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February 2019

February 2019. ILMT BigFix Inventory Demo. Boguslaw Nowak Malgorzata Jablonska Tomasz Stopa. 201 9 - 02 - 19. BigFix Inventory/ILMT Development. Agenda. License reporting for products running in IBM Cloud Private (ICP) – 20 min Software summary report (preview feature) – 10 min

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February 2019

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  1. February 2019 ILMT BigFix Inventory Demo Boguslaw Nowak Malgorzata Jablonska Tomasz Stopa 2019-02-19 BigFix Inventory/ILMT Development

  2. Agenda • License reporting for products running in IBM Cloud Private (ICP) – 20 min • Software summary report (preview feature) – 10 min • Fixlet versioning - how to keep scanning actions up to date – 10 min • Usability improvements on management panels – 5 min

  3. Part 1 License reporting for products running in IBM Cloud Private (ICP)

  4. Bernie, the Software Asset Manager, can get information about PVU metric consumption of IBM products deployed in ICP cluster Bernie’s tasks: Bernie’s organization purchased IBM PVU Subcapacity Software, and they consider its deployment in IBM Cloud Private cluster. They know technical benefits of moving to cloud, but want to learn licensing cost aspect. Bernie would like to see the licensing report for software deployed in ICP and compare it to his on premises instances to make informed decision regarding future deployments of the software. Solution: Container level reporting allows costs optimization with precise control of available capacity. IBM License Reporting is new, optional component of ILMT and BFI to enable reporting of PVU products deployed in ICP cluster. With this new component, ILMT/BFI can produce PVU reports from ICP and from non-cloud endpoints, to let compare license use and better plan resource allocation.

  5. PVU in ICP – Architecture View

  6. Three easy steps to deploy the solution • Deploy IBM License Reporter in ICP- Get installation file, add it to ICP archive, trigger ‘Install’ in ICP console • Configure integration of IBM License Reporter with on premises LMT or BFI- Mount in LMT or BFI server NFS output directory of IBM License Reporter- Add disconnected data source in LMT or BFI UI • Optional step: configure VM Tool- without this step simplified capping is used- VM Tool configuration will be added in the next update of the Beta

  7. Simplicity of the solution for ICP reporting • Once deployed solution does not require any further configuration. • No software classification needed! • No BigFix server needed in ICP! • No BigFix client needed, no container/worker nodes scans needed! • Results from ICP are provided on daily basis and calculated in LMT or BFI server to produce standard PVU reports from both ICP and on premises endpoints.

  8. Why there is no need of software classification ? • License reporting is on product level • Solution based on Kubernetes annotations • Annotations will be provided for IBM products which plan to be on cloud.LMT team works with products on adding annotations in their upcoming updates • Annotations can be added in custom prepared deployment packages (Helm charts) to enable LMT/BFI reporting

  9. LMT for ICP – Beta program invitation • If you would like to use LMT in IBM Cloud Private envoronment, the Beta program has already started! • Please contact: Boguslaw.Nowak@pl.ibm.com or Talk2SAM@us.ibm.com To enroll and get started. • Selected Customers will receive exclusive assistance.Please register soon!

  10. Part 2 Preview Feature Software summary report

  11. Bernie, the Software Asset Manager, can quickly analyze software inventory in his organization Bernie’s tasks: Bernie periodically prepares report covering software and version installed to compare with other records and to analyze end of support software. In past Bernie run ‘Inventory Exploration’ report then for each software publisher he extracted details to consolidate them manually into one report. Solution: New 'Software Summary' report helps Bernie analyze software inventory from different perspectives. Complete data is visible now in one report. Bernie reviews software inventory from publisher, product or version level as needed and easily switch between them.

  12. Part 3 Fixlets’ versioning - how to keep scanning actions up to date

  13. How Mark, the Infrastructure Administrator,can keep scanning actions current Mark’s tasks: Mark knows that he needs to keep BFI scanning actions current to benefit from newest features. However, he does not know from which product version the actions were triggered and if they require restart. Solution: Starting from version 9.2.15 of LMT/BFI, all fixlets and tasks have product version in name. This allows to quickly understand from which version actions were triggered and which of them require restart.

  14. Part 4 Usability improvements on management panels

  15. How Joe, the BFI Administrator,can easily locate the BFI users for modifying their permissions Joe’s tasks: Joe is frequently asked to modify permissions for individual BFI users. Since there is close to 1000 BFI users in his organization, without capability of filtering on Users panel, this is a long manual work. Solution: Starting from version 9.2.15, there is filtering option on ‚Users’ panel which allows to easily locate the necessary accounts.

  16. Usability improvements on management panels – cont. The filtering and exporting capabilities are introduced on the following panels: • Users identify and update user record, export list of users • Saved Reports quickly find and edit your report • Advanced Server Settings quickly locate the parameter you need to update • Contracts (BFI)  find the contract you are looking for

  17. Sharing feedback... If you would like to • learn more about the presented features, • share your feedback, thoughts • register for Beta Program let us know at: talk2sam@us.ibm.com Hosted BFI Beta system can be accessed at: https://inventory-demo.bigfix.com/

  18. Forum: BigFix Inventory | License Metric Tool Wiki: BigFix Inventory | License Metric Tool Beta Community Twitter: BigFix Inventory | License Metric Tool YouTube: BigFix Inventory | License Metric Tool

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