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The Theory of Evolution

2. Describe each person's experiment and what they proved or disproved:. Francesco Redi (9). Louis Pasteur (12). Alexander Oparin. Stanley Miller and Harold Urey (424). Lynn Margulis (427). . . . . . Chapter 15 Concept Map. . 3. Chapter 15 Concept Map. Charles Darwin. Natural Selection. Artificial S

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The Theory of Evolution

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Presentation Transcript

    1. The Theory of Evolution The Origin of Life Natural Selection and the Evidence for Evolution Mechanisms of Evolution

    2. 2 Chapter 15 Concept Map

    3. 3 Chapter 15 Concept Map

    4. 4 Definitions Spontaneous Generation: Non-Living material can produce life. Biogenesis: Living organisms come only from other living organisms. Protocell: A large ordered structure enclosed by a membrane that carried out some life activities such as growth and division. Prokaryotes: unicellular organisms that lack internal membrane bound structures.

    5. 5 Definitions Archaebacteria: Chemosynthetic prokaryotes that live in harsh environments such as deep sea vents and hot springs.

    6. 6 Scientists Francesco Redi: Disproved that meat produced maggots by putting meat in a jar and covering it with cheese cloth. Louis Pasteur: Proved that microorganisms such as bacteria did not just arise from air- the final experiment in disproving spontaneous generation. Alexander Oparin: Hypothesized that life began in the oceans. He said that the sun, lightning, rain, and various chemicals came together to form the first life forms.

    7. 7 Scientists Miller and Urey: Devised an apparatus and process by which life molecules such as amino acids and sugars could be produced from ammonia, methane, hydrogen, and water vapor when electricity simulating lightning was introduced. see page 424 Lynn Margulis: Responsible for the endosymbiotic theory. see page 427

    8. 8 Evolution In the world of science, a theory is a hypothesis that has been tested over time, again and again by many scientists, and their results only support the hypothesis- they never refute it. Scientific Theories: DNA structure (Watson and Crick) Round Earth Evolution of Species

    9. 9 Evolution Evolution is the change in existing species or the appearance of new species over time. Species are groups of organisms that can successfully interbreed. Scientists study fossils in order to determine the history of species. Fossils are preserved remnants of a dead organism.

    10. 10 Lamarck’s Evolution Hypothesis One of the first scientist to recognize organisms have changed over time. Stated that by selective use or disuse of organs, organisms acquired or lost certain traits during their lifetime. These traits could be passed on to their offspring and led to change in the species over time. Example: birds flying, giraffes neck **Found to be incorrect**

    11. 11 Darwin Darwin studied plants and animals- he was a naturalist. He noticed that very similar species on different close-by islands had varying traits. Geographic Isolation Specifically he ended up studying finches with varying beak size and color.

    12. 12 Darwin His theory of Natural Selection stemmed from two ideas: Organisms usually produce more than enough (sometimes even way too many) offspring All individuals are different in certain ways (genetic variation).

    13. 13 Natural Selection Darwin arrived with the theory of Natural Selection It said that the “fittest” shall more often than not survive to reproductive age and pass on their genes. It said that the least fit will often die before they can pass on their genes. Therefore, the more fit organisms thrive and the species will “evolve.” “Survival of the Fittest.”

    14. 14 Natural Selection Evidence of Natural Selection Predator-Prey relationships Camouflage Mimicry

    15. 15

    16. 16 Evidence for Evolution Fossils and the places that they were found. Recent fossils never found in old rock layers. Ancient fossils never found in new rock layers. Anatomy

    17. 17

    18. 18

    19. 19 Evidence for Evolution Embryology: Fish, reptile, bird and mammal all have gill slits as embryos. Embryos very similar in many stages of development.

    20. 20 Summary of Darwin’s Theory Individual organisms differ, and some of this variation is heritable. Organisms produce more offspring than can survive. Organisms compete for limited resources Individuals best suited will survive, reproduce and pass on traits Species alive today are descended from ancestor species

    21. 21 Origins of Life Scientists Tree Map

    22. 22 Evidence for Evolution Circle Map

    23. 23 Population Genetics Circle Map

    24. 24 Types of Selection Tree Map

    25. 25 Types of Speciation Tree Map

    26. 26 Divergent vs. Convergent Evolution Double Bubble Map

    27. 27 Charles Darwin Circle Map

    28. 28 Words Circle Map

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