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Pharos University in Alexandria Faculty of Engineering. Petrochemical Department. Eng.Thermodynamics I ( Code: PE200). Prepared by : Dr. Ehssan Nassef Email :ehssan.nassef@pua.edu.eg. Pre- requisite: Eng.Physics 2: (BE 122). Lecture: E 122 .
Pharos University in Alexandria Faculty of Engineering. Petrochemical Department Eng.Thermodynamics I (Code: PE200) Prepared by: Dr. EhssanNassef Email :ehssan.nassef@pua.edu.eg
Pre-requisite:Eng.Physics 2: (BE 122) • Lecture: E122. • Thursday – from 9:30.. to 12:20 A.m • Tut: E113, Tuesday 8:30-10:20 Instructor:Dr.EhssanNassef Email:ehssan.nassef@pua.edu.eg Room: E 128 • Office hours: Mondayfrom 9:30 to 2:20 • Thursday from 12:30 to 1:20 • ………………………………………………………….
Course Aim: At the end of this course the students will be well known of the following: • 1-An introduction to Eng Thermo dynamics. • 2- The first law of thermodynamics on steady flow devices.. • 3-The properties of the pure substances. • 4-The kinetic theory of gases and its applications on the physical interpretation of temperature , pressure as well as the extracted perfect gas equation. • 5- Closed and open system in engineering thermodynamics. • 6- Apply the first law of thermodynamics on both closed and open thermal engineering systems. • 7-Interactions between heat and work done as both will act as a boundary phenomena affects the total energy of the thermal engineering systems. Intended Learning outcomes:
8-Apply the first law of thermodynamics on both closed and open thermal engineering systems. 9-The Second law of thermodynamics. 10-Nozzles, pumps, diffuser,…etc 11-Specific heats at constant temperature and volume. 12-Carnot cycle as an ideal cycle represents any heat engine, consequently comparison between heat engines efficiencies became feasible. 13-Study the heat engine, refrigerators as well as heat pumps specifications. 14-reversed Carnot cycle as an ideal cycle represents refrigerators and heat pump, consequently comparison between their coefficients of performances.
Intended learning outcomes(ILO,S) A- Knowledge and understanding: • a1Define thermodynamics and energy. • a-2 Identify forms of energy. • a-3 Define closed and open system. • a-4 Extensive and intensive properties. • a-5 Identify heat. and work. • a-6 First law of thermodynamics. • a-7 First law of thermodynamics for closed system. • a-8 Define enthalpy and specific heat. • a- 9 First law of thermodynamics for flow process . • a-10 Identify phase and pure substance. • a-11 Thermodynamic state and state functions. • a-12 Gibbs phase rule. • a-13 Ideal gas equation of state. .
a-14 Virial equation of state. a -15 Vanderwaales equations of state . a-16 Generalized correlations. a-17 Second law of thermodynamics a-18 Carnot cycle . a-19 Describle heat engines a-20 Descripe heat pumps. a-21 Entropy and its calculations. a-22 To understand heat of formation and heat of combustion. a- 23 Calculate heat of reaction.
b- Intellectual skills • b1Classify open and closed systems. • b-2 Recognize the physica meaning of pressure and temperature. • b- 3 Classify properties. • b-4 Determine the interactions between heat and work done as both will act as boundary . • b-5 Apply the first law of thermodynamics. • b-6 Apply the phase rule. • b-7 Select the correct formula for a given gas. • b -8 Select equation of state. • b- 9 Determine thermodynamics parameters for different enginering parameters. • b- 10 Apply the second law of thermdynamics. • b- 11 Examine the effenciey of heat engine ,refrigeration cycle and carnot cycle . • b-12 Calculate heat of reaction. . c1. c2. c3. .
C- Professional and practical skills • -1 Classify thermodynamic system. • c2- Measure the pressure and temperature at any point. • c-3 Analyze closed system relations in an appropriate manner . • c-4 Apply the first law of thermodynamics. • c-5 Determine relation s for ideal gases in terms specific heats and temperature. • c-6 Classify different gas relations and limitations to its use. • c-7 Apply the first law of thermodynamics. • c-8 Apply second law of thermodynamics. • c-9 Distinguish between enthalpy and entropy. .
d- General and transferable skills • .d1- Enhance problem solving skills. • d2- Enhance computer skills.
Teaching and learning methods - Lectures. • Tutorials • Laboratory Experiments. • -Presentation. Student assessment : A- Procedures used • Assessment (1) Case study. • Assessment (2) Mid tem exam. • Assessment (3) Work sheets. • Assessment (4) four quizzes • Assessment (5) Final written Exam
B- Schedule • Assessment 1 , during the semester • Assessment 2 Midterm Week 9 • Assessment 3,4 weeks 4,8,11,13 • Assessment 5 week 16 C- Weighting of Assessment • Four quizzes 15% • Case Study 10% • Midterm Exam 20% • Work sheets 5% • Final Written Exam 50%
List of references • 1- Course notes 1-Introduction to chemical Engineering Thermodynamics six edition ,by J.M Smith and H.C Van Ness,2001 • 2- Required books (text books) 2. "Fundamentals of classical Thermodynamics" by G.J. Van Waylen , John Wiley and Sons .. • 3- Periodicals, Web sites, … etc www.pua.edu.eg