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Explore the captivating past of Latin America, from the powerful empires to cultural traditions and the impact of European conquest. Uncover the achievements, cultures, and unique characteristics that shape this vibrant region.
A History of Latin America
Where is Latin America • Latin America consists of Mexico on down The Incas controlled a large part of S. America The Aztecs controlled most of modern day Mexico.
Facts about Latin America • Mexico City is the Largest city in the world • It consists of nearly 30 million people 3x larger than Rome • Many people still think of Latin America in terms of stereotypes • Sombrero • Whiskey • Lazy • poor A stereotype is a conventional, formulaic, and usually simplified view of something.
Some truths on Latin America • Its history is marred by political/electoral corruption • There is Laziness in government with the idea of Manana. • Much of Texas, California, New Mexico, and Arizona get their heritage from L.A.
Differences between Latin America and North America • Puritans and Pilgrims goal was to stay in N. America • In L.A. the objective was to obtain money and go back. No intent on settling new world.
More Differences • Native Populations were different • Many more Indians in Latin America • In L.A. Spanish needed natives left alive for labor so they protected the Indians. Where as in N. America the English killed Indians.
Native America’s • How did people originally get to the New World. • It is thought that people likely traveled to the America’s by way of the Bering Strait. • Population was believed to be from 6-36 Million People at its peak in the 16th century.
Three Major Indigenous Groups • Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas. • The Aztec and Mayan empires controlled most of modern day Mexico. • The Incas were the largest of the three and controlled most of S. America. • The Incas had one main god known as “Sappa Inca” (the great Inca).
Government • Mayas: Govt. Bureaucracy of Nobles • Aztecs: Emperor chosen by nobles + priests. • Incas: Ruled by god-king with absolute power. • All three groups were polytheistic but the Incas believed “Sappa Inca” was best.
Farming • All three groups relied heavily on farming for maintaining their people. • Mayas used irrigation systems • Aztecs relied on floating gardens • Incas used step terraces.
Achievements • Mayas: writing method of contact, pure writing (symbols+script, numbers system, concept of zero, and a solar calender). • Aztecs: Herb medicine, performed brain surgury, treat diseases. • Incas: Road ways (some still exist and are used).
Cause of Decline • Maya: Warfare (civil war) • Aztecs and Incas: Spanish invaders. The indigenous people were very separated (not unified). Spanish Conquistadors used this to their advantage.
Incas: South America • The Andes Mountains, Peru, Equador, Bolivia. Extended from todays Chile to Columbia. • Cuzco the capital located 10,000 ft about sea level. • Incas: Impressive adaptations- highest level of altitude civilizations.
More about the Incas • First to freeze dry foods (namely potatos). • Kept herds of llamas. • Incas were known as the Golden empire.
Aztec Culture • The Mexica (mesh-ica) what they called self capital: Tenochtitlan. • Capital (Tenochtitlan) was 500,000 people strong. • When the Europeans saw this city they were amazed by how clean it was.
Aztec Culture • Humor: The Aztecs used humor in song, theatre, all you can imagine. • Aztec empire sent out merchants and spy’s to learn about people, trade, and weapons.
Aztec Culture • Aztec’s: began as wondering warriors who were very uncouth. • Aztec people had many allies and many enemies. Both groups would play major roles in their downfall. • City was able to grow with help of floating gardens. Trees anchored floating land. • In 1519 80,000 people came to visit their market place.
Aztec Culture • Marketplace: carried chocolate, food, gold, gems, and emeralds from Columbia. • Schools were divided up by class. It was divided up by nobles who were taught religion and commoners who were taught learned trades such as carpentry.
Life for Children • Aztec parents were very strict. • Beat children with sticks. Or they might burn their eyes with peppers.
Marriage • At the age of 13 or 14 children were married off. • A boy and a girl would be tied together as an old man would teach them for 3 days. • If they still liked each other after the 3 days they would get married. • If a man or woman committed adultery they would get stoned to death by the spouses family.
Aztec Food • Menu: • Appetizers-guacamole, popcorn. • First course- fish with chilies. • Second Course-yams, roast or turkey. • Dessert-fruit
Aztec Culture • Aztecs felt that the Europeans smelled bad. This caused them to smell flowers to help avoid smelling the stinky Europeans. • Aztec people used steam baths to stay clean.
Aztec way of war • Aztec goal was to capture their enemy • European goal was to kill enemy • This meant that war typically wasn’t bloody • A peasant could become a nobleman through war.
Aztec Neighbors • A new city developed near Tenochtitlan- the Aztecs could have destroyed them but they needed a neighboring city for their yearly sacrifices. This new city (tortillas) helped become the death of the Aztecs.
Major Aztec Emperors • Montzuma-1440-1469 • Aztec empire greatly expanded • Built gardens • Brought in animals • Human sacrifice greatly increased
Last Emperor • Moctezuma- 9th emperor 1502-1520 • Trained since birth to be emperor • Culture grew • City grew • Believed strong in the old legends • Always remembered for his surrender to Spanish Cortez with Moctezuma
An Important shipwreck • A shipwreck in Valdivia in 1511 left 14 men stranded. • Out of this a priest named Aguilar learns an Indian language, Mayan.
