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Welcome BCHS Parents, Class of 2023!

Get important information and guidelines for the BCHS Class of 2023, including graduation requirements, academic expectations, attendance policies, key dates, and scholarship resources.

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Welcome BCHS Parents, Class of 2023!

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  1. Welcome BCHS Parents, Class of 2023! Please take a minute to sign-in. You can do so by turning on your phone’s camera and holding it up to this image.

  2. Graduation and BEYOND

  3. ADMINISTRATIVE tEAM Patrick Spangler- Principal Angie Neely- AP Humanities Tyler Rich- AP Freshman Terry McElhaney- AP STEM Kristina Culberson/Andy McMahan/Arnold Hambright- Business Academy Kirk Campbell- Special Ed Liaison/ Dean of Students Counselors: Robin Laxton- STEM Shanna Dillard- Business Jackie Lynn- Humanities Tyson Capehart- Freshman Melissa Presswood- GEAR UP

  4. BCHS Focus of Priority for 2019-2020 School Year • Accountability • Attendance (Goal 95%) • Increase ACT (21 by 2020) • Graduation Rate (95%) • Producing College Ready Graduates (EPSO’s)

  5. Attendance • Attendance is a key factor in student achievement; therefore students are expected to be present each day school is in session. • Attendance is checked and reported daily for each class • Any Senior who has accumulated 10 unexcused absences in the school year will not participate in the May Graduation. (Alternate June graduation date) PROM • 8 unexcused absences = NO PROM • No Suspensions

  6. Attendance Continued…... Excused Absences/Check Ins • 3 parent notes per semester will be accepted. • 3 parent notes check-ins per semester Unexcused Absences (Tier Plan will begin upon student receiving 3rd unexcused absence) Truancy is defined as an unexcused absence for any portion of the school day or any portion of a particular class without justifiable reason as determined by the administrator or designee. You have 3 days to turn in Parent Notes and Doctor Notes for any absence.

  7. Important DAtes- Plan Ahead, Be in the know Fall Semester: 10/1: ACT Senior Retake (9th grade will take CERT Practice ACT Test) 10/2: Freshman Commitment to Graduate Ceremony during advisory 11/14: Freshman Field Trip - Teen Life Maze Field Trip 12/2-12/19: EOC testing window (English I, English II, Math I, Math II, Math III, Biology, US History) Spring Semester: 3/31: ACT Test Date at BCHS during school hours 4/4: Prom at Hunter Museum 4/13- 5/8: EOC testing window (English I, English II, Math I, Math II, Math III, Biology, US History) 5/5: CTE Share Our Successes

  8. Graduation Requirements - 28 credits •ENGLISH – 4 Credits •MATH – 4 Credits •SCIENCE – 3 Credits Any Sophomore who starts 10th grade with less than •SOCIAL STUDIES - 3 Credit 6 credits is At-Risk •WELLNESS - 1 Credit Any Sophomore who ends 10th grade with less than •PERSONAL FINANCE: - ½ Credit 12 credits is At-Risk •PHYSICAL EDUCATION – ½ Credit •FOREIGN LANGUAGE – 2 Credits •FINE ARTS – 1 Credit •FOCUS – 3 Credits •ELECTIVES – 6 Credits Any Freshman who ends 9th grade with less than 6 credits is AT-RISK Any Sophomore who ends 10th grade with less than 12 credits is AT-RISK

  9. Bear Scholars • Earn a minimum of 12 Honors Credits (10 Courses must be academic) • 3.5 + GPA (by the end of the 7th Semester) • Completing all of the graduation requirements under the TN Diploma Project • No Out-of-School Suspensions • 95% Attendance • No D’s or F’s for any final grade through the 8th semester • NO grade changes from previous years will be considered

  10. SCHOLARSHIPS-WHat do i need to know? https://bchs.bradleyschools.org/ (scroll over counseling, then scholarships) Twitter: @bchscounselor Studentscholarships.org FAFSA Fastweb.com As a Freshman, there are no local scholarships to apply for. Start creating a document of all of your important achievements, awards, club memberships, etc. When it is time to apply, you will be ready!

