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Car Accessories for Summer Driving

You got your new wheels from Krishna car sajawat accessories just in time for summer, and youu2019re ready for that summer road trip. But no matter what you drive, there are probably a few cool gadgets and car accessories that will make your ride that much better u2013 more convenient, more comfortable.

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Car Accessories for Summer Driving

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  1. Car Accessories for SummerDriving You got your new wheels from Krishna car sajawataccessories just in time for summer,andyou’rereadyforthatsummerroadtrip.Butnomatterwhatyoudrive, there are probably a few cool gadgets and car accessories that will make your ride thatmuchbetter–moreconvenient,morecomfortable. Here’safewitemswethinkarepretty cool,orjustcomeinhandy: First aid kit– hey,stuffhappens,right?Evenifit’snotserious,youcannevergowrongwith havingafewbandagesaround!Ifyoualreadyhaveoneofthese,makesureto checkitonceayeartomakesureanymedicationshaven’texpired. Flashlight– there’s nothing worse than being stuck roadside with something you know you could take care of if only you could see it! Yeah, we know that your phone has a flashlight,butwouldn’tyouratherusethatbatterylifeforsomethingelse?Again,if youhaveoneinyourcaralready,checkthebatteriesatleastannually. Phone cables– there’sacoupledifferentkindsofphonecableyoumightwanthere.Onewouldbe achargingcable,anotheranaudiocableifyourcarstereohasajackforit.There’s alotofdifferentconfigurations,makesureyouhavethecablesthatfityourphone!

  2. Phone holder– giveyourphoneasecureplacetolivewhileyou’redriving,andmakeiteasytosee your favorite mapping app,too. USB car charger– so many of our devices need to be charged! Grab a USB car charger that fits into thechargeportorcigarettelighterinyourcarsoyou’vealwaysgotjuice!Thereare manythatcanhandletwodevicesatonce. Sunshades– the summer heat can be a bear, and getting into a superheated car that’s been parkedalldaycanbeadrag.Thosebigwindshieldsunshadesareagreatwayto keep your car interior cool. You can even get translucent shades for the side windowstokeepyourpassengerscool. Car cover– Acarcover,particularlyifyoudon’thaveagarage,isagreatwaytokeepyourcar coolinthesummer,andkeepthatpaintfresh,too.

  3. Sunglasses holder– fromtheclipstylethatattachtoyourcarvisortothemorecomplexmodelsthat attachtoyourdashorvents,keepthoseshadesineasyreach! Portablebatteryorjumpercables – carbatteriesaresensitivetochangesintemperature,andtheheatsometimescan cause a battery to fail prematurely. A portable battery box can be a great thing to havearoundifyouneedtojumpstartyourcar.Atminimum,asetofjumpercables isn’t a badidea.

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