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Operation Empathy: Week 3

Operation Empathy: Week 3. DAY 1: SEPTEMBER 11th, 2017. Acting / performing: what’s your zone?. Comfort zone: this is your element! Learning zone: you’re game for this, but it’s a push for you. Panic zone: there is nothing I’d like to do less. Warm-up: group counting.

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Operation Empathy: Week 3

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  1. Operation Empathy: Week 3 DAY 1: SEPTEMBER 11th, 2017

  2. Acting / performing: what’s your zone? • Comfort zone: this is your element! • Learning zone: you’re game for this, but it’s a push for you. • Panic zone: there is nothing I’d like to do less.

  3. Warm-up: group counting The goal is to count to 20 as a group. • If two people say a number at the same time you have to start over. • No one can say numbers consecutively. • No verbal or physical communication while you count. Only eye contact.

  4. Warm-up: pass around a sound • Everybody in a big circle. • One player starts by making eye contact with someone across the circle and “sending” them a sound. • The receiver makes the sound to confirm s/he got it. • The receiver then makes a new sound a send it to someone else.

  5. Book Clubs: Period 1/2 The Glass Castle: Zavier, Alexandra, Verenice, Jacqui Willow Weep for Me: Vanessa, Alex, Axcel, Alyssa Dreams from My Father: Samuel, Rodrigo, Melissa, Jakob An Unquiet Mind: Rene, Allie, Makai, Jazmine Just Mercy: Ika, Isabel, Tori, Raya Hillbilly Elegy: Miguel, Riley, Lauren, Adrian

  6. Book Clubs: Period 3/4 The Glass Castle: Dario, Estevan, Jenna, Acel,Emilio Willow Weep for Me: Arianna, Camie, Litzye, Ryelan Dreams from My Father: Dany, David, Ilse, Ermel Just Mercy: Max, Anastasia, Raylene, Mariano Romantic Violence: Livana, Roman, Dylan, Diego Burro Genius: Angelica, Ariyani, Elizabeth, Jose

  7. Logistics…. • Please indicate on the form if you can buy your own copy or if you need me to order one. I need to know ASAP! • If you plan to take honors, don’t forget to bring your signed contract to me by tomorrow afternoon. • Don’t forget that your college essay FIRST drafts are due on Friday. Bring 1 printed copy to class.

  8. The Science of Evil Turn to a partner and share the results of the empathy test that you took from the book. Do you think it’s accurate? Why or why not?

  9. “Save the last word for me” discussion • Remember to: • Read and respect the protocol • Have a timekeeper • Fill the time! • (1 minute of response per responder; 2 minutes for the presenter)

  10. 5 Minute Stretch Break!

  11. Psychology…. • What do you think you know about psychology? • What questions or puzzles do you have?

  12. Crash course: What is psychology? • Jot down at least 5 pieces of information while you listen

  13. Note-taking gallery walk: Circulate and look at each other’s notes. Think about the following questions: • What note-taking practices do you notice your peers using that are different from yours? • Who managed to get down a lot of key information? Interview that person for 2 minutes to find out any tips and tricks that you might be able to use in your own note-taking practice.

  14. Homework • Look up a famous psychological experiment. Come with at least a half-sheet of notes which prepare you to describe the experiment and its findings.

  15. Operation Empathy: Week 3 DAY 2: SEPTEMBER 8th, 2017

  16. Logistics…. • If you write that you can buy your own book club book, order it ASAP! Book clubs will start NEXT FRIDAY. • Bring your signed honors contract to me by the end of the day. Please plan to come Thursday lunch for a planning meeting. • Don’t forget that your college essay FIRST drafts are due on Friday. Bring 1 printed copy to class.

  17. Warm-up: Move in the human atom!

  18. Psych experiment sharing • Form groups of 3-4. You can choose your group but it can’t be anyone at your table. • Each person has 3 minutes to summarize the experiment that they researched. Be ready to share about one of the experiments that you heard which was not yours.  

  19. Note-taking methods! https://www.gvsu.edu/cms4/asset/91D2F15F-DAF4-C2F7-B659ECCACE9E7375/1five_methods_of_notetaking.docx_updated_7-09.pdf

  20. Stanford prison experiment: video text Essential question: What does this experiment tell us about the nature and limits of human empathy? Viewing practice: Every 15 minutes or so, I will stop the video to let you catch up in your notes. Make sure you capture your thoughts and reactions and also ideas/quotes/evidence which relate to the essential question.

  21. Gallery walk of notes Use the stickies to write notes to at least 3 of your peers. On each sticky, include one celebration and one suggestion.

