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In this PPT we describe that in many place became very much slippery and occurred fatal accident. To prevent fatal injury use anti slip coating. We can use it many places like slippery floor, entrance and lobbies etc.
A carelessstepontheslipperyfloor can lead totheunwantedinjury. There are lots of solutiontomakethefloor non sleperry. Nowwehaevthe anti slipcoating. We can travelanywherewithoutworry. Weallknowtheproverbpreventionisbetterthan cure. Butwecan’tfollowit. So itisverygoodpracticeto use anti slipcoatingbeforebreakingyourbackbone. In thisslidedescriptionweillustratethe anti slipcloatingtraetment of differentareas. Slipperyfloor
Slip and fallusuallytakes place in entryareaslikeentrance and lobbies. In thedrydayitdoesnotcreateanyproblembut in therainyseasonitbecameveryhazardous place forall. Someonerunningtoenterthe place he can easilyfalldown. Tomakeproperresistanceweshould use the non slipcoating. Aftercoatingwedon’tneedtoworryaboutthewheather . Entarnce and lobbies
Itisneedlesstosaythatwhensteps are wetone can easilyfalldownwithouttheirknowledge. Sometractiontripsprovidesresistancefromfalling. Butthese are notmadebysmallersteps. Fallingdownfromsteps can cause toseriousinjury. Topreventfromtheslipperystepitisthebestwaythat use the anti slipcoating. Wrongstep
Arealikebathroom, washingarea, car parking place alwaysbecametoomuchslippery. Theseareas are highlypronetotheaccident. Tratingtheseareasusing anti slipcoating can preventthe fatal injury. Wetorveryslipperyarea
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