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Explore the basic standards for worship renewal, drawn from Scripture and later worship history. Learn about the context, content, essential actions, and perspective in worship.
Worship History for Worship Renewal, Session 1 Basic Standards for Worship Renewal, Drawn from Scripture and Later Worship History Lester Ruth Research Professor of Christian Worship Duke Divinity School
An Overview of the Three Days • Session 1: Basic Standards • Session 2: The Diet of Scripture in Worship • Session 3: The Diet of Prayer in Worship
An Overview of the Daily Rhythm • Lecture on standards with reference to historical rooting (biblical and post-biblical) • [a short break after about an hour] • Application exercises • Discussion and questions
A Word about How the Standards are Expressed • Each standard will be expressed like a beatitude (Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that….; Blessed and wise is the worship leader who….). • The standards will not be expressed as laws or fixed rules. • Expressing as beatitudes puts an emphasis on reasonableness and wisdom, allowing appropriate flexibility in adaptation. • Expressing as beatitudes creates an open space for mutual discernment and application in a way that a fixed law does not.
The Four Large Categories for Standards • Context and content: Trinitarian Worship • Content: The Biblical Story of God • Essential Actions in a Good Order • Perspective and Commitments Please see the handout for these categories and the specific standards organized by category.
I. Context and Content: Trinitarian Worship • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that uses Trinitarian naming practices in order to reflect a Trinitarian logic or grammar of worship. • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation whose worship content reflects the New Testament tendency to name all three Persons in close proximity. • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that shapes its worship to be a joining in of Jesus Christ’s worship of God his Father. • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that seeks, asks for, and is dependent upon God’s provision of the Holy Spirit.
II. Content:The Biblical Story of God • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that remembers God’s activity as essential content of worship. • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that creates some sense of this whole-Bible story in every service; blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation who creates a clear sense of this story over a reasonably short period of time. • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that includes in its remembrance the breadth of God’s activity from cover to cover of the Bible, even that before the coming of Christ.
II. Content:The Biblical Story of God • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation whose worship content places the story of God in Christ as the key to the entire biblical content of its worship. • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that makes the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus the lynchpin and cornerstone of its worship content. • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that allows its worshipers to step into God’s story found in the Bible, to use that story to find the language for Christian experience.
III. Essential Actionsin a Good Order • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that makes praise and thanksgiving a critical and recurring part of its services, a kind of default setting for corporate worship as well as daily discipleship. • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that first remembers God’s activity and then responds appropriately. • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that places passionate bursts of praise within a larger backdrop of biblical remembrance.
IV. Perspective and Commitments • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that realizes its worship is not just its worship. • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that expects and listens for the divine voice to directly address it today in worship. • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that assembles itself as a resurrection people by speaking edifying words to each other. • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that finds in worship its place through Christ in God’s mission in the world.
IV. Perspective and Commitments • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that anticipates our future destiny in worship. • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that has worship content that both expresses the faith of the congregation and also forms the faith of the congregation. • Blessed and wise are worship leaders, whether pastoral or musical, who respect their stewardship, their sacred trust, of speaking the congregation’s faith, the Christian faith, in worship.
