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This PDF Documents will explain a process to use Router as Switch and if you need any support use Belkin Support Number: 1 888 306 5155 web: https://www.onlinetechnicians.co/belkin-router-support.php
Title: How Do I Use My Router as Switch This Document basically includes some steps to Use a Router as a Router, described by Belkin Router Support Team and if you need any support use Belkin Router Support Helpline: 1 888 306 5155. Numerous little office routers are really a mix of different Network gadgets in a little package, which permits them to be utilized for different purposes when the Routing capacity is not sought or required. You can design your Router as a router. Step 1: Associate your PC to the router utilizing a standard Ethernet cable, regardless of the possibility that the router incorporates wireless Access, in light of the fact that setup changes may influence the wireless flag. Step 2: Open a Web browser and enter the router's IP address, more often than not something like or Step 3: Enter the username and password for your router. Naturally, numerous routers will utilize "administrator" for both the username and password. A Web page demonstrating the status of the router will be shown if the router is associated accurately and the login was effective. Step 4: Set the IP deliver of the router to an address that won't struggle with the primary router on the Network. For example, if the fundamental router is, take a stab at setting the one to be utilized as a router to This setting might be on the status page or the organization page, however it will shift from router to router. Step 5: Turn off the DHCP server. This server permits the router to dole out IP locations to the PCs associated with it. Since the router will be utilized as a router, it no longer needs to play out this capacity, and the primary router on the Network will assume control over this undertaking. Step 6: Find the settings for the DNS server. This server ought to be Turn offed too. It is utilized to make an interpretation of IP locations into the more well-known "www" delivers that are utilized to go to a Web page. Once more, a router does not have to play out this capacity. Step 7: Turn off any firewall choices that the router may have. This may require Turn offing a few settings, contingent upon the specific router. Step 8: Change the method of your router to entryway or router if your router has a "Working Mode" setting. Step 9: Remote any port sending sections that may have been utilized for games, distributed programming or different applications. Step 10: Arrange the wireless bit of your router to work as an access point if this setting is accessible. Step 11: Save every one of the progressions and reboot the router to complete the procedure. Since the additional elements of the router have been Turned off, it will act more as a router on your Network.