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Sustainable Transportation Research Program Overview and Goals

Learn about the Multi-campus Research Program on Sustainable Transportation, its goals, research tracks, governance structure, and desired outcomes to achieve a low-carbon transportation system. Goal to train future leaders in sustainable transportation.

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Sustainable Transportation Research Program Overview and Goals

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  1. University of California, Institute of Transportation StudiesMulti-campus Research Program onSustainable Transportation: Technology, Mobility and InfrastructureAdvisory Committee Meeting September 3, 2010

  2. Overview and Current Status UCOP announces Multi-campus Research Programs and Initiatives competition (MRPI) ITS MRU funding of approx. $300k ends June 30, 2009, like that for all current MRU’s Existing MRU’s and proposed new MRPI’s may apply UCOP receives 139 MRPI applications ITS requests $7.75M for Sustainable Transportation: Technology, Mobility and Infrastructure UCOP announces 37 awards in late June 2009 ITS proposal is successful and receives $6.25M (80% of budget requested) over 5 years, with first year allocation of $1.25M Start date is July 1, 2009

  3. Research Program Strategic Vision: Tracks and sample high-priority projects California faces serious challenges to reduce oil use, GHG and other adverse environmental impacts from transportation A legal and policy mandate for change exists e.g., AB-32, SB-375, Governor’s Executive Order for 80% reduction GHG by 2050 etc, but most of the policies, strategies and technologies needed to achieve a low carbon transportation and energy system of the future do not yet exist During its 5 year existence the UC ITS MRP on Sustainable Transportation will design tools, policies, and programs to reduce congestion, oil use, local air pollution, and GHG emissions, in ways that contribute to (or at least do not diminish) economic growth and well being, through 3 overlapping research tracks: 1. Vehicles and fuels solutions 2. Infrastructure investments and system management solutions 3. Land use and mobility planning solutions

  4. Goals and Outcomes • Primary goal: achieve socially beneficial changes in technologies, behavior and policy • Sample Outcomes • Sustainability standards and criteria for new fuels developed by ITS adopted by ARB • Energy (and automotive) companies adopt ITS recommendations and models for building and siting new refueling and recharging facilities • Green asset management framework developed by ITS adopted by Caltrans for its infrastructure management systems • Regional governments, Caltrans and ARB adopt land use and transport models developed by ITS for use in implementing SB375 • Policy instruments and strategies designed by ITS to reduce VMT and sprawl (in SB375) are adopted by the relevant local and state governments

  5. Goals and Outcomes, cont. • Secondary goal: train the next generation of experts and leaders who will shift our transportation system toward greater sustainability • Sample Outcomes • Enhanced expertise of our students in sustainable transportation • Placement of our students in influential positions in government, industry and universities

  6. Governance • Three Co-Directors (Madanat, Ritchie and Sperling) – administrative headquarters at UCI • Triad of equals • Advisory Board – 15 members (7 high-ranking public officials, 2 senior executives from private sector, and 6 distinguished academics) • Meets once a year • Provides input to research plans for following year • Helps evaluate progress relative to desired outcomes • Executive Committee – 9 members (Co-directors, lead faculty from UCLA, UCR & UCSB, and 3 track co-leaders from UCB, UCD, UCI)

  7. ExCom Role • Oversight • receives feedback from Advisory Board and Director and assesses overall progress toward desired outcomes • assesses list of desired outcomes and enhances as necessary • Next year’s research program • receives feedback from Advisory Board and recommends priorities for each track • identifies potential research projects in each track • works with campuses to refine potential projects • recommends projects and funding levels using selection criteria

  8. Project Selection Criteria Heavily leverages existing campus funding and research strengths Contributes to direct policy or technology outcomes Involves at least 2 or more campuses Seeds high-risk, high-payoff ideas Positions ITS for strategic excellence and impact High proportion of funding allocated to graduate students

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