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CURRICULUM VALIDATION. also called COMPETENCY PROFILE VALIDATION. Ursula Osteneck January 2006. Economic Development Officer (Community Economic Development Practitioner). The materials are from existing programs

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  2. Economic Development Officer (Community Economic Development Practitioner) • The materials are from existing programs • Copies of materials generated during the procedures will be given to you, the participants

  3. Purpose of Curriculum Validation Meeting • The proposed competency profile is a preliminary list of the tasks performed by an entry-level Economic Development Officer (EDO) (or a.k.a. Community Economic Development Practitioner) • The purpose of the validation meeting is for industry representatives to review, discuss, and revise this list as necessary

  4. Purpose of the Curriculum Validation Meeting • After the list is revised, the importance of each task will be rated individually by each industry representative • For each task, an average importance rating will be calculated • The importance ratings will be used by the program faculty to design the curriculum

  5. The following slide is a schematic of what the room set up could be

  6. Overview of Proposed Competency Profile • 15 general areas of competence (duties) • 161 tasks (competences) grouped into general areas of competence • Each task is stated in performance terms (I.e., what an entry level economic development officer should be able to do) • Each task will be represented by a card on the wall

  7. Overview of Rating Survey • Will be completed, in stages, during the curriculum validation meeting • Each industry representative privately assigns an importance rating for each task listed on the survey • 4 possible importance ratings: critical; important; somewhat important; not important/not needed

  8. Overview of Curriculum Validation Process • Focuses on one general area of competence at a time (one duty at a time) • The validation committee scans the tasks within the particular duty • The facilitator invites the committee to ask questions about the tasks

  9. Overview of the Curriculum Validation Process • EDO/CED program instructors answer any questions about the tasks • If necessary, the wording of any tasks within the duty will be adjusted • The committee will be asked to suggest additional entry-level tasks for that duty

  10. Overview of the Curriculum Validation Process • Following discussion of the suggestions, tasks may be added to the wall and to the rating survey • When there are no further suggestions to add new tasks, or modify existing ones, the rating of tasks takes place • Each participant privately rates the importance of the tasks in that duty

  11. Overview of the Curriculum Validation Process • This process was repeated for each of the remaining duties

  12. Role of the Industry Representatives • Selected on the basis of your expertise and knowledge of the occupation • You are the content experts for this validation exercise • You were invited to: • Ask questions about proposed tasks • Suggest changes to proposed tasks

  13. Role of the Industry Representatives • Your are invited to: • Suggest additional tasks • Rate the importance of each individual task, on the basis of your experience and knowledge of the industry

  14. Role of the EDO/CED Instructors • Involved because of your teaching expertise, knowledge of students, and responsibility for curriculum development • Answer questions and provide clarification about proposed tasks • Do not participate in the rating of task importance

  15. Role of the Facilitator • A process specialist, not a content expert • Guides the validation process, but does not determine the identification of tasks or the rating of task importance • Helps the committee to achieve general consensus • Adds and removes cards from the wall, based on general consensus of the committee

  16. Role of the Recorder • Based on the general consensus of the committee: • Changes the wording of any proposed tasks • Records suggested new tasks on cards

  17. Role of Note Taker • Records suggestions and/or feedback from industry representatives about the general content of the curriculum and the direction of the program • Distributes and collects meeting forms (per diem, evaluation, etc)

  18. Guidelines for the Committee • Each committee member is of equal status and importance • The members of the committee are encouraged to participate fully and equally • Committee members should rely exclusively on their knowledge of the occupation. Do not consult textbooks, manuals or other sources

  19. Guidelines for the Committee • Make constructive suggestions for improving task statements • Respect other opinions, but feel free to disagree • Each committee member rates the importance of individual tasks, as he or she feels is appropriate

  20. Guidelines for the Committee • Each task statement begins with an action verb • Each task statement refers to an observable behaviour • Each task statement refers to a measurable behaviour

  21. Guidelines for the Committee Completed tasks will provide: • A service • A product, or • An idea

  22. Thank you for your invaluable help!!! Diakuiu!

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