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Wellbeing and mental health

Explore the impact of communication on mental health and wellbeing in organizations. Learn how to promote positive mental health and reduce stress through effective communication strategies. Workshop covers motivation, needs, and Nudge Theory. Discover wellbeing strategies for personal and organizational growth.

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Wellbeing and mental health

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  1. Wellbeing and mental health

  2. The personal touch: Improvements through better communication Prof Jackie Parkes University of Northampton Institute of Health and Wellbeing Wellbeing and mental health

  3. The Personal Touch: How an organisation’s communication strategy can enhance employee mental and emotional wellbeing. Professor Jacqueline Parkes Jacqueline.parkes@northampton.ac.uk

  4. Outline of Workshop • Why do we work? • What do we mean by ‘ positive mental well-being’? • What do we mean by ‘reduced mental wellbeing?’ • How can organisational communication strategies contribute to positive and reduced mental wellbeing? • How do we maintain a ‘healthy mental workload’?

  5. Exercise 1(Whole group discussion) Why do we go to work?

  6. Exercise 2(Pairs) What do we mean by ‘ positive mental well-being’?

  7. Charles Handy - Motivation Calculus • Needs - Maslow Hierarchy of Needs factors, personality characteristics, current work environment, outside pressures and influences. • Results - we must be able to measure the effect of what our additional efforts, resulting from motivation, will produce. • Effectiveness - we decide whether the results we have achieved meet the needs that we feel. Understanding organisations (1993) Penguin Books

  8. Exercise 3(Pairs) What do we mean by ‘reduced mental wellbeing?’

  9. Exercise 4 How can organisational communication strategies contribute to positive and reduced mental wellbeing?

  10. Communication Strategy:Questions for Focus Groups 1. Technical: When considering issues of effective communication systems throughout your organisation can you identify the knowledge, skills, resources that you require to effectively perform your job/role? 2. Interpersonal: Do you feel able to appropriately ‘voice your opinions’ within your organisational context, or your own particular department, and that your contributions would be valued? 3. Conceptual: Can you describe the current available structures for the dissemination of information within your department, and the procedures by which you are able to participate in staff discussions or consultation?

  11. Nudge Theory Nudge theory was named, defined (as 'Nudge theory') and popularized in the 2008 book, 'Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness', written by American academics Richard H Thaler and Cass R Sunstein. Summary of the ‘Nudge Theory’ Toolkit • Understand and validate the required change • Check for obstacles • Check for unhelpful existing nudges • Remove obstacles and establish support • Explore which environmental/circumstantial factors can be altered/introduced

  12. Wellbeing Strategies Wellbeing Policies Confidential counselling Employee assistance programmes Mind/body therapies Stress reduction/prevention activities Personal Strategies • joy and laughter • fresh air and physical exercise • fun and games • diet and hydration (drinking enough water) • careful use of alcohol and drugs • Yoga, reflexology • Acupuncture, reiki • meditation • hypnotherapy

  13. Thank you! Any questions?

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