Historical Foundations: The Scriptures Context and Content: Trinitarian Worship • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that uses Trinitarian naming practices in order to reflect a Trinitarian logic or grammar of worship. (Eph 1:2) • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation whose worship content reflects the New Testament tendency to name all three Persons in close proximity. (Rom 1:4) • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that shapes its worship to be a joining in of Jesus Christ’s worship of God his Father. (Matthew 6:9) • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that seeks, asks for, and is dependent upon God’s provision of the Holy Spirit. (I Cor 12:3)
Content: The Biblical Story of God • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that remembers God’s activity as essential content of worship. (Eph 1:3ff) • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that creates some sense of this whole-Bible story in every service; blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation who creates a clear sense of this story over a reasonably short period of time. (Luke 1:68-79) • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that includes in its remembrance the breadth of God’s activity from cover to cover of the Bible, even that before the coming of Christ. (Luke 1:68-79)
Content: The Biblical Story of God • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation whose worship content places the story of God in Christ as the key to the entire biblical content of its worship. (Luke 24:27) • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that makes the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus the lynchpin and cornerstone of its worship content. (I Cor 15:3-4) • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that allows its worshipers to step into God’s story found in the Bible, to use that story to find the language for Christian experience. (Acts 4:24-30)
III. Essential Actionsin a Good Order • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that makes praise and thanksgiving a critical and recurring part of its services, a kind of default setting for corporate worship as well as daily discipleship. (Rev. 4: 11; 5:9, 11, 13) • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that first remembers God’s activity and then responds appropriately. (Matthew 2:11; 28:9 • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that places passionate bursts of praise within a larger backdrop of biblical remembrance. (Romans 11:33-36)
IV. Perspective and Commitments • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that realizes its worship is not just its worship. (I Cor 1:2) • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that expects and listens for the divine voice to directly address it today in worship. (Acts 13:2) • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that assembles itself as a resurrection people by speaking edifying words to each other. (Philippians 1:2) • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that finds in worship its place through Christ in God’s mission in the world. (Acts 4:24-30)
IV. Perspective and Commitments • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that anticipates our future destiny in worship. (Col 3:1-4) • Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation that has worship content that both expresses the faith of the congregation and also forms the faith of the congregation. (Col 3:16-17) • Blessed and wise are worship leaders, whether pastoral or musical, who respect their stewardship, their sacred trust, of speaking the congregation’s faith, the Christian faith, in worship. (Col 3:16-17)
Historical Foundations:Post-Biblical Seeing These Standards in Action • An Ancient Communion Prayer (from the Apostolic Tradition of Hippolytus) • A Modern Methodist Adaptation of the Ancient Prayer • (The order of the standards will be different.)
The Apostolic Tradition of Hippolytus Please see the handout.
Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation… …which assembles itself as a resurrection people by speaking edifying words to each other.
The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise.
Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation… …which makes praise and thanksgiving a critical and recurring part of its services, a kind of “default setting” for corporate services as well as daily discipleship.
It is right to give our thanks and praise…It is right, and a good and joyful thing, always and everywhere to give thanks to you.
Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation… …which uses Trinitarian naming practices in order to reflect a Trinitarian theo-logic of worship.
…to give thanks to you, Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth…
Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation… …which remembers God’s activity as essential content of worship. …which includes in its remembrance the breadth of God’s activity from cover to cover of the Bible, even that before the coming of Christ. …which creates some sense of this whole-Bible story in every service. …which creates a clear sense of this story over a reasonably short period of time.
You formed us in your image and breathed into us the breath of life. When we turned away and our love failed, your love remained steadfast. You delivered us from captivity, made covenant to be our sovereign God, and spoke to us through your prophets.
Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation… …which allows its worshipers to step into God’s story found in the Bible, to use that story to find the language for Christian experience.
You formed us in your image and breathed into us the breath of life. When we turned away and our love failed, your love remained steadfast. You delivered us from captivity, made covenant to be our sovereign God, and spoke to us through your prophets.
Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation… …which remembers God’s activity and then responds appropriately.
And so, with your people on earth and all the company of heaven…
Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation… …which realizes its worship is not just its worship. …which allows that realization to guide its planning and undercut its feuding about having to have “my” worship.
And so, with your people on earth and all the company of heaven we praise your name and join their unending hymn.
Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation… …which places passionate bursts of praise within a larger backdrop of biblical remembrance.
Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation… …whose worship content reflects the New Testament tendency to name all three Persons in close proximity. …whose worship places the story of God in Christ as the key to the entire biblical content of its worship.
Holy are you, and blessed is your Son, Jesus Christ. Your Spirit anointed him to preach good news to the poor, etc.
Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation… …which makes the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus the lynchpin and cornerstone of its worship content.
By the baptism of his suffering, death, and resurrection you gave birth to your church, delivered us from slavery to sin and death, and made with us a new covenant by water and the Spirit.
Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation… …which expects and listens for the divine voice to directly address it today in worship.
On the night in which he gave himself up for us….Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.
Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation… …which remembers God’s activity and then responds appropriately.
And so, in remembrance of these your mighty acts in Jesus Christ...
Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation… …which shapes its worship to be a joining in of Jesus Christ’s worship of God his Father.
And so, in remembrance of these your mighty acts in Jesus Christ, we offer ourselves in praise and thanksgiving as a holy and living sacrifice, in union with Christ’s offering for us.
Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation… …which makes the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus, with an expectation for His return, the lynchpin of its worship content.
As we proclaim the mystery of faith: Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again.
Blessed and wise is the worshiping congregation… …which seeks, asks for, and is dependent upon God’s provision of the Holy Spirit.
Pour out your Holy Spirit on us gathered here, and on these gifts of bread and wine.