  11. Social Media • Our BCHS tech coaches, Mrs. Donna Mitchell and Mrs. Pam Coleman, will be working to make our school a Common Sense Media Certified School. • Information from Common Sense Education about social media and teen internet usage has been provided. • These are tips for you as parent/guardians as well as our students. • This information will be presented to our students during this school year.

  12. Class Progression At BCHS 9th Grade: English I Integrated Math I Physical Science (or ag. Science) U.s. Government/Computer Applications Wellness (or 2 semesters of JROTC) Fine Arts Electives 10th Grade: English II Integrated Math II Biology Foreign Language (2 semesters) Electives

  13. Class Progression (Continued) 11th Grade: English III Integrated Math III U.S. History Chemistry Electives 12th Grade: English IV 4th Math World History Economics/Personal Finance Electives

  14. Focus Area • 3 levels of study in a same subject • Similar to a college major • Begins 10th grade year • Students are assigned to an academy based on what they pick their focus to be. Academies are Humanities, Business, and STEM. • Examples of programs of study: • Humanities • Fine Arts • Tennessee Valley Early College • Cambridge • CTE Department: Welding (Example) • Level one: Welding I • Level two: Welding II • Level three: Mfg. Practicum/Welding III (option for industry certification)

  15. CTE PROGRAMS of STUDY Veterinary & Animal Science Horticulture Science* Agricultural Engineering Machining* Mechatronics* Welding* Residential & Commercial Construction Audio/Visual Production Office Management* Business Management Teaching as a Profession Culinary Arts* Nursing Services* Emergency Services* Rehab/Exercise Physiology*


  17. EPSO Examples/iNDUSTRY cERTS

  18. EPSO Examples... For more information, please contact Angela Floyd at afloyd@bradleyschools.org

  19. GEAR UP TN is a federally funded college access program that aims to expand the college-going culture in Tennessee and empower students to succeed. .... Grant Focus: Class of 2023 & Seniors (every year)

  20. 9th Grade GEAR UP Activities •College and Job Site Visits •CERT ACT Prep. Program •Summer Enrichment Program •GEAR UP Youth Summit •Career Exploration •Professional Development for Teachers

  21. GEAR UP Steering Committee •Our GEAR UP Steering Committee will meet quarterly to plan and leverage resources to sustain the programs created through GEAR UP. •These meetings will take place at Bradley County Schools Central Office (or the Central Office Annex on Smith Drive) and last approximately one hour – lunch will be included! •Your input and expertise is important to us as we plan for the future. See Mrs. Presswood after this meeting if you are interested in serving on our Steering Committee for The 2019-2020 School Year.

  22. Safety First at BCHS sasagfed Officer Ryan Beasley Officer Marcus Cochran

  23. Vaping/Drugs • Among middle and high school students, 3.62 million were current users of e-cigarettes in 2018. • E-cigarette use, from 2017 to 2018, increased 78 percent among high school students (11.7% to 20.8%) and 48 percent among middle school students (3.3% to 4.9%) from 2017 to 2018. https://www.fda.gov/tobacco-products/products-ingredients-components/vaporizers-e-cigarettes-and-other-electronic-nicotine-delivery-systems-ends

  24. 4.) Follow our website and Twitter for important information. 1.)Study for the ACT! NOW is the time! 2.)BE ACADEMICALLY PREPARED! 5.) Keep up with your student’s grades on Parent Vue. 3.)THINK About the FUTURE! Talk about your child’s career choice and what it will take to get there! 6.)Research ALL Post-Secondary Options!

  25. Let’s have a great year! Please let us know if we can help you in anyway during the 2019-2020 school year! God Bless and Go Bears! Website: https://bchs.bradleyschools.org/ Twitter: School (@BradleyCentral) https://twitter.com/bradleycentral?lang=en Counselors (@bchscounselor) https://twitter.com/bchscounselor?lang=en

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