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ETSI activities on Network Functions Virtualization

ETSI activities on Network Functions Virtualization. Laurent VRECK, ETSI. GSC-18 Meeting, 22-23 July 2014, Sophia Antipolis, France. What is NFV about?. A means to make the network flexible, dynamic, and less dependent on hardware. v. v. Traditional Network Model:

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ETSI activities on Network Functions Virtualization

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  1. ETSI activities onNetwork Functions Virtualization Laurent VRECK, ETSI GSC-18 Meeting, 22-23 July 2014, Sophia Antipolis, France

  2. What is NFV about? A means to make the network flexible, dynamic, and less dependent on hardware v v Traditional Network Model: HARDWARE APPLIANCE APPROACH Virtualised Network Model: VIRTUAL APPLIANCE APPROACH VIRTUAL APPLIANCES DPI WAN Accel. CG-NAT DPI BRAS BRAS Test/QoE Firewall ORCHESTRATION, AUTOMATION & REMOTE INSTALL STANDARD HIGH VOLUME SERVERS Session Border Controller CG-NAT Firewall • Network Functions are based on dedicated hardware and software • One physical appliance per role • Network Functions are software-based using common and well known hardware • Multiple roles using same hardware

  3. Transformation of network hardware

  4. Network Function Virtualization, why ?

  5. Benefits and Challenges of NFV Benefits • Flexibility to rapidly, dynamically instantiate services in different locations without installing new equipment. • Faster time-to-market for new service introduction • Improving operational efficiency by taking advantage of a homogeneous hardware network platform • Reducing costs through leveraging the economies of scale of the IT industry • Reducing operational costs: less power, less space, improving network monitoring …

  6. Benefits and Challenges of NFV Challenges • Converge IT and Telecom industry to a common understanding of the topic • Achieve (high) performance with portability across different hardware platforms • Achieve co-existence with existing hardware based network platforms • Ensure security& integrity when Managing and orchestrating virtual networks • Integrate multiple virtual appliances from different vendors (on a single HW platform). • Achieve scale benefits through Mgmt&Orchestration automation  ETSI NFV ISG was founded to address these challenges

  7. ETSI ISG NFVFounded October 2012 • Global operators + ETSI • Address the needs of network operators, to develop common approaches to Virtualisation • Goal = make NFV a reality in operators networks • define requirements for NFV, • develop architectural frameworks, • identify the gaps in the industry and prepare cooperation with other organizations • Industry Specification Group (ISG) = appropriate model • Quick to set-up • Open membership with small fees to encourage involvement of smaller players • Flexible: allows some (controlled) deviation from the ETSI rules • Binds all participants to ETSI IPR policy • October 2012 : ISG NFV was formed http://www.etsi.org/nfv

  8. ISG NFV 18 months later • 220 companies (including 34 global operators) Has become the “centre of gravity” for the global industry to collaborate on NFV • Intensive work, tremendous effort • 7 plenary meetings so far, 250-300 participants each • ~100 F2F sessions (Draftingmtg, WG mtg, …) • 500+ conference calls • 10 Mailing lists1160 subscribers on the main mailing list • some WG lists “exploded” to 200 + emails/day. Provides an umbrella for the industry to converge requirements, share learning and coordinate wider effort through cooperation with external bodies.

  9. First 5 ISG NFV deliverablesOctober 2013 Available from ETSI site free of charge: http://www.etsi.org/nfv GS NFV 001 GS NFV 004 GS NFV 002 GS NFV 003 GS NFV PER 002 NFVTerminology PoC Framework Architectural Framework Virtualization Requirements Use Cases “Proof of Concept” Framework: Describes a procedure to encourage growth of the NFV ecosystem through multi-party implementations of Proof of Concept demonstrations (PoCs).

