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Decreasing morbidity and mortality rates through strategic interventions

Decrease morbidity and mortality rates through targeted interventions in managing rehabilitation, mental health, tuberculosis, measles, chronic conditions, and eye care. Enhance emergency medical services and resource mobilization while improving resource allocation and human resource management.

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Decreasing morbidity and mortality rates through strategic interventions

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  1. Decreasing morbidity and mortality rates through strategic interventions • Tackling HIV and AIDS • An accreditation process to evaluate the readiness of the sites was done in February 2004 • Six sites were accredited. • Two sites Shongwe and Witbank Hospitals have rolled out on 1st June 2004

  2. Decreasing morbidity and mortality rates through strategic interventions • Managing Rehabilitation Services • 30 electrical wheelchairs and 2471 wheelchairs issued • 3500 hearing aids issued • 400 walking frames issued • 3400 aluminium crutches issued

  3. Decreasing morbidity and mortality rates through strategic interventions • Managing Rehabilitation Services • 350 quadropods issued • 700 Other mobility assistive devices issued • The community Based Rehabilitation Counselling programme implemented in partnership with Disabled People South Africa

  4. Decreasing morbidity and mortality rates through strategic interventions • The Department has renewed the agreement with the Mpumalanga Provincial Council for the blind • An independence training programme for the blind and partially sighted people living in the province has been initiated • The administrative system and communication plan for the implementation of free health services to people with disabilities living in the province has been developed

  5. Decreasing morbidity and mortality rates through strategic interventions • Improving Mental Health Services • Identified and established sexual offencesupport rooms at 4 hospitals • 80 Primary Health Care Nurses Trained in Integrated Mental Health Care

  6. Decreasing morbidity and mortality rates through strategic interventions • Improving Mental Health Services • A mental Health awareness campaign was successfully conducted in Lekwa-Dipaleseng on the 15/11/2003 and was attended by 500 school going children

  7. Decreasing morbidity and mortality rates through strategic interventions • Tuberculosis. • TB is managed according to the Direct Observed Treatment Strategy (DOTS). Executed in PHC Clinics the DOTS Programme has been effectively implemented in the Province

  8. Decreasing morbidity and mortality rates through strategic interventions • Tuberculosis. • Patients who cannot be treated on an ambulatory basis are admitted in one of the SANTA Hospitals or the Provincial TB Hospital. TB registers are maintained in each of the hospitals for all patients admitted

  9. Decreasing morbidity and mortality rates through strategic interventions • Tuberculosis. • TB Management has been identified as a National Priority and to that regard a Medium Term Strategy was launched

  10. Decreasing morbidity and mortality rates through strategic interventions • Measles • A measles outbreak of adults ranging from 18 – 22 years broke out at Nkomazi area during Sept/Oct 2003 • A measles campaign was carried at Tonga and Shongwe and the index case was from Mozambique • The outbreak was contained to 45 cases at the end of October 2003

  11. Decreasing morbidity and mortality rates through strategic interventions • Managing Chronic Conditions • Situation Analysis conducted in Ehlanzeni District and Gert Sibande • A Total of 32 Clinics were visited and recommendations given to site managers

  12. Decreasing morbidity and mortality rates through strategic interventions • Eye Care • 2000 cataract operations performed in the province • Trained 10 Ophthalmic Nurses to do refractions soas to enable them to screen, refract andsupply spectacles to patients in the ruralareas

  13. Decreasing morbidity and mortality rates through strategic interventions • Eye Care • Screened 20000 people to detect various eye conditions • On 6 October 2003, the first day of the eye care awareness week, which was organised at Msogwaba Clinic, Ehlanzeni District, the eye care workers screened 604 patients and issued 156 pairs of spectacles free of charge

  14. Decreasing morbidity and mortality rates through strategic interventions • Eye Care • A primary eye care network has been established in all hospitals and several clinics in the Ehlanzeni district, at Embhuleni, Piet Retief and Bethal Hospitals in the Gert Sibande, and Witbank, Middelburg and Philadelphia inNkangala

  15. Decreasing morbidity and mortality rates through strategic interventions • Improving Emergency Medical Services • 23 response vehicles purchased with the appropriate advance life support and immediate intervention extrication equipment • Inter-directorate arrangements were achieved with regards to the supply and purchase of surgical sundries and medical gases

