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Working With Imported Geometry: Importing Geometry from Autodesk® and Non-Native Applications. How to directly import a CAD model into Autodesk® Simulation Multiphysics for analysis Discussion of the differences in coordinate system orientation for various CAD systems
Working With Imported Geometry: Importing Geometry from Autodesk® and Non-Native Applications • How to directly import a CAD model into Autodesk® Simulation Multiphysics for analysis • Discussion of the differences in coordinate system orientation for various CAD systems • Use of Autodesk® Inventor® Fusion to import any CAD geometry into Autodesk® Simulation Multiphysics • Use of default meshing
Section 1 Module 1 Page 1 Working With Imported Geometry Importing Geometry from Autodesk® and Non-Native ApplicationsOverview • In industry today, CAD solid geometry models are commonly used to design parts and assemblies. • However, analysis is still mostly done by hand, without the use of a finite element analysis tool that can use this CAD geometry directly. • Autodesk® Simulation Multiphysics provides an easy to use tool for these types of analyses from any imported CAD solid model.
Section 1 Module 1 Page 2 Working With Imported Geometry Importing Geometry from Autodesk® and Non-Native ApplicationsOverview • Finite element analysis multiphysics software packages can provide valuable information about a design: • Reducing the weight • Trying different design options • Estimating fatigue life • Determining resonant frequencies • Locating regions of high stress, strain, or deflection
Section 1 Module 1 Page 3 Working With Imported Geometry Importing Geometry from Autodesk® and Non-Native ApplicationsPerforming a basic stress analysis • For a hand analysis of a part, such as the yoke shown, many simplifying assumptions need to be made. • With FEA, such assumptions are eliminated, providing a much more accurate answer.
Section 1 Module 1 Page 4 Working With Imported Geometry Importing Geometry from Autodesk® and Non-Native ApplicationsPerforming a basic stress analysis • The steps for analyzing a part by hand or in FEA are basically the same: • Determine the material out of which the part will be made and use those material properties. • Determine the magnitude and direction of the load and apply it. • Determine how the part will be constrained. • Perform the analysis.
Section 1 Module 1 Page 5 Working With Imported Geometry Importing Geometry from Autodesk® and Non-Native ApplicationsFinite element analysis • For FEA, the part must also be broken up into small pieces, called “finite elements”, and there are various different shapes of these elements for different purposes. • For solid geometry, the most common shape is brick, which is a six-sided shape resembling a box made out of rods. The other shape is tetrahedral, with four sides. • At the end of each “rod” on the corner of the shape, there is a node.
Section 1 Module 1 Page 6 Working With Imported Geometry Importing Geometry from Autodesk® and Non-Native ApplicationsFinite element analysis • Loads on the part are applied to the nodes, but most FEA software packages let the user pick a surface, which is easier. • Boundary conditions are a way of constraining the part so it doesn’t “fly away” because of the applied load. • There are six degrees of freedom, three translations and three rotations. • If all six degrees of freedom are constrained, the nodes are said to be “fixed.”
Section 1 Module 1 Page 7 Working With Imported Geometry Importing Geometry from Autodesk® and Non-Native ApplicationsNotes on CAD models • Each CAD system defines their “Top”, “Front” and “Right” views differently, based on the X-Y-Z coordinate system. • For instance, SolidWorks® defines X-Y plane as “Front” and Autodesk Inventor defines it as “Top.” • Autodesk® Simulation Multiphysics follows the naming convention, so the coordinate systems will be altered.
Section 1 Module 1 Page 8 Working With Imported Geometry Importing Geometry from Autodesk® and Non-Native ApplicationsCAD model orientation Autodesk® Inventor SolidWorks®
Section 1 Module 1 Page 9 Working With Imported Geometry Importing Geometry from Autodesk® and Non-Native ApplicationsNotes on CAD models • Autodesk® Simulation Multiphysics works with generic CAD file types, such as IGES and STEP. • Autodesk® Simulation Multiphysics works parametrically with Autodesk® Inventor® and AutoCAD®. • However, if you own a third party CAD software and it is installed, it will link with Autodesk® Simulation Multiphysics and be available as a CAD model import type, such as: • SolidWorks® • Pro/Engineer® • CATIA® • Also, Autodesk® Inventor® Fusion can open almost any CAD file type, whether or not you own it, making this a powerful tool!
Section 1 Module 1 Page 10 Working With Imported Geometry Importing Geometry from Autodesk® and Non-Native ApplicationsSummary • How to directly import a CAD model into Autodesk® Simulation Multiphysics for analysis • Discussion of the differences in coordinate system orientation for various CAD systems • Use of Autodesk® Inventor® Fusion to import any CAD geometry into Autodesk® Simulation Multiphysics • Use of default meshing • The video will demonstrate how to import a CAD model into Autodesk® Simulation Multiphysics. • The model will be prepared for analysis up through meshing.