3 Expeditions • First in 1517 a man named Hernando de Cordoba leads a slavery expedition into the new world territory. -Yukatan “we don’t understand your words” • This first group stole gold from the temple in new world. Men who survived returned and told others, “don’t go there”!
3 Expeditions • 2nd a group led by Juan de Grijalvo this group was killed off by natives and later they were found with arrow wounds. • Juan de Grijalvo did discover that they weren’t on an island but that in fact they had discovered a new continent. • They were at Cozumel • Grijalvo meets Moctezuma (emperor of Aztec People)
3 Expeditions • Hernan Cortes (rich and bored) 1519 • Egotistical, but he has good charisma. • In order to get permission to go to new world he accepts a chance to go for a trading expedition. • Right before he leaves he sells all of his belongings (everything). • As he leaves the pier he flies a flag that says “you shall conquer”! By leaving on these terms Cortes makes an enemy, Diego who is the man in charge of the expeditions.
Cortes stops at Cozumel • While at Cozumel Cortes and his crew of 500 people (possibly 700) find a priest who was a part of the shipwreck over 9 years ago. • The priest serves Cortes on this voyage as an interpreter. • Who is the interpreter?
Cortes and the Natives • Everywhere Cortes goes he causes problems. One time he loses a tooth in battle. • Because he lost a tooth he was particularly brutal to the people and he decides to keep some of them as slaves • The battle is at a place called Tabasco. He receives 12 male slaves and one female.
Who’s the Girl? • The woman he receives is special to him. He falls in love rather quickly with the woman. • Her name is Dona Marina. • Marina knows two languages: Mayan and Aztec.
Dona Marina • The Aguilar hates her. • He can see himself being fazed out of Cortes’ life. • Within 6 months she learns Spanish and Cortes no longer needs Aguilar. • Marina has no love for the Aztecs as she was originally Aztec but they sold her to the Mayan’s in slavery.
Cortes with Marina • Cortes’ first experience dealing with Aztecs goes well for him. • Marina lies to Aztecs and helps Cortes get tons of Aztec gold as a peace offering. • Cortes sends the gold back to Spain to gain favor from the king.
King and Cortes • The king became very intrigued in Cortes. • Cortes’ dad had fought for the king’s dad in previous wars. • Diego tries to tell king he left with bad intentions. King tells Diego, “I’ll take care of him”. • The king melts down the treasure as a way to show his displeasure.
King and Cortes • Cortes’ shipmates learn of the kings feelings. They turn on Cortes. • Cortes finds out about the plot (probably by Marina) and he has them hanged.
Cortes and Indians • He makes many allies. What does that mean? • Cortes gets in a long battle at Veracruz and loses many men. • Marina tells Cortes not to bury his dead during the day.
Fear of Horses • The Aztecs were frightened by Cortes’ army- they had never seen horses. Thought they were seeing 2 headed 6 legged creatures.
Aztec Response • Moctezuma hears of Cortes’ coming and he prays to his gods and has 1000 people sacrificed. • The Tortillas (who were once the Aztec’s greatest allies) gave aide to Cortes and his men • This move made the Aztecs very angry.
Cortes and Aztecs • TheTortilla king helped Cortes for the rest of his days in New world. Supplied his men with food etc…
Moctezuma Plots Again • Aztec Emperor sends a note to the Tortilla and warns them to kill Cortes or the Aztec army will kill all of the tortilla people. • The Tortilla king agrees to do what the Aztec want because they are afraid • Old women of the city (Cholula) tell Marina about the plot to destroy Cortes and his men. They were afraid for her life. • Marina tells Cortes at dinner about the plot.
Cortes Responds • Cortes and his men pretend to be drunk and when the people think they can attack they get destroyed by Cortes and his fake drunk men. • In all Cortes killed every man, women and child in the city. 22,000 total. • Cortes sends the head of the king of Cholula To Moctezuma.
Moctezuma and Cortes • Moctezuma responds-”we’ll see you soon” • Aztecs offer 400 barrels of gold to Cortes. • He declines their offer because he is amazed with how much there is. Why? • Demands to meet Moctezuma
Spanish at Tenochtitlan • Europeans are amazed at what they see. • Later one wrote it was the most memorable day of his life. • Cortes tells his men to show no amazement. • Moctezuma and Cortes Meet.
Moctezuma and Cortes • Face to Face with Moctezuma Cortes gets labeled the GOD. • He is asked to stay and live with Aztecs.
Cortes, “a wanted man” • Cortes and his men are happily living in Tenochtitlan,15 ships arrive from Cuba to arrest Cortes. • Cortes takes 300 men with him to meet the new fleets. He brings gold with him. • Why?
Cortes a Genius or an idiot? • Cortes offers all of the gold he had with him to the men. This effort wins their hearts. • The man Cortes left behind was messing everything up. His name was Pedro de Alvarado. • Alvarado launches a slaughter during an Aztec festival. This is known as “the sad night” June 30th 1520.