  16. Improving resource mobilisation and the management of resources without neglecting the attainment of equity in resource allocation • Conducted District Health Expenditure Reviews in all three districts • Implemented Patient Administration and Billing (PAAB) system in 9 hospitals • 3 Pilot sites identified for Designated Service Provider Network (DSPN)

  17. Improving human resource development and management • Tuition provided to 425 students on nursing education • 1074 health officials trained on PHC • 588 learners enrolled on the ABET • 329 bursaries provided

  18. Improving human resource development and management • 45 Ambulance Emergency Assistants trained • 900 officials received generic training • Performance Management and Development System (PMDS) developed and implemented

  19. Improving human resource development and management • Challenges • Ensuring compliance with the PMDS requirements e.g. Quarterly reports • Recruitment and retention of appropriately skilled staff • Improve mentoring and coaching to facilitate promotion of the staff internally

  20. Improving communication and consultation within the health system and between the health system and communities we serve • Community outreach programmes conducted • Meetings held with external stakeholders e.g. NGO’s and traditional healers • Quarterly departmental newsletter issued • Departmental Website launched • Patient hotline established and Functional (0800 20 40 98)

  21. Strengthening co-operation with our partners internationally • Developed an Action plan on general health matters as well as one on HIV and AIDS with the Maputo Province in Mozambique • Participate in the Lebombo Spatial Development Initiative to strengthen Malaria management • Identification of possible areas of cooperation with the Italian Corporation

  22. Vision Our Vision is a caring and humane society in which all people in Mpumalanga have access to affordable and good quality health services

  23. Mission · To provide and improve access to quality health care within a Primary Health Care approach ·  Reduce inequity ·  Strive for excellence at all levels of the health care delivery system ·  Work in partnership with other stakeholders

  24. Values We are a department that will always strive for: Effectiveness, efficiency, accountability and commitment to all the principles enshrined in the Batho Pele policy and the Patient’s Rights Charter

  25. Key priorities for the next 3 years

  26. Reorganisation of support services • Health Information Systems • To establish a fully functional and integrated health information system linking facilities at all levels of care by 2007 • Telemedicine • Increase the number of PHC telemedicine sites to 4 sites per districts • Increase the number of Hospital telemedicine sites to 3 sites per districts

  27. Reorganisation of support services • Patient Administration and Billing System (PAAB) • Fully functional system at all hospitals (including ICD 10 coding) by 2006 • Uniform Patient Fee Structure (UPFS) • Fully implement at all hospitals by 2005

  28. Reorganisation of support services • Integrated nutrition Strategy • Establish an inter-sectoral plan so as to develop an integrated food safety and control system by 2005 • Increase the capacity of the provincial MDR unitby an additional 36 beds by January 2005

  29. Reorganisation of support services • Ensure the take over of the management of medico-legal mortuaries from the SAPS by 01 April 2005 • Establish a specialised provincial hospital for chronic psychiatric patients by 2007

  30. Reorganisation of support services • Establish a new provincial pharmaceutical depot incorporating a depot facility as well as a pre packing unit by June 2006. • Ensure sufficient provincial capacity to take over management of the Pharmaceutical facility at the end of the outsourced contract period by December 2005

  31. Legislative reform • Enactment of the Provincial Health Bill

  32. Improving quality of care • Motivational intervention with emphasis on Batho Pele and Patients Rights Charter • Monitor and comply with COHSASA programme over the next three years

  33. Improving quality of care • Possibly extend COHSASA programme to include PHC services • Facilitate the establishment of governance structures linked to health facilities

  34. Revitalisation of hospital services • Ensure the comprehensive revitalisation of 6hospitals over the next 3 years. This would include physical upgrading, transforming management, modernising technology and establishing quality assurance programmes. It would also include the establishment of empowered hospital boards

  35. Revitalisation of hospital services • Establish 4 regional hospitals with at least 50% capacity in terms of the proposed national package of level 2 services • Also complete planning and initiate construction of a new tertiary hospital for the province in Nelspruit in line with the Modernisation of Tertiary Services (MTS) model

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