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Discover the vision, mission, and mantra of Innisfree-Delnorte School and how it aims to be an exemplary small school in Alberta through innovative management and parent engagement. Learn about the school's profile, demographics, programs, and achievements. Find out the areas of focus and growth for the future.
Innisfree-Delnorte Annual Report (2017/2018) and Education Plan (2017-2020)
Overview Vision, Mission, Mantra School Profile Looking Back: Our Reflections Looking Ahead: Our Goals Our Celebrations
Vision, Mission, Mantra Vision: Innisfree Delnorte School will be an exemplary model of a small school in the province of Alberta, and will demonstrate a style of management that involves parents, school council, students and staff in the planning, problem solving and decision making. The school will continue to provide a quality education within the financial framework. The success of the school will be dependent on the involvement, participation, support and satisfaction of all the stakeholders. Innovation and creativity of our human resources will continue to provide leadership. Mission: Innisfree Delnorte School, in cooperation with the Parent Advisory Committee is committed to providing educational opportunities for all students in order that they develop the knowledge, skills and positive attitudes necessary to become self-confident, capable, and committed to setting goals, making informed choices, and demonstrating behavior that will improve their own lives and the life of the community. Mantra: Together we Learn and Lead
School Profile School Community: Delnorte is a grade 1-12 school located in Innisfree, Alberta. Delnorte serves the rural communities of Innisfree, Minburn and Ranfurly. The school has a relatively stable population of 70 students. Most students are bussed in from the surrounding communities and farming areas. The school boasts small class sizes and individualized programming for students at risk. A private kindergarten program is housed next door in the town's Millennium Building. Community support for Delnorte School is a strength for the school. Members of the community, along with independent business owners, provide a substantial amount of money each year towards field trips, extensions to our physical education program, graduation, awards program and providing money for special events.
Class Size School Profile Demographics: teaching staff of 6 FTE support staff of 3 FTE Delnorte offers core programming for all students with opportunities for students to take options such as CTS modules in traditional classroom settings or through distance learning (Students-On-Line). With the help of district organization, students also take courses via video-conferencing in order to support their individual program needs. Delnorte offers CTS food modules, outdoor education and promotes daily physical education beyond instructional time with scheduled intramural activities. Mechanics, welding, carpentry, electrical and cosmetology courses are a few of the course offered through our partnership with Lakeland College. Students are encouraged to take work preparation courses such as Work Experience, RAP (Registered Apprenticeship Program) and Green Certificate programs. Most students at the high school level will participate in one of these programs.
School Profile Enrolment
Looking Back Diploma completion continues to be an area of strength. Continued areas of focus: How to improve small combined classes PAT marks when cycling curriculum. How to offer more programing for the students. Areas of growth: working to get more students to the standard of excellence levels on Achievement exams. With small numbers of students writing one student can change the data as presented. Continue to help K & E students graduate. Increase parental involvement, as well as the perception of how the school is improving and what we are focusing on. A major focus needs to be the perception of what we offer with how we offer. Students and parents do not feel there are enough “option” courses offered in the CTS strand such as shop. Lakeland is an option but as an added on not part of the day to day classes.
Reading & Writing Division II - PAT’s Division III - PAT’s
Looking Back - 2017/2018 No students writing in 2013-14, 2014-15
Looking Back - 2017/2018 Those students who wish to take Math 30-1 do so through VC
Looking Back - 2017/2018 2016-17 students took Math 30-2 by VC
Looking Back - 2017/2018 No students writing in 2013-14, 2014-15, 2017-18
Looking Back - 2017/2018 Biology is cycled so no Students writing 2013-14, 2015-16, 2017-18
Looking Back - 2017/2018 No students writing in 2013-14, 2015-16 Chem taught through VC 2016-17, 2017-18
Looking Back - 2017/2018 Physics 30 only offered by VC and Distance Ed modules.
