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雙語詩 ☆ 朗誦 ☆ 繪畫 ☆ 雕塑 Bilingual poems / Reading Paintings ☆ Sculptures

THE ART WORLD of WILLIAM MARR. 雙語詩 ☆ 朗誦 ☆ 繪畫 ☆ 雕塑 Bilingual poems / Reading Paintings ☆ Sculptures. 非馬 藝術世界. (10). 莎士比亞的羽毛筆 已耗空了墨水 演員們摩拳擦掌等著上場 鳥雀在嘰嘰喳喳調音 偶爾有一兩串晨光 從黑暗的後台探出頭來 一切都已準備就緒 就等這對天真無辜的主角 從一動不動的擁抱 與逐漸失效的毒藥中 悠然醒來 張開眼睛拉起帷幕 讓世世代代的觀眾 用淚水洗淨的眼睛看清 一段美麗純潔的愛情

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雙語詩 ☆ 朗誦 ☆ 繪畫 ☆ 雕塑 Bilingual poems / Reading Paintings ☆ Sculptures

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  1. THE ART WORLD of WILLIAM MARR 雙語詩 ☆ 朗誦 ☆ 繪畫 ☆ 雕塑 Bilingual poems / Reading Paintings ☆ Sculptures 非馬 藝術世界 (10)

  2. 莎士比亞的羽毛筆 已耗空了墨水 演員們摩拳擦掌等著上場 鳥雀在嘰嘰喳喳調音 偶爾有一兩串晨光 從黑暗的後台探出頭來 一切都已準備就緒 就等這對天真無辜的主角 從一動不動的擁抱 與逐漸失效的毒藥中 悠然醒來 張開眼睛拉起帷幕 讓世世代代的觀眾 用淚水洗淨的眼睛看清 一段美麗純潔的愛情 如何在人類莫名其妙的仇恨中 斷氣消魂 羅密歐與朱麗葉 ROMEO AND JULIET Shakespeare's quill has spent its ink actors shuffle and shift waiting impatiently to go on stage here and there we hear chirps of birds as the musicians tune their instruments occasionally a few rays of dawn escape from behind the curtain all is ready except the innocent protagonists embracing motionlessly in their sweet dreams but as soon as the magic potion loses its power they will open their eyes the curtain will rise and the audiences of all generations will see with their tear-sparkling eyes a beautiful love story playing again and again in the tragic world of suspicion and hatred

  3. 失眠 被午夜 陽光 炙瞎 雙眼的 那個人 發誓 要扭斷 這地上 每一株 向日葵 的脖 子 INSOMNIA Blinded by the burning midnight sun he vows to break the neck of every sunflower on earth

  4. 森林 不再有樹 樹上的鳥 或天 扭打著 祈求著 沉溺著 從煙霧的城市 從炮聲隆隆的田野 從空虛的心 眾多的手 伸向我 髮的覆蓋 成了 森林 FOREST no trees no birds no sky fighting praying sinking from the smoky cities from the canon-roaring fields from the hollow hearts hands all rush to reach the shelter of my hair and become a forest

  5. THE THINKER holding his chin thinking how to hold the chin and watch the computer do the thinking 沉思者 支著腮 思索 如何 支著腮 看電腦 思索

  6. 從故鄉來的那個人 把一隻手臂交給海裡的鯊魚 把滴血的心交給香港的巡捕 把夢交給現實 把沉默交給這熙熙攘攘的世界 便頭也不回地走了 母親我收到您的信了 您長長的信 寫在他輕蔑的一瞥裡 信差 MESSENGER after handing his arm to the shark in the sea his bleeding heart to the Hong Kong police his dream to reality his silence to this noisy world the man returned to his hometown without ever looking back O Mother I have received your letter your long long letter written on his contemptuous glance Note: In the seventies of last century, Hong Kong authority routinely returned Mainland Chinese refugees who risked their lives swimming across shark-infested waters to reach the free shores.

