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Industrial Revolution: Transformations and Impact

Explore the significant changes, ideologies, and imperialism during the Industrial Revolution with key focus on industrial society, new ideologies, and global impact.

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Industrial Revolution: Transformations and Impact

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  1. Jeopardy Imperialism Industrial Revolution Industrial Society New Ideologies Odds & Ends x2 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

  2. $100 Question from Industrial Revolution What was the basic change that occurred during the industrial revolution

  3. $100 Answer from Industrial Revolution People went from making things by hand at home for personal use to making things in factories to sell in stores

  4. $200 Question from Industrial Revolution Rural to urban migration is better known as….

  5. $200 Answer from Industrial Revolution Urbanization

  6. $300 Question from Industrial Revolution What industry had the first factories? (What di the first factories produce?)

  7. $300 Answer from Industrial Revolution Textiles or clothes

  8. $400 Question from Industrial Revolution • How did the enclosure movement and advanced technology affect your average person at the start of the industrial revolution

  9. $400 Answer from Industrial Revolution It forced small farmers to abandon their farms and seek jobs in the city.

  10. $500 Question from Industrial Revolution . Identify what happened to the world population after the Industrial Revolution and explain in detail why that trend occurred.

  11. $500 Answer from Industrial Revolution World Population after the industrial revolution increased exponentially. This trend occurred because farming became easier and more food was produced. Since farming was more efficient it caused poor farmers to move to cities and take factory jobs. Since there was a surplus of food and people could afford their basic needs population skyrocketed.

  12. $100 Question from Industrial Society These laws called factory acts were passed in the early 1800s to outlaw what common pratice?

  13. $100 Answer from Industrial Society Child labor

  14. $200 Question from Industrial Society Many factory owners sought to employ this group of people since they could pay them less (not children)

  15. $200 Answer from Industrial Society women

  16. $300 Question from Industrial Society A production method in which workers repeatedly perform the same task in the manufacturing process is called…

  17. $300 Answer from Industrial Society • An assembly line.

  18. $400 Question from Industrial Society Anesthesia, morphine, germ theory and pasteurized milk all caused people to…..

  19. $400 Answer from Industrial Society Live longer, which effectively increased the population

  20. $500 Question from Industrial Society What are a couple long term effects of the industrial revolution

  21. $500 Answer from Industrial Society Capitalism& Communism Mass production of goods Raised standard of living More rights for women Compulsory Education

  22. $100 Question from New Ideologies • What theory applied the idea of natural selection to society?

  23. $100 Answer from New Ideologies Social Darwinism

  24. $200 Question from New Ideologies • Government should not interfere in business. To do so would disrupt the balance of supply and demand. This statement was probably made by a __________

  25. $200 Answer from New Ideologies Capitalist

  26. $300 Question from New Ideologies Government has a duty to interfere in order to best provide its people with a happy and safe life. Is a statement probably made by a _____________

  27. $300 Answer from New Ideologies Communist or Socialist

  28. $400 Question from New Ideologies This group established communities where all work is shared and all property is owned in common

  29. $400 Answer from New Ideologies Utpoian

  30. $500 Question from New Ideologies The greatest happiness for the greatest number” was a goal of

  31. $500 Answer from New Ideologies Utilitarians.

  32. $100 Question from Imperialism • Give an example of imperialism

  33. $100 Answer from Imperialism British control over India, French control over Indochina, and Spanish control over Mexico are examples of

  34. $200 Question Imperialism Which European Nation’s leader was responsible for the horrors that occurred in the Congo that resulted from the natives inability to meet hard rubber quotas?

  35. $200 Answer from Imperialism Belgium which was ruled by King Leopold.

  36. $300 Question Imperialism Rifle cartridges greased with animal fat were a key cause of the

  37. $300 Answer from Imperialism The Sepoy Rebellion in India

  38. $400 Question from Imperialism • Both the French and the British were interested in controlling Egypt in the mid-19th century because Egypt had

  39. $400 Answer from Imperialism A strategic location – the area that would become the Suez Canal

  40. $500 Question from Imperialism What allowed Europeans to divide China in Spheres of Influence & what was the name of the rebellion that occurred in the early 1900s?

  41. $500 Answer from Imperialism Europeans had technologically superior military forces & the boxer rebellion was the answer to European’s spheres of influence.

  42. $100 Question fromOdds & Ends Which industrialized nation came up with the open door policy?

  43. $100 Answer from Odds & Ends The United States

  44. $200 Question from Odds & Ends What occurred at the Berlin Conference

  45. $200 Answer from Odds & Ends European powers divided up Africa and agreed that in order to lay claim to a territory they must first set up a government there

  46. $300 Question from Odds & Ends Who was Otton Von Bismarck & what was his role in German history?

  47. $300 Answer from Odds & Ends Otto Von Bismarck was the prime minister of Prussia, and he south to unify the country through blood and iron

  48. $400 Question from Odds & Ends What happened on Bloody Sunday and why is it considered a turning point in Russian history?

  49. $400 Answer from Odds & Ends Bloody Sunday was a massacre and it caused the people to lose faith in their leader the Tsar

  50. $500 Question from Odds & Ends According to socialists, the solution to poverty and injustice was_________ According to laissez-faire economists, the cure for poverty was________

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