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FOUNDATION MI CIUDAD CON VIDA. Share this dream with us!. PRESENTATION. The Foundation MI CIUDAD CON VIDA, was created in Barranquilla in the year 2000.
FOUNDATIONMI CIUDAD CON VIDA Share this dream with us!
PRESENTATION The Foundation MI CIUDAD CON VIDA, was created in Barranquilla in the year 2000. It is a non-profit, private organization, with legal representation and administrative autonomy, has no political affiliation, and counts on the participation of its founding members and affiliates. It is ruled by the Colombian constitutional laws for this kind of organization.
MISSION It is an entity created to improve the living quality of the children who belong to the deprived and low resource population. This goal is to be reached through the integrated development of this population, by promoting actions according to the projected objectives.
OBJECTIVES • To develop strategies that allow a change of awareness in the deprived and low resource children population, concerning their social behavior in the community. The strategies must seek to avoid conflictive, destructive and criminal behavior, to increase their self-esteem and values that allow them to lead their life projects in the quest of triumph for their personal, family and social growth.
OBJETIVES (Continued) • To manage the execution of educational, health, cultural, social and moral projects. • To raise the needed funds for financing the activities in order to be able to reach the Foundation objectives directly or indirectly.
OBJECTIVES (Continued) • To promote healthy lifestyles physically and mentally, that contribute to better development of the children in their environment. • To promote sources of employment (small self-sustainable businesses)
HISTORICAL REVIEW The DANE (Colombians Statistics Department) reported that 45% of Colombians are struggling between poverty and indigence. The children get the worst of it. It is a phenomenon that threatens the families and eventually jeopardizes the very life of societies. Also, it weakens the efforts in favor of peace and equality, while injustice is a violation of the children’s rights.
Historical Review (Continued) Taking into account the above mentioned, the foundation MI CIUDAD CON VIDA originated within a group of people who want to make a change. We believe that the best alternative for this change is to support the children population, that is the seed of our societies.
ORGANIZATION • Founders’ Council: It is made up by the founding members of the foundation. It is the top administrative ruling organ of the Foundation. • Fiscal Audit: It is designated by the Founders’ Council, as well as its respective substitute, for a year period. The Fiscal audit is in charge of checking the accounting books, the financial statements, resources and investment.
ORGANIZATION (Continued.) • Directive Board: Its main function is to control and enforce the fulfillment of the statutes and decisions of the Founders’ Council. • Executive Board: The Foundation has an Executive Board, headed by a director appointed by the Directive Board.
ORGANIZATION (Continued.) The Executive Director is the legal representative of the foundation and his/her main function is to control the operation of the foundation, such as the supporting commissions in the different areas: • Administrative • Financial • Educational • Health • Recreational
OPERATION As a social service organization we count on development areas needed for the fulfillment of its social objective. We count on the collaboration of the founding partners and affiliates assigned to different committees, in charge of creating, developing and controlling the different programs.
OPERATION (Continued) The committees are: • Education • Health • Finances • Recreation
FUNDING For its operation the Foundation MI CIUDAD CON VIDA needs to raise resources from diverse sources to be allocated to the different activities of each area.
OPERATION (Continued) Strategies to raise funds: • Adoptions “GODPARENT PLAN”. A person or institution donates some amount of money during the time they want. • Donations in Kind. Some people donate toys, clothes or their time to support the activities related to their influence areas.
ACCOMPLISHED ACTIVITIES • Choosed the population where we started our activities. The neighborhood LIPAYA was chosen because of its extremely deprived situation. • Got the branch installations in the neighborhood LIPAYA. A renting contract was signed.
ACCOMPLISHED ACTIVITIES(continued.) • Setting up the Branch installations • Reinforced and painted the installations walls. • Installed the fences • Cleaned the backyard • Purchased the work tools (chairs, tables, fans, didactic toys) • Decorated the work areas according to children’s ages .
ACCOMPLISHED ACTIVITIES(Continued) • The enrollment process. • 1st year. For the pilot test, the registration was opened for 70 children. • 2nd year. Due to the flow of the children, and taking into account the results of the pilot test, 80 more children were registered. • Currently the Foundation has 150 attending children.
Accomplished Activities (Continued) • Census of the enrolled children. Each child was visited in his/her family by a member of the foundation to evaluate their living conditions. • Classification of the children by ages to define the working groups.
PROGRAMS UNDER DEVELOPMENT • Education • Recreation • Culture
EDUCATION • The Foundation pays for the school year of the enrolled children. • Educational workshops twice a month emphasizing the coexistence , moral behavior and arts.
EDUCATION (Continued) • Agreement with the National Service for Learning -SENA (a state higher education center) to teach some courses. It started with a pilot test for the children’s parents. • Course Name: Electrical Installations in residences.
FOOD: Each child is given a snack during the workshops. RECREATION AND CULTURE: • Development of recreational activities according to the theme under development in the educational workshops.
