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KS 513 TD - Tractor Driven Combine Harvester with New Holland 4WD, is the best four wheel drive Tractor Mounted Harvester machine with a premium engineering technology for your Agriculture fields, this is a power processing machine with the most Sophisticated Specially designed outer cutterbar which can a right hand Crop. Rear axle beam type for more ground clearance and a right hand Lever for a fast and easy operation.<br>
KS 513 TD 4WD KS 513 TD - Tractor Driven Combine Harvester with New Holland 4WD, is the best four wheel drive Tractor Mounted Harvester machine with a premium engineering technology for your Agriculture fields, this is a power processing machine with the most Sophisticated Specially designed outer cutterbar which can a right hand Crop. Rear axle beam type for more ground clearance and a right hand Lever for a fast and easy operation. http://www.ksagrotech.org/KS_513_TDC_Tractor_Driven_Combine_Harvester_with_New_Holland_Four_Wheel_Drive_Tractor_india.html
KS BhimRotavator KS BhimRotavator / Rotary Tiller India, BhimRotavator, is one of the most suitable machine for removal of sugarcane stubble, cotton, banana, grass, vegetables & etc, it retains growth of crops to give you the best yield and profit. Soil moisture & increases porosity & aeration which enhance germination & growth of crops to give you the best yield and profits. BhimRotavator has a specially designed & efficient blades which produces a five seed bed in only one or two passes. http://www.ksagrotech.org/KS_Bhim_Rotavator_Rotary_Tiller_india.html
KS BhimRotoDrill and KS BhimRotavator http://www.ksagrotech.org/KS_Bhim_Roto_Drill_Rotary_Tiller_with_Seed_Drill_india.html http://www.ksagrotech.org/KS_Bhim_Rotavator_Rotary_Tiller_india.html
Mini Combine Loremipsumdolor sit amet, consectetueradipiscingelit. Nullamdignissimconvallis est. Quisquealiquam. This is a blockquote. Aeneanarcuelit, tristiquesemperpulvinaradipiscing. Donecfaucibus. Nam sit amet sem. Aliquamlibero nisi, imperdiet at, tinciduntnec, gravidavehicula, nisl. Praesentmattis, massaquisluctusfermentum, turpis mi volutpatjusto, euvolutpatenimdiamegetmetus. http://www.ksagrotech.org/Mini_Combine_Model_GGW_220.html
CONTACT US • KS AGROTECH Private Limited. • RaikotRoad, Distt: Sangrur • Malerkotla- 148 023 • Punjab, INDIA. • 01675-259055 • sales@ksagrotech.org • http://www.ksagrotech.org