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AMES Space Science & Astrobiology Division Strategic Plan YIR. Radiative Transfer Capability (RT_Hub)
AMES Space Science & Astrobiology Division Strategic Plan YIR Radiative Transfer Capability (RT_Hub) Participants: S. Vahidinia, J. Cuzzi, R. Lupu, S. Pilorz, M. Marley, T. Roush, E. Sciamma-O’Brien, R. Freedman, L. Bebout, D. Wooden, C. Dalle Ore, A. Ricca, J. Roser, F. Salama, T. Lee, D.W. Schwenke, D. Cruikshank, Daniel Olson, G. Gulick, X. Huang Automated Science AnalysisSystem & co-registered databases
AMES Space Science & Astrobiology Division Strategic Plan YIR • Year 1 (2018) progress summary • (none of the progress items have been funded by a RT work package) • Exoplanet atmospheres - RT for aerosols and smart retrievals • Leverage Mars GCM for exoplanets - new NPP • Complex haze model underway • Planetary rings • Monte Carlo/Ray tracing code (BEAM) and image analysis code ready for public distribution • Planetary surfaces - RT for regolith layers • DDSCAT regolith layer code results on reflectivity • Experimental and theoretical studies of solid and gas properties and archiving of refractive indices • New optical constant facility (FTIR - NIR to FIR + R & T accessories) • Near and mid-IR spectra of mixed ices and optical constants (experimental & theoretical) • Optical properties and opacities of gases • Preparation of opacities database for public release with new refractory species • Publicly available line lists for CO2 & SO2 at high temperatures • Automated Sensing Science & Technology Development for Planetary Exploration • New mineral classifier using Raman spectra & neural network for mission support • Building and analyzing mineral, rock, & biosignature sample database for public release
AMES Space Science & Astrobiology Division Strategic Plan YIR • Year 1 milestones (2018) • Nucleate cross discipline group – workshop to cross fertilize RT • successes — continued discussions and made contact with RT group at code TN • failures — Did not have regular meetings as a large group • challenges— Need to get RT hub funded to mobilize group and work on gaining visibility. Steady funding for continued workflow is a common challenge among all objectives • Innovate new exoplanet cloud and haze models • successes— new haze model under development • failures— models are not fully integrated. • Challenges — Obtaining and retaining postdocs • Develop reflectivity/emissivity methods for spectra of granular surfaces • successes— BEAM, DDA reflectivity model calculations • failures— DDA emissivity model calculations not completed • Lab & computational datasets • compute gas opacities for hot exoplanets • successes— Opacities have been calculated and integrated into our codes/models • challenges — Data storage, adapting codes to handle increasingly large line lists, inaccuracy of line broadening parameters are continuous challenges • measure optical constants of solids for Titan Pluto analogs • successes— New optical constant facility. Optical constants of ammonia ices. • failures — Vacuum pump failure (now repaired) • challenges— optical constant code incomplete due to lack of experimental data
AMES Space Science & Astrobiology Division Strategic Plan YIR Upcoming challenges and plans Lapses in historical baseline funding in FY2019 and FY2020. Hiring To obtain stable, continuous, long-term funding to reach our milestones, we need effective marketing and communication strategies(M&C). To implement effective M&C, we need institutional support, infrastructure, and training specifically focused on marketing and communication. Multilevel problem - communication and visibility in our center, headquarters/decision makers, and beyond. Need to create a marketing team and implement M&C - cultivate relationships with prospective funders Marketing strategy needs to be vertically integrated - meaning - working bottom up - researchers effectively communicate their work on various platforms (social media, website, blog,..etc), which feeds material to marketing team undertaking continuous outreach to center decision makers and headquarters.
AMES Space Science & Astrobiology Division Strategic Plan YIR • Milestones – Year 1 (2019) with rollover from 2018 • Nucleate cross discipline group – workshop/meetings to cross fertilize RT & identify new projects • Innovate • Develop and Apply reflectivity methods for spectra of granular surfaces (airless bodies, Saturn’s Rings), Ring Radar observations. Analyze VIMS observations of Plumes of Enceladus. • Consolidate and document surface RT models in common repository (BEAM, DDA, HAPKE) • Lab & computational datasets - establishment of facility at Ames • compute gas opacities for hot exoplanets • measure optical constants of solids for Titan Pluto analogs • Develop & test automated pure mineral spectral classifier on Lunar & Mars relevant rocks • Milestones Years 2-5 (2020-2024) • Automate interface between models and datasets in addition to unified databases facility • Integrate new RT toolsetswith new retrieval methods (JWST) • Expand databases gas opacities, solid optical constants, and co-registered image, IR, Raman databases of minerals, rocks, and biosignatures — cross discipline innovation • Achieve expanded staffing & infrastructurefor RT-hub • Public repositoriesfor code and opacity/material database • Build co-registeredimage, dual or multi-probe Raman, IR instrument system • Develop & test automated multi-mineral spectral classifier on Lunar/Mars relevant rocks • Develop automated science analysis sensing system for co-registered instrument system. • Build Interactive website and develop tools for hosting, viewing, analyzing, & inter-comparing co-registered data sets for community and to support upcoming Lunar and Mars Surface missions • Respond to requests from NASA and community • Milestones Years 5-10 • RT_hub enablesnew discoveries • Apply RT toolset for retrievalof aerosols & habitability • Integratedco-registered databases and science sensing algorithmsonto co-registered instrument system to improve science autonomy in planetary exploration surface missions • Field test co-registered instrument system on mobile platforms planned for future missions • Organize RT workshops across NASA centers and academia • new models for exoplanet clouds and hazes • new project concepts with possible mission involvement (e.g., Lunar surface exploration)