cosmic ray measurement • Yangbajing - Argo RPC carpet project • Hard X ray modulated telescope • Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer • g ray burst detector. • Intl. collaboration of HEP experiments • CMS and Atlas at LHC • Belle and Babar • Kamland • Kloe
Other Major research fields in IHEP 2. Theoretical physics • Particle physics and field theory • Intermediate and high energy nuclear physics • Particle-astrophysics and cosmology 3. Accelerator technology • high luminosity e+e- collider: LC R&D • high power proton accelerator • Chinese Spallation Neutron Source • Accelerator Driven Subcritical System • application of low energy accelerators
Other Major research fields in IHEP 4. Radiation technique and application • Synchrotron radiation • Free electron laser • Nuclear analysis techniques and its applications • Radiation protection 5. Nuclear detector and electronics
Lithography 4 wigglers and 12beam lines VUV Middle energy LIGA Macromolecular 3B1A 3B3 3W1A Soft X-ray Optics 3W1B 3B1B High-pressure diffraction 3W1 3B3 X-ray Diffraction Small angle scattering BEPC 3B1 4B9A Photoemission SpectroscPopy 140mA@2.2GeV 4B9B 4w2 4W1A 1w1 Topography 4B9 4W1B 4w1 1W1A 1W1B XAFS X-ray fluorescence analysis Diffuse Scattering Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility
SARS-CoV Mpro and the complex with inhibitor SARS-CoV Mpro and inhibitor Rao et al. PNAS 2003
3. Non-Accelerator experiments • China-Japan Yangbajing Air Shower Array (4300m a.s.l., Tibet, since 1990, ) obtains many important results • China-INFN Yangbajing - Argo RPC carpet: under construction start data taking by the end of next year • L3 Cosmics • g ray burst detector ( NaI ): Jan. – June 2001
Cosmic ray air-shower array detector China-Japan CollaborationYangbajing , Tibet 4300m a.s.l.
ARGO Experiment Hall: RPC carpet IHEP-INFN collaboration Yangbajing
AMS01 magnet: First magnetic spectrometer in Space built and Space qualified in Beijing
Prototype of E.M. Calorimeter of AMS02 built by IHEP, beam test@CERN, Space qualification tests @Beijing
爆探测器搭载神舟二号飞船 2001.1.14 - 6.25
Scientific Balloon • Volume up to 400000m3 • Height 40km • Payload: • Astrophysics detector • Microgravity • Atmospheric physics • Environment • ……
Hard X-ray Modulate TelescopeSatellite Charged particle shielding Collimator Crystals PMT Support structure
Comparison between HXMT and INTEGRAL HXMT INTEGRAL Angular Resolution 2’ 15’ Source Location 0.2’ 2’ Sensitivity (10^-7 / cm^2 S keV) 3 10 Observation Mode survey yes no local imaging yes yes pointing yes no
VLBL n Experiment of J-PARC to Beijing • VLBL n experiment with 2000 - 4000 km is very interesting to study many important n physics: • Sign of the difference of n mass square • nτappearance • CP violation of n • VLBL n experiment from JHF to Beijing • Good tunnel: 20 km north of Beijing, near highway to Great Wall • The tunnel is 560 m long, 34 meter wide, 13 meter height , 150 m rock on top • Good infrastructure available • 2200 km to JHF with 9.5o dip angle
Tunnel Gate (Aviation Museum)
建立国家地下实验室 超长基线中微子振荡:引来中微子束流的基础2. 测量稀有衰变: 双衰变、核子衰变 3. 测量大气中微子、太阳中微子、超新星中 微子4. 暗物质5. 核天体物理6. … 国外从六十年代起陆续开始建立地下实验室: Homestake, Gran Sasso, Kamiokade, Soudan, SNO …, 如今大多都获得重大成果。一般都涉及多个研究方向,反复使用, 成为非加速器物理实验研究的大平台。
Beijing Free Electron Laser • First in Asia (1993) • Beam energy: 30 MeV • Infra-red FEL • ApplicationS
Future development: BEPCII(1) Considering new results and successful running of B-factories, the physics window remained for the future development of BEPC is mainly in the Charm physics: • Precision measurement of CKM matrix • Search for glueball and quark-gluon hyperid • Light hadron spectroscopy • Charmed baryons • Rare decay of J/ψ They are very important for development of QCD: pertubative and non-pertubative QCD, as well as the intermediate region. BEPC has unique advantage for the physics, which can not be done by B-factories.