  10. NFV PoC framework 12 NFV PoC Demos @ SDN & OpenFlow World Congress, Düsseldorf,14-17/10/2014 • NFV Proofs of Concept • 21 multi-vendor PoC projects • Minimum 2 vendors and 1 network operator per PoC • Overall +50 vendors and +10 network operators • Addressing NFV E2E concepts (Use cases, Requirements, Interfaces, …) • 80% of NFV use cases covered • Goals • Provide feedback “from the field” • Explore new areas and technology options • Validate assumptions or approaches • Facilitate gap analysis • Help to guide the future NFV ISG activity • Develop Market awareness • Demonstrate NFV capabilities

  11. Second NFV operators White PaperPublished October 2013http://portal.etsi.org/NFV/NFV_White_Paper2.pdf 25 operator signatories Provides operator perspectives on progress made Brings attention to the first outputs and shows a broad operator support Initiates discussion on relationships with other bodies (SDO, Fora). Encourages industry involvement in PoCs Start discussion on the role of Open Source

  12. 17 Documents in development In Release 1, Dec 2014 NOT IN Release 1 GS NFV 004VirtualisationRequirements WI-12 GS NFV SWA 001VNF Architecture WGapp GS NFV 003Terminology forMain Concepts WI-11 WGapp GS NFV SEC 001Security Problem Statement GS NFV PER 002Public Demo NFV PoCs GS NFV INF 001Infrastructure Overview WGapp WI-02ed121 WGapp GS NFV 002ArchitecturalFramework GS NFV 002ed121ArchitecturalFramework WI-10 GS NFV REL 001Resiliency Rqmts WGapp WGapp GS NFV PER 001Perf & Portability Best Practises WGapp GS NFV 001 Use Cases WI-09 GS NFV MAN 001Management and Orchestration GS NFV INF 003Compute Domain GS NFV INF 010NFV Service Quality Metrics GS NFV INF 007Interfaces and Abstractions WGapp WI-03ed121 WI-013 GS NFV 003ed121 Terminology forMain Concepts GS NFV _ _ _ Gap Analysis GS NFV INF 004Hypervisor Domain WGapp GS NFV INF 005Infrastructure Network Domain GS NFV SEC 003Security & Trust Guidance GS NFV SEC 002Cataloguing security features NEW New at last plenary WG approved WGapp NEW Available in OPEN AREA: http://docbox.etsi.org/ISG/NFV/Open/

  13. ISG NFV Release Timeline NFV#5Spain NFV#6Japan NFV#7USA NFV#8USA NFV#9CZ Release ”Freeze” Release Approval & PUBLICATION Release stable,WG final check All WG drafts WG-approved NFVApproval WGApproval Release Maintenance(alignment phase) Progress NFV release OPEN Area Appointment of New WGs/TF officials Ph2 Scope, content ToRs Phase 2Kick-off Ph2 Time plan Finalize Ph 2 plans Structure, Governance Phase 2 inception Phase 2 execution Focus on Phase 2 Focus on Prep. for WG Approval Focus on General Alignment Focus on Final Release • Documents now stabilized for alignment phase(i.e. now under formal Change Control) • Alignment phase: July – November 2014 • Release date: December 2014

  14. What comes in Phase2 • ISG NFV remains the centre of gravity for NFV • Interoperability as major goal • Build on Ph1 results to produce "normative" specifications • Develop cooperation (including Open Source) • Technical Content, Structure, governance  proposals ready • Increased Vendors’ involvement • New test framework • Interoptesting • Develop the Proof of Concept framework And more…

  15. A New Open Source Initiative:Open Platform for NFV • Project initiated by members of the NFV ISG leadership that will be coordinated by the Linux Foundation • Create an integrated (SW, HW) open platform • Create an environment for continuous system level validation and integration • Contribute changes to other open source projects used within the platform • provide feedback to the NFV ISG • Build new open source components within the project where needed • Timescales: launch October 2014 to be ready for the NFV ISG release in December.

  16. Conclusions • Tremendous amount of work achieved • Big, well established and very active community • This is just a start • Next step • implementation of these principles in specific Use Cases (eg: 3GPP, BBF, Linux foundation). • Focus on interoperability through normative specs and tests • Cooperate to accelerate

  17. Thanks for listening… Useful links: • NFV ISG Published Documents http://www.etsi.org/nfv • Draft documents available prior to publication:http://docbox.etsi.org/ISG/NFV/Open/ • #1 and #2 joint-operator white papers – (Oct 2012&2013)http://portal.etsi.org/NFV/NFV_White_Paper.pdfhttp://portal.etsi.org/NFV/NFV_White_Paper2.pdf • NFV ISG PoC Enquiries: http://www.etsi.org/nfv-poc • NFV ISG portal pages: http://portal.etsi.org/nfv

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