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Proposed application to estimate PEC/PNEC ratio for substances with risk score = 1

The ECETOC tool proposes a method to estimate PEC/PNEC ratios for chemicals based on tiered risk assessment approaches. It includes user interfaces for inputting substance data, defining scenarios, and deriving risk ratios. Free download at specified link.

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Proposed application to estimate PEC/PNEC ratio for substances with risk score = 1

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  1. ECETOC TRA tool Proposed application to estimate PEC/PNEC ratio for substances with risk score = 1 • ECETOC has developed a tiered approach for calculating the exposure and related risks to consumers, workers and the environment caused by chemicals: • Tier 1: based on pre-defined and conservative use scenarios corresponding to Environmental Release Categories (ERC) described under REACH Guidance (Chapter R.16) • Tier 2: detailed risk assessment on previously identified uses (additional more realistic exposure input) Developed in Excel, contains the user interface and the datasheets Freely downloadable after registration from: http://www.ecetoc.org/tra

  2. ECETOC TRA tool Options for retrieval and storage of information from and to the database Substance input interface

  3. ECETOC TRA tool Input to Environment Assessment Use scenarios definition Reference values (e.g. PNEC) entry

  4. ECETOC TRA tool Environment Assessment Output interface PEC and risk ratio (PEC/PNEC) derivation

  5. Example of application Input data Name of the substance = Galaxolide CAS Number = 1222-05-5 Sector of use (SU) = Private houdeholds (from IUCLID db: personal and domestic use as cosmetics, odour agents and detergents) Molecular weight = 258,40642 mol/g Vapour pressure = 7,27E-02 Pa Water solubility = 4,86E-07 mg/L Partition coefficient octanol-water (log) = 5,86E+00 Biodegradability test result = not biodegradable Life cycle stage = service life ERC = ERC10b, i.e. wide dispersive outdoor use of long-life articles and materials with high or intended release (from IUCLID db: wide dispersive use) ECETOC TRA tool

  6. Example of application Output data PEC local freshwater = 3,00E-01 mg/L PEC local freshwater sediment =7,64E+01 mg/Kg(wwt) PEC local marine environment = 2,98E-02 mg/L PEC marine sediment =7,58E+00 mg/Kg(wwt) PEC in STP = 2,74E+00 mg/L Total daily intake man via the environment local = 9,42E+00 mg/Kg(dw)/d RCR local freshwater = 8.19E+02 ECETOC TRA tool

  7. ERC under REACH

  8. ERC under REACH ERC is selected according to the most realistic worst case scenario for the substance of concern

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