Looking Back - 2017/2018 Physics 30 is no longer taught at Delnorte, looking to the future Physic 20 will also be through VC or Distance Ed. Chemistry 30 is also being taught by VC as we reduce staff here at the school. DivII - Strengths were: Social - Democratic ideas. Weaknesses - synthesising ideas, associating meaning, high complexity and moderate items in all strands of Math. Students struggled with their Reading comprehension Div III - Strengths were: Science- knowledge in Matter and Chemical Change; Social- Political, Collective and Individual rights Weaknesses: ELA- Synthesising ideas, identifying and interpreting ideas, and writing; Science- Electricity unit, Social- Consumerism unit and skills; Math- Space and Shape unit, and High Complexity items. DivIV - Strengths were: ELA- the Multiple Choice was strong in all areas; Social- Multiple Choice was strong in all areas; Math: generally did well on all units covered Weaknesses- In both ELA and Social the writing part of the diploma was an area to work on. Overall we need to work on standard of excellence as that is an area we are weak at, but with small numbers our data is influenced heavily by the marks of one student.
Looking Back - 2017/18 Our School Survey Elementary Secondary Expectation for success: Students answered if they thought their teachers expected them to succeed. Overall the students feel teachers have expectations for them to do well, and succeed at their level. It is at our elementary area that students seemed not to feel their teachers wanted them to succeed.
Looking Back - 2017/2018 Our School Survey Elementary Secondary Positive Teacher-Student relations: We put into place in the elementary more core teacher rather than a generalist, this caused some stress for students and their parents.
Looking Back - 2017/2018 Our School Survey Elementary Most of the Elementary students Feel safe at Delnorte and that their Teachers care about them. Yet they Feel their classmate do not treat them Well.
Looking Back - 2017/2018 Our School Survey Secondary At the secondary level, there is a small percentage of student who do not feel safe or connected to other students at the school. This is something that we as a staff need to work harder on connecting to the students. Our biggest weakness is how students treat each other.
Looking Back - 2017/2018 Our School Survey Secondary Overall students felt That there is a positive Learning climate, but we are struggling with some groups to stay positive and keep working.
Looking Back - 2017/2018 Our School Survey Secondary This is a struggle for teachers to keep the high school students engaged with their learning. Students feel that they are being intellectually engaged at Delnorte. Critical Thinking skills need to be a focus of the teachers. Our male students are not feeling engaged, and they disproportionately make up our student body.
Overall School Priorities 2017-2020 Parental Involvement: Delnorte will continue to work at finding more ways to engage our parent community. We have great support with extra curricular pursuits, awards night, and Christmas Concert. School Council supports the school with money for transportation to events such as elementary swimming, ski trip, and the Citadel Theatre tickets for all students. They also help with breakfast and lunch funding. We have implemented sports windups with parent participation that has proven very successful.
Overall School Priorities 2017-2020 Exhibitions of Learning: The focus of this upcoming priority is Cross-curricular and inquiry projects at all grade levels. Staff will continue working with the PIC leader on developing meaningful and purposeful inquiry projects. Mental Health will also be a focus for the 2019-20 school year.
Overall School Priorities 2017-2020 Collaboration Time: With the reduction of staff, we no longer have RTI time built into the timetable. It is still a focus but will be doneon PD days or after school in divisional groupings.On our PD days it is important to have teachers work together to build cross-curricular units. The Peer Instructional Coach will need to have coverage outside of their assigned periods in order to be able to see all teachers in their classrooms.
Overall School Priorities 2017-2020 First Nations, Métis and Inuit Education: With the increase in FMNI population at the school, we are looking to expand outside of the social studies classrooms and invite speakers to the school and have more cultural presentations for the school. More field trips to places such as St. Paul for the Junior High; Viking (Ribstones) for the Elementary. Increasing our Learning Commons literature collection with high quality First Nations, Métis and Inuit content. In all classrooms, utilizing instructional materials with First Nations, Métis and Inuit content.
Essential Conditions Mission: Buffalo Trail Public Schools is committed to maximizing student learning, in a safe and caring environment, supported by a highly effective team. Essential Conditions: As a jurisdiction we believe that teacher effectiveness has the greatest direct impact on maximizing student learning. BTPS is involved in a number of initiatives therefore, it is vital to our success that we ensure these initiatives support teacher effectiveness. The essential conditionsfor increasing teacher effectiveness and maximizing student learning are shown on the next slide and are indicated as part of our school’s strategies.