  7. INTERSECTION from all directions herds of clamoring animals rush unhurried feet forcing them to join the stampede after the dust settles a zebra lies lifeless on the ground 十字街頭 四面八方 群獸咆哮而至 驚動 悠遊的腳 加入逃竄的行列 塵沙過處 一隻斑馬 痛苦地掙扎 終于無聲倒下

  8. 今天上午畢卡索死了 靜靜把多餘的午後消磨掉 好幾次走近窗口 看天上 是否出現最後一個驚奇 那顆太陽在鄰居的屋頂上 久久落不下去幾乎使我想起 永恆。今天上午畢卡索死了 不知那三個樂師 要奏些什麼曲調 不知那隻灰鴿 要往哪個方向飛 這雙頑皮的手 伸進來顯示 這世界還柔軟得可捏可塑 現在卻悄悄縮回去了 我下意識地伸出雙手想挽留它們 卻猛覺這舉動的幼稚可笑 便順勢為它們熱烈鼓起掌來 PICASSO DIED THIS MORNING after frittering away the remaining afternoon I walk up to the window many times to see if the sky holds any last surprise as it hangs over my neighbor’s roof the sun seems almost immortal. Picasso died this morning I wonder what tunes the three musicians are going to play which way the dove is going to fly having shown us the world is still soft and kneadable the master hands are now withdrawing I reach out unconsciously but realizing how childish it must be I turn my grasping hands to clapping

  9. Cat gentle and affectionate she loves to rub herself against my feet then follows me meow meow everywhere and slips her innocent tail underneath my unwary sole just to show me her raging back and fierce teeth a roar that transforms mountains and rivers the true color of a ferocious tiger 貓 溫柔體貼 在腳邊摩挲的 馴貓 總愛咪咪跟著你 把天真無邪的尾巴 擺在你不提防的鞋底 好讓你看看 狂牙怒背 一吼而山河變色的 猛虎本色

  10. IN THE WINDY CITY The homesick boy suddenly opens his dry eyes to mother’s sandblasting mouth 在風城 想家的孩子 猛然 把乾澀的眼 張向 母親 噴沙的 嘴

  11. READING Upon opening the book words lead the way sentences follow all disappear in a flash only the best-selling title and the hot name of the author remain what a great book 讀書 打開書 字帶頭 句跟隨 一下子跑得精光 只剩下 一個暢銷的書名 以及人人談論的 作者的名字 果然好書

  12. 命運交響曲 碰疼砰痛—— 是命運那老鼓手 用一個不肯走後門的 驕傲的額頭 在前門緊閉的 現實牆上 定音 SYMPHONY OF FATE ta-ta-ta-daaaa---- it's Fate the old drummer setting the tune by beating a proud head which refuses to use the back door on the wall of reality where the front door is tightly shut

  13. OUT OF EDEN The snake finds even a straight way becomes torturous twists and turns Sometimes it would pause and raise its head to hiss at the endless road to salvation 蛇 出了伊甸園 再直的路 也走得曲折蜿蜒 艱難痛苦 偶而也會停下來 昂首 對著無止無盡的救贖之路 嗤嗤吐幾下舌頭

  14. 沒有人見過 真的龍顏 即使 恕卿無罪 抬起頭來 但在高聳的屋脊 人們塑造龍的形象 繪聲繪影 連幾根鬍鬚 都不放過 DRAGONS Emperors were regarded in old China as divine manifestations of dragons no one has ever seen a real dragon even with imperial permission to raise one’s head yet on the towering rooftops people sculpted the images of dragons omitting not even such a minute detail as the scanty whiskers

  15. 有時候妳故意把臉 拉成一個帘幔深垂 高高在上的長窗 擋住陽光 擋住歡笑 擋住焦急關切的眼神 而早已超過戀愛年齡的我 依然滿懷酸楚 整夜徘徊在妳窗下 希望在千百次的抬頭裡 會有那麼幸運的一次 看到妳的眼睛在帘縫間 如雲後的星星閃爍 戀 SOMETIMES YOU Sometimes you pull down the curtains and make your face a tall window aloof far from the ground shutting out the sunshine shutting out laughter shutting out all concerned gazes Though my courting days are long past all night I wander beneath your window hoping to catch, in the thick of the curtains a glimpse of your eyes like the flickering stars behind heavy clouds

  16. ODE TO A RETIRED WAR-HORSE unlike the retired generals it never dreams of the battlefield as a prairie for galloping nor mistakes the piles of corpses for fences to be jumped over 馬頌 不像退休的將軍們 把枯焦的戰場 幻想成可供馳騁的青青草原 更從未把高高堆起的人體 當為可一躍而過的柵欄

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