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The Preschool Blueprint. How will PFA work?. Act becomes effective upon passage of the initiative on the June 2006 ballot and will provide a constitutional amendment
How will PFA work? • Act becomes effective upon passage of the initiative on the June 2006 ballot and will provide a constitutional amendment • Establishes free, part-day preschool for all California children, regardless of income, whose parents choose to enroll them in the year prior to kindergarten • Overseen by the Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI) and delivered through County Superintendents (CS) of Schools and alternate local administrators
The State Superintendent of Public Instruction will… • Establish statewide quality standards and approve local plans • Appoint an Independent Parental Advocate in each county or region • Approve distribution of funds to County Superintendents
The State Superintendent of Public Instruction will… • Evaluate statewide need for PFA facilities and ensure funds sufficient to meet anticipated facility needs • Annually report progress of PFA • Establish State PFA Accountability Oversight Committee chaired by State Controller
County Superintendents will… • Establish a local advisory committee to ensure input to the planning process • Oversee local planning, construction of facilities, and implementation • Provide parental outreach & involvement • Select providers • Provide incentives to meet quality standards • Ensure voluntary enrollment by 2010
PFA Providers • County Superintendents may contract with local providers including: school districts, charter schools, colleges, and other licensed providers, including centers and family child care homes, or operate programs themselves
Provider Requirements • Licensed by CA Department of Social Services • Non-sectarian in their PFA program, admission policies, employment practices and all other operations • Not discriminate • Not charge tuition • Admit all eligible students • Comply with collective bargaining requirements
PFA Funding • Based on revenues received in the Preschool for All Fund between January 1, 2007 and June 15, 2007, the SPI will determine county planning allocations • A statewide per-child allocation rate will be established by the SPI for the preschool-eligible children in the county • From July 1, 2006 to July 1, 2016, funds will be allocated by the Controller to each county
PFA Funding • After July 1, 2016, priority for funding shall be to serve children in Preschool for All programs • The Controller will allocate funds to each county’s account based on children enrolled in the Preschool for All program and the SPI will authorize disbursement of sufficient funds to make expenditures approved in the county’s plan
PFA Funding • A Preschool for All Reserve Fund will be established • By the 10th year, the reserve fund must contain funding for one year’s expenses for the Act at full implementation • If the reserve fund falls below 10% of the annual cost of the program, the SPI shall declare a funding emergency • If a funding emergency occurs, the Legislature may, by vote and approval by the Governor, institute a parent contribution for one year • No child will be denied access based on parents’ ability to pay
High Quality Program Elements • Three hours daily for 180 days • Age and developmentally appropriate learning standards • Highly qualified staff* *All teachers have Bachelor’s degree by 2014 and Early Learning credential by 2016
High Quality Program Elements • Teachers and aides are to be compensated commensurate toK-12 teachers and aides • Teachers and aides who work two sessions will be considered full time • The act provides representation and collective bargaining rights for PFA staff
Timelines December 2006, State Superintendent adopts regulations for: • Preschool standards • Submission of county plans • Process for selecting program providers • Uniform statewide per child allocation rate • Monitoring and accountability
Timelines • By July 1, 2007, County Superintendents submit a five-year community assessment and a county plan, for SPI approval, to ensure access for all children • Between 2006 and 2010, priority is to be given to children who reside in the attendance boundary of deciles 1-3 elementary schools • By September 2010, the CS is to ensure that all children in each county, one year prior to kindergarten, can voluntarily enroll in a Preschool for All program
Workforce Development • By January 1, 2008, the SPI in collaboration with colleges and universities, will establish a workforce development plan • By July 1, 2014, all teachers need a Bachelor’s degree with 24 units in Early Learning • Instructional aides need at least 48 units of college level work, including 24 units in Early Learning • By July 1, 2016, all teachers need a Bachelor’s degree, plus an Early Learning credential
Facilities • County-level facilities’ funding need to be addressed through the per child allocation • In addition establishes state-level reserve funds for facilities, which may be accessed by counties that cannot fund facilities through the per child allocation • By 2016, the CS is to implement a plan to provide necessary facilities (construct, purchase, renovate or lease) • Public entities can use funding to build, renovate and lease • Private entities can use funding for modest renovation and lease
PFA Challenges & Issues • Philosophy and Practice • Timelines and Funding • Facilities • Collective Bargaining • Workforce Development • Equity
The Preschool Blueprint What County Superintendents Must Do If PFA Passes