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West Africa Transformational Development Conference. Abokobi-Accra .

West Africa Transformational Development Conference. Abokobi-Accra . CHE & Samaritan Strategy, Africa. The Role of the Church. 2. Assumptions. The world is hopelessly broken. Assumptions. The world is hopelessly broken Our best wisdom won’t heal us. Assumptions.

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West Africa Transformational Development Conference. Abokobi-Accra .

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Presentation Transcript

  1. West Africa Transformational Development Conference. Abokobi-Accra. CHE & Samaritan Strategy, Africa.

  2. The Role of the Church 2

  3. Assumptions • The world is hopelessly broken

  4. Assumptions • The world is hopelessly broken • Our best wisdom won’t heal us

  5. Assumptions • The world is hopelessly broken • Our best wisdom won’t heal us • Healing comes through faith and obedience

  6. Assumptions • The world is hopelessly broken • Our best wisdom won’t heal us • Healing comes through faith and obedience • The Bible is God’s revelation for our healing

  7. Assumptions • The world is hopelessly broken • Our best wisdom won’t heal us • Healing comes through faith and obedience • The Bible is God’s revelation for our healing • We are here for a purpose

  8. God’s Grand Purpose or God’s Cosmic Agenda

  9. God’s Concern for His Creation • He created - Gen 1:1

  10. God’s Concern for His Creation • He created - Gen 1:1 • He evaluated His creation-good • Gen 1:9; 1:12; 1:18; 1:21; 1:24 Day 1-2; Day 3; Day 4; Day 5; Day 6 light, dark land sun, moon fish animals sea, sky plants stars birds man

  11. God’s Concern for His Creation • He created - Gen 1:1 • He evaluated His creation-Good. - Gen 1:9; 1:12; 1:18; 1:21; 1:24 • God’s concluding evaluation - “VERY GOOD” - Gen 1:31

  12. Covenant with All Life Genesis 9:9-17

  13. Covenant with All Life The General Creation – 9 times • v 10 – Every living creature • v 11 – All life • v 11 – The earth • v 12 – Every living creature • v 13 – The earth • v 15 – All living creatures, all life • v 16 – All living creatures • v 17 – All life on the earth

  14. God’s Concern for the Nations “Nations” listed more than 2,000 times

  15. God’s Cosmic Purpose Read and notice the “All Things” Colossians 1:15-20

  16. God’s Cosmic PurposeColossians 1:15-20 • V 15 - Christ is the image of God

  17. God’s Cosmic PurposeColossians 1:15-20 • v 15 - Christ is the image of God • v 19 - God’s fullness dwells in Christ

  18. God’s Cosmic PurposeColossians 1:15-20 • v 15 - Christ is the image of God • v 19 - God’s fullness dwells in Christ • v 16 - By Christ ALL things were created

  19. God’s Cosmic PurposeColossians 1:15-20 • v 15 - Christ is the image of God • v 19 - God’s fullness dwells in Christ • v 16 - By Christ ALL things were created • v 17 - In Christ ALL things hold together

  20. God’s Cosmic PurposeColossians 1:15-20 • v 15 - Christ is the image of God • v 19 - God’s fullness dwells in Christ • v 16 - By Christ ALL things were created • v 17 - In Christ ALL things hold together • v 21 - ALL things (heaven/earth) are reconciled through Christ’s blood (Read: Acts 3:21 and Eph 1:10)

  21. Why Did Jesus Shed HisBlood?

  22. Why Did Jesus Shed HisBlood? • To reconcile ALL things!

  23. God’s cosmic purpose is the reconciliation of all things

  24. Christ’s Sovereignty “… there is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry: ‘Mine!’” Abraham Kuyper Free University's inaugural convocation, 1880 G-7

  25. The Church and God’s Redemptive Purpose Read Ephesians 1:22-23

  26. The Church and God’s Redemptive Purpose Ephesians 1:22-23 Two Problems!

  27. Two Questions • How can the Church = the fullness of Christ? • Why would God put everything under Christ for the Church?

  28. The Church and God’s Redemptive Purpose • Church = Christ’s Body = Fullness of Christ - Eph 1:22-23

  29. The Church and God’s Redemptive Purpose • Church = Christ’s Body = Fullness of Christ - Eph 1:22-23 • Fullness of God/Christ is love - Eph 3:17b-19

  30. The Church and God’s Redemptive Purpose • Church = Christ’s Body = Fullness of Christ - Eph 1:22-23 • Fullness of God/Christ is love - Eph 3:17b-19 • Works of Service Unity + Maturity Maturity = Fullness - Eph 4:11-13

  31. The Church and God’s Redemptive Purpose • Church = Christ’s Body = Fullness of Christ - Eph 1:22-23 • Fullness of God/Christ is love - Eph 3:17b-19 • Works of Service Unity + Maturity Maturity = Fullness - Eph 4:11-13

  32. God’s Redemptive Purposeand the Church Ephesians 3:9-10 • The administration of God’s redemptive purpose – His manifold wisdom

  33. God’s Redemptive Purposeand the Church Ephesians 3:9-10 • The administration of God’s redemptive purpose – His manifold wisdom T H R O U G H the CHU RCH

  34. How a Nation Is Discipled Individual Family Community Nation

  35. How a Nation Is Discipled Individual Family Community Nation End Church

  36. Transformation through the combined efforts of local churches in a community . Church Local Church Local Church Local Church Local Church Local Church Local Church Local Church

  37. So Many Churches… So little transformation

  38. Secretariat SAMARITAN STRATEGY Ghana & West Africa Office, Samaritan House, Fise near Amasaman, P.O. Box DK 251,Accra.Ghana, Tel. 233-21-290245/6; 233-244-206288 E-mail: samaritanstrategy@gmail.com. ampadu@ghanatel.com.gh. www.disciple-nations.org www.harvestfoundation.org

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