  22. Operation Empathy: Week 3 DAY 3: SEPTEMBER 8th, 2017

  23. Warm-up: weather report

  24. Logistics…. • If you write that you can buy your own book club book, order it ASAP! Book clubs will start NEXT FRIDAY. • Honors students, please plan to come tomorrow lunch for a planning meeting. • Bring a copy of your college essay draft to class on Friday.

  25. Empathy research jigsaw • Start by reading the summary of the research out loud with your partner and making sure you have a handle on the big picture ideas of the research you’re about to dig into. Write summaries along the sides to check yourself for understanding. • When you’re ready, continue onto the real-deal psych article that goes along with your research. Write questions and connections to help yourself get through when you get stuck.

  26. How to read an academic psychology article…

  27. Learning from each other…. • With your partner, find another partnership which read the other article. Each pair spends 4 minutes summarizing the research that you investigated.

  28. Psych article debrief: journaling Content: What was most surprising or interesting about the findings of the research that you reviewed? How did it change or deepen your thinking about empathy? Process: How did you feel making your way through an academic psychology article? What strategies do you want to remember to use again?

  29. Empathy gap brainstorm!

  30. What empathy gaps are there in contemporary American society? List out as many as you can in your notebooks. Examples: • Conservatives // liberals • Teacher // students • Law enforcement // local communities (esp. communities of color)

  31. Mark up our list! Heart = this issue is close to my heart; I care about it deeply (x2) Star = this issue intrigues me; I’d like to learn more (x2)

  32. Pick one of your stars or hearts to journal about…. • What do you think you know about this empathy gap? • Why do you think addressing this empathy gap is important? • What would you need to do to learn more about this empathy gap? What resources might you consult? Who might you talk to? • On a scale of 1-5, with 5 being “very excited,” how excited would you be to work on addressing this empathy gap through your verbatim theatre sketch, and why?

  33. Homework Bring in a copy of your college essay tomorrow – it doesn’t need to be fully revised (yet!) but ideally you will have done some work on it since last week.

  34. Operation Empathy: Week 3 DAY 4: SEPTEMBER 9th, 2017

  35. Reminders: • Book club books – get them! • Honors organizing meeting at lunch today • College essay first drafts due TOMORROW – bring 4 copies.

  36. Warm-up: tableaus in pairs • Collaborate to decide on your roles • Use your whole body • Use your facial expressions – don’t break out of your role

  37. Psychology debrief…. • What do you know about psychology that you didn’t know before? • What questions do you still have about what it would be like to major in psych?

  38. Project gear-up: open space conference Topics for groups to discuss: • What do we know about this empathy gap? • Why do we think this particular empathy gap is important to address? • One of the main requirements of the project is to do interviews with 3 stakeholders on each side of the gap. How feasible would this be? How would we identify and reach out to stakeholders?

  39. Our open-space conference will last 15 minutes total. Circulate to at least 2 groups. • Go to a topic group that intrigues you – NOT to where your friends might be. • You must stay for at least 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, you’re welcome to float around.

  40. Fill out the interest survey online • Next week, I will ask a few of you who feel most passionately about your topics to make a “pitch” to your peers to join your group. • Like with your book clubs, I can’t promise your first choice, but I’ll do what I can. It’s possible that multiple groups will be working on similar topics, and that’s okay.

  41. Spotlight protocol: college essays

  42. Fishbowl observers… • Read the essay draft along with everyone else • Observe for process and norms. Also take note of Dr. Fine’s facilitation because you will likely be facilitating this same protocol with a smaller group tomorrow. • Be ready to share out warm and cool feedback about the group’s process at the end.

  43. College essay worktime: • What tips, tricks, and ideas did you hear discussed today that you can apply to your own college essay? • Start working….

  44. Homework • Bring 4 printed copies of your college essay first drafts to class tomorrow.

  45. Operation Empathy: Week 3 DAY 4: SEPTEMBER 14th, 2017

  46. Spotlight protocol: college essays

  47. Spotlight protocol: college essays • Form a group of 4 • Decide on 1 presenter and 1 facilitator for each round (2 rounds total; different facilitator each round) • Get a copy of the protocol, find a space, and begin!

  48. Homework • Don’t forget that you need your book club book in hand by next Friday. If you’re having trouble getting a copy, tell me NOW! • Revise your college essays for an “editing for elegance” workshop next Thursday. • Honors students: don’t forget to read chapter one of The Empathy Exams and add your 2-3 paragraph discussion starter to your online discussion group by Sunday night.

  49. Operation Empathy: verbatim theatre prototype • While you are viewing, sit back and take in the experience. Keep in the back of your head, though, that this is a prototype of the kind of verbatim theatre sketch that you will be creating.

  50. Prototype debrief • React to what you saw in your journal. What was powerful? What was puzzling? How do you feel about the idea that you and your group will be creating and performing a sketch like this? • Look over the materials. What steps do you think went into creating the project? Be as detailed as you can.

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