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Nevada: Comparing Then and Now. By Ann Urie. This map of Nevada shows the major trails used by trappers and explorers in 1845 . Early Explorers .
Nevada: Comparing Then and Now By Ann Urie
This map of Nevada shows the major trails used by trappers and explorers in 1845 .
Early Explorers Explorers and trappers first came to the Great Basin in 1826. They followed established Native American trails; eventually these trails were used by emigrants to reach California. • What differences do you see between this map and a current map of Nevada? • Can you locate where the cities of Reno and Las Vegas would be on this map? • What geographical features did explorers encounter that we encounter today?
The Paiute Indians The Paiute Indians built snug shelters that looked like overturned baskets called “wickiups”. They were peace-loving, hard-working people who shared the land with other Indians of the Great Basin. • How do you think the Paiutes felt when the Europeans travelled through this area to California? • What are the major differences you see between how the Paiutes lived and how we live today? • Pine nuts were a major food for the Paiutes; what is one of your favorite foods?
Sarah Winnemucca grew up around the interesting sights, sounds, and customs of her people, the Paiute Indians.
Early Interactions Sarah Winnemucca was a brilliant speaker and a fearless writer. She often served as an interpreter, guide, and scout between the Native Americans and the U.S. Government. She tried to help her people by speaking out for them. • What can we learn from Sarah’s willingness to be an advocate for her people? • How do you think she learned to speak English? • How would you feel if people made you move from your own house?
The Pioneer Women Statue reads: “In appreciation of the heroic character of the women who braved the dangers and endured the hardships incident to daily life of the pioneer and homesteader in this country.”
Pioneer Women Life for pioneer women was difficult as they left their homes behind to travel into unknown territory. They had great responsibilities as they confidently led their children along the Westward journey. • How would you feel if your family had to move? • What items would you insist upon taking with you? • What chores would you help your mom with each day? • What would you do to have fun along the way?
Revisiting the Past A grammar school would have been for children in grades 1-8. • What do you notice about the school? • How would you feel if you went to this school? • Why do you think there was only one classroom for many grades? • What would happen if more and more children started going to this school? • Do you think this school had air conditioning? Why or why not?
Primary Sources Slide 2 • http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.unlv.edu/projects/ohpsp/1905grammarschool.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.unlv.edu/projects/ohpsp/&usg=__83evuVS7dw7LYOf7vSqQgnHc9c8=&h=355&w=503&sz=31&hl=en&start=3&tbnid=ekltUylwUoFt6M:&tbnh=92&tbnw=130&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dearly%2Bschools%2Bin%2Bnevada%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den Slide 4 • http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://img119.imageshack.us/img119/6665/piuteindiancamphazeltineinthes.jpg&imgrefurl=http://yosemitemonolakepaiute.wordpress.com/2007/09/03/yosemite-native-americans-and-the-genius-of-eadweard-muybridge/&usg=__MPXr1Pf9K3pLfOuzoaGX-cGT4Rg=&h=436&w=410&sz=48&hl=en&start=10&tbnid=GlLNohZ9Ptb-WM:&tbnh=126&tbnw=118&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dearly%2Bpaiute%2Bindians%2Bnevada%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den Slide 6 • http://www.washoe.k12.nv.us/americanhistory/elementary/si_07_jpegs/Angie_Hodge_explorer_map.jpg Slide 8 • http://www.nevadaobserver.com/TNO%20Reference%20Page%20File/Sarah%20Winnemucca.jpg Slide 10 • http://www.pioneerwomanmuseum.com/images/Pioneer%20Woman%20Statue.jpg