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Analyze Career Opportunities in … CORPORATE LEADERSHIP

Explore corporate leadership job titles like CEO and COO, analyze the job environment, and consider your interest and skills suitability. Understand the changing U.S. job market dynamics and make informed career decisions.

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Analyze Career Opportunities in … CORPORATE LEADERSHIP

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  1. Bell Ringer 1 Analyze Career Opportunities in … CORPORATE LEADERSHIP Use the internet to learn more about careers in corporate leadership. Choose one of the job titles listed and answer the following questions. • How would you describe the physical work environment for jobs in this field? • Is this a career that interests you? How might you use your talents, skills, and abilities in this career? • Chief Executive Officer -CEO • Chief Operating Officer-COO • President

  2. Business Organization Chapter 5

  3. Business in the U.S. Economy 5-1

  4. Today’s Goal • Describe the changing status of U.S. employment

  5. The Changing U.S. Job Market Service Jobs Manufacturing & Agriculture

  6. Employment Data • 9/11/2001 terrorist attacks • Recession resulted in job loss through 2003 • 2003-2008 • Employment grew by 6 percent • 2009 recession • Loss of more than 775,000 jobs

  7. Employment Data • 2011 wave of retirements • First group of baby boomers turned 65 • Baby boomers- people born between 1946-1964 • 2020 • Average age of US workers will be over 50

  8. Employment Data • “Baby Boomers” born 1946 – 1964 are retiring • 1960s = 35% of women worked • 2018 = 47% of all jobs in US will be held by women

  9. Future Increases • Mini-boom of younger workers (20-30 years of age) • Asian-, Hispanic-, African-American workers • Women in the workforce will hold 47% of all jobs • Average age of workers will be over 50 years of age

  10. Pressures on Employees • Economic stress = company downsizing • New tasks • Extra hours • Full time to part time • Wage decrease or pay freeze

  11. Contingent Worker a person who has no explicit (exact) or implicit (implied) contract for long-term employment • 5% of U.S. workforce (6 million people)

  12. Activity The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics provides many resources that are helpful in career planning. Go to www.bls.gov and locate the Economic and Employment Projections. Identify and study tables that describe how employment is projected to change for people of your age and race and for an industry in which you might be interested in working. How can you use that information to help you make education and career decisions in the next several years?

  13. Bell Ringer 2 Would you prefer to work fora large corporation or small business? Explain your answer.

  14. Today’s Goals • Discuss the role of businesses in the U.S. economy

  15. Business & the Economy In 2009, businesses world-wide produced over $70 trillion in goods and services U.S. businesses are responsible for almost 20% of that production Nearly 25 million full- and part-time businesses produce these goods and services

  16. Size of Businesses

  17. Role of Businesses • Make and distribute products and services needed by consumers, government, and other businesses

  18. Impact on a Community • Pays wages to workers • Buys goods and services from local businesses • Money spent may result in need for more employees in the community • Employees need housing, transportation, food • Employees pay taxes to community • Successful businesses contribute to more jobs, income and economy in their community

  19. Larry the Cable GuyOnly In America Williston, North Dakota

  20. Today’s Goals • Describe three major types of businesses

  21. 6 Basic Business Activities

  22. Producers Create products and services used by individuals and other businesses

  23. Extractor Takes resources from nature for direct consumption or developing other products

  24. Farmer Cultivate land and use other natural resources to grow crops and raise livestock for consumption

  25. Manufacturer Get supplies from other producers and convert them into products

  26. Intermediaries Businesses involved in selling the goods and services of producers to consumers and other businesses Most common are retailers and wholesalers

  27. Service Businesses Carries out activities that are consumed by its customers Over 60% of U.S. employment Examples: dentists, physicians, lawyers, pet sitters, painters, furniture movers

  28. Service Businesses • Fastest growing part of the economy

  29. Match ‘Em Up! • Producer • Intermediary • Service Business

  30. Homework Key Concepts #1-3 Make Academic Connections #4 Page 107

  31. Partner Activity Read “The Six Living Generations in America” and complete the worksheet.

  32. Forms of Business Ownership 5-2

  33. Today’s Goals • Understand the three major forms of business ownership • Determine when each form of business ownership is most appropriate • Recognize other specialized business ownership forms

  34. Business Ownership

  35. Teach For A Day!!!

  36. Group Topics 1 – Proprietorship 2 – Partnership 3- Corporation 4 – Limited Liability Partnership 5 - Joint Venture 6 - S-Corporation 7 - Limited Liability Company 8 - Nonprofit Corporation 9 – Cooperative 10 - Franchise

  37. Proprietorship Business owned and run by just one person • Most common form of business • Easiest form to start and end • Few legal requirements • Sole control over all business decisions Owner is responsible for all debts of the business

  38. Partnership Business owned and controlled by two or more people who have entered into an agreement • Two or more people pool money, skills, and resources, and share profit or loss • Similar to proprietorship • Easy to start • Owners make decisions • Partners share investments and profits • Each partner is liable for the debt should the business fail

  39. Corporation Separate legal entity formed by documents filed with a state Owned by one or more shareholders and managed by a board of directors • More difficult to form: • Must meet legal requirements • Owners may or may not make decisions • No access to profits unless approved by board


  41. Advantages & Disadvantages of Business Ownership • Being in control • Making your own decisions • Investing money to make a profit • Sole responsibility for the success of the business • Having to satisfy creditors • Making a profit

  42. Homework Key Concepts 5-1 & 5-2 Page 107 #1-3 Page 113 #1-4

  43. Organizational Structure for Businesses 5-3

  44. Today’s Goals • Understand the important principles in designing an effective organization

  45. Designing an Effective Business Organization • To be successful… • Skilled managers • We-prepared and motivated employees • Adequate resources • Effective procedures • Key principles • Organization

  46. Mission Statement Short, specific written statement of the reason a business exists and what it wants to achieve • District 308 Mission StatementThe Mission of Oswego Community Unit Schools, a unique partnership of students, staff, families and community, is to ensure each student develops the capacity to thrive as a successful contributing citizen by providing exemplary educational experiences in a safe, caring and responsive learning environment.

  47. Goals Precise statement of results the business expects to achieve • Set after mission statement • Example: • Automobile manufacturer: “to produce the top-rated brand for quality and customer satisfaction”

  48. What is the difference between a mission statement and a goal? • Mission Statement = states the purpose of existence for a business and what it hopes to achieve • Goal = specific statement of what a business expects to achieve and may be used to measure a business’ success

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