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Insights from Philippians: A Journey of Faith and Joy

Delve into the world of the New Testament with a guide to the text of Philippians 1:1-11. Explore Paul's experiences, the purpose of the epistle, and the significance of key terms. Uncover the principles of a happy brain and discover how to find contentment through Christ-centered relationships.

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Insights from Philippians: A Journey of Faith and Joy

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  1. Sweet Fellowship Philippians 1:1-11

  2. The World of the New Testament

  3. "One tooth, one cavity; life's cruel." • "Savior complex makes for many disappointments." • "Cursed with cancer. Blessed with friends." (This one was written by a nine-year-old boy with cancer). • "The psychic said I'd be richer." • This one was only five words: "One long train to darkness." • "Tombstone won't say: 'Had health insurance.'" • "Not a good Christian, but trying." • "Thought I would have more impact."

  4. 5 Traits of a Very Happy Brain Compassion, Kindness, Gratitude, Forgiveness, Healing

  5. DISCUSSION GUIDE 1. Where and when did Paul write the book of Philippians? Scholars agree that he was in prison, but there is some disagreement about what prison. Some have said Rome, others Ephesus and still others say Caesarea. The location would affect the date of the writing. Most lean toward Paul’s Roman imprisonment because of the decisive nature of the verdict the apostle expected. He would either be set free or executed with no appeal. This was a characteristic of the Roman justice system. So the traditional view is that Paul wrote Philippians at the end of his Roman imprisonment in A.D. 61.

  6. DISCUSSION GUIDE 2. What were Paul’s first experiences in Philippi? a. (Acts 16:11-15) Lydia was converted and her household. She is the first recorded European convert b. (Acts 16:16-21) Paul casts out a demon from a slave girl and is thrown in prison c. (Acts 16:23-26) Paul and Silas display joy despite being beaten in jail d. (Acts 16:27-31) Jailor and his household saved e. (Acts 16:40) Paul encouraged the new converts before departing

  7. DISCUSSION GUIDE 3. What was the purpose of Philippians? a. (Philippians 1:3) To offer support and encouragement with joy for the Christians b. (Philippians 1:12) To give the people an update on his imprisonment c. (Philippians 2:1-2) To encourage the church to be unified d. (Philippians 2:19-20) To recommend Timothy to the people e. (Philippians 13:2-3) To head off false doctrine f. (Philippians 4:10) To thank the people for their concern

  8. DISCUSSION GUIDE 4. How does Paul refer to Timothy and himself in (v. 1)? As servants of the Lord. This term was used to describe a person in Paul’s day who had no rights, privileges or freedoms in any sphere of society outside the family to which they belonged.

  9. DISCUSSION GUIDE 5. What is the significance of this term as it relates to the Christian family? A Christian should be so committed to Christ that he/she has no rights outside of doing the Lord’s will and work. It also speaks to the unity in the family of God.

  10. DISCUSSION GUIDE 6. Who is Paul writing to? (v. 1) All of the Christians in Philippi and the leaders of the church.

  11. DISCUSSION GUIDE 7. Describe the thankfulness of Paul for the Philippians. (vs. 3-8) • What was he thankful for? For his memories of them • Attitude behind thankfulness? Joy • What was he confident of? They are staying true to Christ • Why was he confident? They have stuck by him • How much did he miss them? He longed to be with them

  12. DISCUSSION GUIDE 8. Why should these characteristics be lived out in the context of a Life Group?

  13. DISCUSSION GUIDE 9. Describe the prayer of Paul for the Philippians (vs. 9- 11). • About their love That it would grow as they grew in the knowledge • About their discernment To do the right things • About their relationships That they would be sincere and blameless • About their character That they would be filled with the fruit of righteousness

  14. DISCUSSION GUIDE 10. How could this be a model prayer for your Life Group?

  15. DISCUSSION GUIDE 11. Complete the following chart to overview (vs. 1-11):

  16. DISCUSSION GUIDE 12. How can you find contentment in life through Christ-centered relationships?

  17. Actions that Lead to Contentment in Life 1 Give something away (no strings attached) 2 Do a kind deed (and forget it) 3 Pray for others (more than yourself) 4 Give thanks (a thousand a day is not enough) 5 Spend time with an older person (their wisdom is priceless) 6 Look intently at new creations (babies, puppies, kittens, flowers, etc.) 7 Work with (vim and vigor) 8 Laugh often (it is life’s lubricant) 9 Plan as though you will live forever (because you will) 10 Live as though you will die tomorrow (because you will on some tomorrow)

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