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February 13, 2019 | Westborough, MA. Planning Advisory Committee Meeting. 2019 Regional System Plan (RSP19) Scope of Work. Michael I. Henderson. director, Regional Planning and Coordination. Carissa P. Sedlacek. Director, resource adequacy.
February 13, 2019 | Westborough, MA Planning Advisory Committee Meeting 2019 Regional System Plan (RSP19) Scope of Work Michael I. Henderson director, Regional Planning and Coordination Carissa P. Sedlacek Director, resource adequacy
ISO’s Open Access Transmission Tariff (OATT) requires that a Regional System Plan (RSP) be developed at least once every three years Based on agreement with stakeholders, ISO now issues a complete RSP every other year, with the next report due in 2019 PAC members review draft scopes of work, draft results, draft reports, and provide comments to ISO Development of RSP19 is underway and will culminate with a public meeting on September 12 to present and receive final stakeholder feedback Background
Energy security continues to be a critical reliability issue for New England Transmission development at the regional level, and in support of state policies, continues to enhance the regional power system “Grid Transformation” is occurring at a rapid pace and will continue to challenge planning and operations practices to understand, evaluate, and incorporate the many and varied system changes RSP19 Proposed Key Messages
Risks Energy-security issues, especially for natural gas supply to generators and availability of liquid fuels during extreme winter weather Limits in energy production to respect environmental requirements Ongoing and potential solutions Coordinated operations of natural gas and electric power systems Increased fuel diversification, especially dual fuel, renewables, and imports Market improvements that promote reliability and provide incentives for fuel and energy storage Key Theme: Energy-Security Risks and Solutions
Identify reliability, market-efficiency, and public-policy needs that can be resolved with a transmission solution Develop robust transmission solutions through direct engagement with incumbent transmission owners or a competitive solicitation process Provide status of transmission system improvements under development, including asset-condition projects Discuss interregional planning requirements and status of activities coordinating with NYISO, PJM, and other interregional planning entities (NPCC, EIPC, and NERC) Summarize the regional planning process, which demonstrates compliance with OATT and NERC requirements Key Theme: Transmission System Needs and Satisfying These Needs
Policy drivers Renewable and energy-efficiency development, including states’ RFPs Energy storage Environmental requirements for CO2 and other emission limitations Current and future state of the system Development of inverter-based resources (renewables, batteries, and HVDC ties) Lower minimum load levels Decrease of net demand over the 10-year horizon System challenges Meeting system-security requirements with limited observability and controllability Accurately forecasting demand, energy efficiency, and production by renewables Meeting demand because of the electrification of space heating and transportation expected to become more significant over the next decade Providing needed ancillary services (regulation, ramping, reserves, and voltage support) Improving secure and reliable protection and control of the system Implementing interconnection requirements satisfying overall system needs Key Theme: Grid Transformation
Meeting the challenges Apply lessons learned from ongoing interregional and intraregional study results Implement process improvements, including cluster interconnection studies Develop and implement market improvements that promote reliability Use state-of-the-art study tools, such as improved applications of probability and statistical methods (forecasting techniques, transmission system models, etc.) Continue to address the rapid development of distributed energy resources and work with states and distribution utilities to ensure reliable operation across the region Key Theme: Grid Transformation, cont.
Forecasts of anticipated gross load, energy efficiency, and behind-the-meter photovoltaics combined into a net demand 10-year forecast Projections of the systemwide and locational need for capacity and operating reserves Transmission system needs, solutions, and cost considerations Interregional planning coordination and studies Energy-related risks to system reliability and solutions Effects of existing and proposed changes to environmental regulations on generators and the power system Issues and analyses of the integration of variable resources, renewables, storage, and HVDC ties, including economic studies Federal, regional, state, and ISO initiatives Upcoming PAC Discussions
Keep RSP19 to a manageable size Update key content in previous RSP executive summaries Summarize new key messages Reference detailed supplemental documents posted on the ISO website Streamline RSP chapters Shortens overall length Enhances readability Allows greater focus on new and timely issues Improves staff efficiency for technical work, writing, and editing Facilitates stakeholder review RSP19 Report Preparation