Essential Conditions Essential Conditions for increasing teacher effectiveness and maximizing student learning
Essential Conditions Leadership: Teachers are encouraged to join divisional groups and initiatives. Students are taught to lead assemblies, and participate in different activities. Research and Evidence:We are using the PAT’s and DIP’s; HLAT’s; running records in elementary with leveled reading. Teachers are presenting to each other inquiry lessons, as well as other lessons based on engagement in curriculum. Resources: Using IL resources brought back to the school from the IL teacher; FMNI resources; Pic presentations; Book studies based on engagement, pedagogy, inquiry. Time: RTI time in staff meetings, as well as the embedded PD time.
Essential Conditions Support Services: LST to come at request of school; FSL worker ½ day every week Staff Professional Growth: Book study as a group; collaborative planning; Divisional PD; as well as individual PD Stakeholder and Community Engagement: School Council is active within the school; parents are invited to all events; community is invited to speakers as well as special events; students take part in town events and do caroling to senior citizens in the town.
2017-2020 Education Plan Strategies BTPS Goal #1: Students are intellectually engaged in their learning. School Strategies: *Student Lead Assemblies (Leadership) *Student leadership group to lead sharing of Our School survey results and follow up (Leadership) *Staff book study – Blended-using Disruptive Innovation to Improve Schools by Michael B.Horn & Heather Staker (Research and Evidence, Staff Professional Growth) *Student Exhibitions (Stakeholder/Community Engagement) *Use of Our School survey to measure students’ intellectual engagement (Research and Evidence) *Teacher’s using backward by design planning with differentiated learning for all students. (Time, Research and Evidence, Staff Professional Growth)
Progress - 2017/2018 EVIDENCE OF LEARNING:
2017-2020 Strategies BTPS Goal #2: All learners’ needs are met. School Strategies: *Level Reading 1-6 (Resources, Staff Professional Growth) *RTI teams (Time, Staff Professional Growth) *Implementation of Google Apps for Education (Resources) *Continued use of Professional Learning Significant 72 - Tom Hierck (Staff Professional Growth, Stakeholder and Community Engagement) *Maximized use of Learning Support Team (Support Services) *Family School Liaison to support students at risk (Support Services) *Focus on Differentiated tasks for different Learning styles (Research and Evidence) *Use of Inquiry based learning using PIC person to help develop (Support Services) *Cooperative learning strategies - pairing of grade levels to help (Stakeholder and Community Engagement) *Junior High students have once a week during option time a chance to do catch-up work and extra research under a teacher's guidance (Time)
2017-2020 Strategies BTPS Goal #3: Positive, high quality learning and working environments School Strategies: All teachers will collaboratively design inquiry-based projects designed to engage students in the 21 st century competencies. (Staff Professional Growth, Time) Peer Instructional Coach has access to planning time with staff members to assist them with the instructional design (Leadership, Staff Professional Growth, Time) Invitations extended to parents and community members to serve as experts in the classroom, the ATB bank is invited to talk to students linking math and finance, College’s such as Augustana, Kings, and Lakeland come to speak to the high school students about career choices. Grade 10’s attend Try-a-trade, Green Certificate program night to talk to grade 10 students, as well guest speakers to talk to health classes re: Sex Ed, Addictions and general mental health.(Stakeholder and Community Engagement)
Celebrations 2017/2018 -300 people came to the Christmas Concert and Meal prepared by students -Awards night attended by past graduates -Students Union leading assemblies throughout the year -Remembrance Day with Community invited and a meal included - raising money for the Stollery Hospital -Highly active extra-curricular teams -Field trips to visit Senior Citizens - pen pals exchange -Curling teams attending zones -provincial Track & Field competition
Celebrations 2017/2018 Elementary Swimming lessons in Vegreville Grades 3-6 Oil Kings Hockey Game in Edmonton Successful Theme days led by Students Union Competing and doing well at the Superintendent’s Speaking Contest Learning Robotics in Math class Field trip to Citadel Theatre entire school Foods Classes hold Chopped Challenge 12 Days of Christmas Food hampers for community