Future development: BEPCII(2) • The studies require BEPC mainly running at the threshold region of J/ψ,ψ′andψ,where the production cross sections are very high. • The best choice is to upgrade machine and detector (BEPCII) with relative less cost within relative short period, to increase luminosity by two orders of magnitude. Chinese Government approved BEPC II. Construction started
BEPCII: Double Ring Design • Build new ring inside existing ring at BEPC tunnel. • Two half new rings and two half old rings cross at two interaction regions, forming a double ring collider. • Horizontal collision with large crossing angle: 11 mrad. • 93 bunch / ring with total current ~ 1A / ring • SC RF cavities • SC micro-beta magnets • Design Luminosity ~ 1033cm-2 s-1 @ 1.89GeV • Dedicated Synchrotron Radiation: 250mA @ 2.5GeV • e+ Injection : 50mA/min. @ 1.55 – 1.89 GeV • Estimated Cost ~ 77M US$
BEPCII: Double Ring Design • Build new ring inside existing ring at BEPC tunnel. • Two half new rings and two half old rings cross at two interaction regions, forming a double ring collider. • Horizontal collision with large crossing angle: 11 mrad. • 93 bunch / ring with total current ~ 1A / ring • SC RF cavities • SC micro-beta magnets • Design Luminosity ~ 1033cm-2 s-1 @ 1.89GeV • Dedicated Synchrotron Radiation: 250mA @ 2.5GeV • e+ Injection : 50mA/min. @ 1.55 – 1.89 GeV • Estimated Cost ~ 77M US$
37 10 -2 -1 L (cm sec ) 36 10 KEK B and PEP II 35 10 GLC 34 10 KEK B PEP II DAFNE2 BEPCIII 33 CESR 10 CESRc LEP DAFNE 32 10 TRISTAN VEPP2000 PETRA DORIS 31 10 VEPP4M BEPC SPEAR VEPP2M 30 10 ADONE E (GeV) 29 10 cm 1 10 100 1000 e+-e- Colliders: Past, Present and Future L (cm-2 s-1) SUPER FACTORIES FACTORIES COLLIDERS E (GeV) C. Biscari, Workshop on e+e- in 1-2 GeV Range, September 10-13, 2003, Italy
BESIII detector Magnet: - 0.4-0.5 T existing BESII magnet - 1 T Super conducting magnet MDC: small cell & He gas xy=130 m sp/p = 0.5% @1GeV dE/dx=6% TOF: T = 80 ps Barrel 100 ps Endcap EMCAL: CsI crystal sE/E = 2.5% @1GeV z = 0.5 cm/E Muon ID: 9 layer RPC Trigger: Tracks & Showers Pipelined; Latency = 2.4ms • Adapt to high event rate of BEPCII: • 1033cm-2 s-1 and bunch spacing 8ns • Reduce sys. errors to match high statistics • photon measurement, PID… • Increase acceptance Data Acquisition: Event rate = 3KHz Thruput ~ 50 MB/s
Event Statistics: BESIII vs. CLEOc * CLEO took 10 nb D production cross section while we took 5 nb
because BEPCII lum. increased by two-orders of magnitude, a factor of 3 – 7 higher than CLEOc,and its beam energy width is about half of CLEOc, BES III can obtain many important results in precision measurements of tau-charm physics Precise measure CKM parameters: a few % Precise R measurement : <3% Search for glueballs, fit overlap resonance's, and determine spin and parity Search 1P1 BESIII Expected Physics Results
Schedule: very tight • May – Oct. 04. : • Linac upgrade • BESII detector removing • Transformer system 630KW →1200KW • Nov. 04 – March 05: SR running • April 05 – Jan. 06: Long shutdown • Remove existing ring • Install two rings • Cryogenics system ready for SC devices, field mapping • Feb.- Sep. 06: Tuning of machine + SR running • Oct. 06 : BESIII detector moved into beam line • Nov. 06 – Feb. 07 : Machine-detector tuning. • Physics run by March 2007
Middle and Long Term Plan Chinese Government organizes a national wide effort to make middle and long term plan for Science and technology. IHEP joins several groups actively, specially for • Particle physics, • Particle Astrophysics • Accelerator technology, • Synchrotron Radiation and applications • big science facility, Taking the advantage of BSRF and other facilities, IHEP should extent research fields to protein structure, nano-science , material science, follow good examples of BNL, ANL and KEK … → Multiple Sciences Research Center
Possible projects for Middle term • Charm physics @ BEPCII • Modulated hard X-ray telescope • Neutrino experiemnts: • Reactor neutrino • Very LBL oscillation experiment: J-Prac→ Beijing • Spallation Neutron Source • Free Electron Laser • SR and application during BEPCII • Convert BEPC into dedicated SR source after BEPCII finished physics running We are interested to cooperate with US Lab.’s in these Projects and fields.
Remarks about Daya Bay Neutrino Exp. • IHEP is very interested in the exp.. • Inst. Management support R&D • Many physicists are interested in it , some of them with good experience in the neutrino exp.. • Physics committee reviewed the R&D proposal Monday • Visit to site, and asked feasibility study on the tunnels • Great efforts needed to reach sys. errors < 1%. • Chinese Academy of Sciences: the director of the fundamental research Bureau is interested in it, and understood the strong competition. • NSFC is interested in it: both the president and a vice president are nuclear physicists. • They support the idea, and suggested us to make proposal • They have inference to Daya Bay power plant for cooperation
Remarks about Daya Bay Neutrino Exp. • I mentioned our interest in the experiment at PRC-US HEP annual meeting 4-5 Nov. at SLAC. • Both DOE and US Lab.’s (LBL, ANL, BNL) showed strong interest • LBL tried to convince us to join their exp. with 10M$ • LBL and ANL are interest to send physicists to attend this meeting. How shall we do with the collaboration? • R&D should be started ASAP. Funding and man powers to be solved. • More careful study about systematic errors. • Optimize the design • Jan. 04: workshop in Beijing
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