RECREATION AND CULTURE (continued) • Celebrating the special dates. • Birthdays (last Saturday of each month). • Children’s Day. • Christmas. • Visits to sites of interest. (Theater, museum, zoo, parks)
HEALTH • OBJECTIVE Through health assistance programs for the under aged, oriented to the improvement of the children’s health, taking into account the fact that poor health decreases their reaction to the stimuli, hinders them from focusing their attention, diminishes their play, exploration, investigation and motivation level, preventing them from developing their full potential in other areas.
Objectives (continued.) Every health promotion and prevention process, must be planned and must count on clearly defined objectives, promote the participation of professionals of different disciplines, the families and the community in general and must involve the different sectors (education, health, work, culture, recreation, etc.) in order to secure the success of the program.
STRATEGIES • To induce a new attitude to diseases through the training. That involves three aspects: the level of contagion or thinking, the emotional or affective level and the behavior scope. This seeks the concrete and specific participation of the population.
Strategies (continued) • To establish health promotion and prevention activities leading to the improvement of the children’s health condition and life quality. • To obtain the collaboration of the state organizations such as the district health secretary.
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES • To plan and organize with the state organizations the activities leading to cutting down the incidence of infectious and contagious diseases by organizing programs. (Vaccination campaigns). • To carry out ophthalmologic and dental control campaigns with the collaboration of private organizations.
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES (Continued) • To organize the training activities for the children and parents in the Foundation, to develop block programs against the diseases that affect them, in order to improve their life quality. • To evaluate the impact of the actions on the decrease of the diseases. Committees that are accountable for the program. - Health Committee - Financial Committee
RATIONALE The unawareness of the causes of the diseases in the children population has speeded up the substantial worsening of the children’s health, affecting their family, school and social role. It is necessary to know the health condition of the children and teenagers of the Foundation “MI CIUDAD CON VIDA” to establish the properties of the programs leading to improving the health conditions.
METHODOLOGY • Universe: The program is addressed to the children, pre-teen and teenager population that form the Foundation MI CIUDAD CON VIDA. • Basic Actions: • Vaccination To implement the immunization programs against infectious and contagious diseases, coordinating them with the state organizations.
Early Diagnosis of the Diseases. For all the children and teenagers enrolled in the program, the history case and control medical exam are carried out. This activity seeks to detect the sub clinic diseases at an early stage and to treat them on time.
EARLY DIAGNOSIS OF THE DISEASES • Amount of Children: 150 • Medical cost per examination: $10.000°° • Nursing cost per day $15.000 • Program duration: 6 months
QUOTATION LIST • Single Stretcher $170.000 • Tensiophone $ 28.000 • Stethoscope $ 12.500 • Weight $ 35.000 • Measuring rod $ 46.000 • Baja lenguas (box x 500) $ 13.000 • Paper $100.000
EDUCATION • OBJECTIVE To develop and implement an integrated education plan in the basic areas concerning the relations of the people in the community and to thus generate harmonious awareness. The Foundation is aware that the best way to achieve better coexistence is through the education and formation processes for the young.
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES • To finance the basic education levels (primary and high school) to all the children enrolled in the Foundation. • To develop awareness campaigns for a better culture, based on the respectful coexistence towards themselves, as individuals and group. • To provide training to the teenage group, so that when they complete their high school , they can learn a trade to work and earn the wages to cater for their needs.
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES (Continued) • To develop an educational plan to raise awareness of the protection of the environment. • To provide educational courses for the young on the topics of sexuality, birth control, hygiene and nutrition. Committees accountable for the program: - Educational Committee - Financial Committee
METHODOLOGY • Universe: The program is addressed to the children, pre-teen and teenage population enrolled in the Foundation MI CIUDAD CON VIDA. • Basic Actions: • Activities to Promote a Healthy Lifestyle Workshops will be organized in order to improve the lifestyle of the children
Activity Responsible Strategies Implement. Date Sexually Transmitted Diseases Gynecologist Talks August 7/04 August21/04 Manage the Sexuality Gynecologist Talks September 4/04 September 18/04 Comunica- tion Styles Psycholgist Talks October 9/04 Octobe23/04
RESOURCES • Physical Resources : Training room, movies, chairs, TVs, overhead projector . • Human Resource: Psychologist, Nutritionist, Gynecologist. • Financial Resources: The funds assigned to the activities of the program.
COSTS • Overhead Projector (rent) $ 480.000 • TV (rent) $ 350.000 • 25 chairs $12.900 each $ 322.500 • Movies $ 35.000 • Psychologist’ fees $1.375.000 • Nutritionist’s fees $1.375.000 • Gynecologist’s fees $1.375.000 • Doctor’s fees (Occupational Health) $1.375.000 These costs cover all the program (6months)
PROGRAMS FOR PERSONAL GROWTH Education Plan targeting the basic areas for the children’s growth and their integration to the community. Estimated time per theme: 2 Months Two groups will be made as follows: • Pre-teen Group: between 6-11 years old • Teenage Group: between 12-15 years old
INFANT GROUP • Psychomotoricity development • Development of fine motoricity • Development of gross motoricity
PRE-TEEN GROUP Coexistence : • At Home • In the neighborhood • At School • At the table • At the visits • At family get-togethers • Open public places