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TWELVE ORDINARY MEN. Chapter 3 Andrew – The Apostle of Small Things. T HE I NNER C IRCLE. Peter. John. Andrew. James. Transfiguration; Resurrection of the Little Girl; In the Garden. O VERVIEW. A fisherman Mt 4:18 Of Bethsaida Jn 1:44 A disciple of John Jn 1 :35 - 40
TWELVEORDINARY MEN Chapter 3 Andrew – The Apostle of Small Things
THE INNER CIRCLE Peter John Andrew James Transfiguration; Resurrection of the Little Girl; In the Garden
OVERVIEW • A fisherman Mt 4:18 • Of Bethsaida Jn 1:44 • A disciple of John Jn 1:35 - 40 • Shared a home with his brother Simon (Peter) Mk 1:29 • Finds his brother Simon and brings him to Jesus Jn 1:40-42 • Responded immediately to the Call Mt 4:17-23; Mk 1:16 Andrew – Apostle on the Inner Circle
OVERVIEW • His name appears in the lists of the apostles in Mt 10:2; Mk 3:18; Lu 6:14; Acts 1:13 where he is named either second or fourth. • Asks the Master privately about the destruction of the temple; Mk 13:3,4 • Tells Jesus of the Greeks who sought to see him; Jn 12:20-22 Andrew – Apostle on the Inner Circle
Peter and Andrew • Shared house together in Capernaum • Fishing business together • Lifelong companions with James and John James, John, Peter, & Andrew • Took sabbatical to follow John the Baptist • All eager to lead, but in different ways • This strength would allow success later on
OVERVIEW • Reports the number of loaves at the feeding of the five thousand Jn 6:1-11 • Meets with the disciples after the Lord's ascensionActs1:13 Andrew – Apostle on the Inner Circle
ANDREW’SCHARACTER • There is something significant in Andrew's being the first called of the apostles. • The choice was an important one, because others followed the lead of Andrew. • Nothing negative mentioned concerning Andrew when his name is mentioned alone. Andrew – Apostle on the Inner Circle
ANDREW’SCHARACTER • Christ perceived that soul's unrest, the straining after higher things and a deeper knowledge of God, which had: • induced Andrew to make the pilgrimage to Bethany, • gave promise of a rich spiritual growth, • which no doubt influenced Jesus in His decision. Andrew – Apostle on the Inner Circle
ANDREW’SCHARACTER • Along with a keenness of perception regarding spiritual truths was coupled in Andrew a strong sense of personal conviction which enabled him: • not only to accept Jesus as the Messiah, • but to win Peter also as a disciple of Christ. Andrew – Apostle on the Inner Circle
ANDREW’S CHARACTER • The Feeding of the Five Thousand- a striking contrast to the feeble- mindedness of Philip. - Andrew was bold decisive and deliberate. • His missionary spirit, and his decision of character which made others appeal to him when in difficulties--were also shown when the Greeks sought to interview Jesus. Andrew – Apostle on the Inner Circle
THE KEYS TO HIS CHARACTER • He Saw the Value of:- Individual People- Insignificant Gifts- Inconspicuous Service Andrew – Apostle on the Inner Circle
VALUE OF INDIVIDUAL PEOPLE • If someone wanted or needed to meet Christ, Andrew brought them to Him. • Successful evangelism occurs on the personal level. • How did you first respond to the gospel? • Even if it was after a specific sermon or class why were you listening in the first place? Andrew – Apostle on the Inner Circle
VALUE OF INDIVIDUAL PEOPLE • Peter was perhaps the greatest gospel preacher of his time, but who brought Peter to Christ? • Our lack of ability or authority to preach before congregations does not keep us from being a leader such as Andrew. • We need to befriend people and bring them to Christ one at a time. (D.L Moody p. 82) Andrew – Apostle on the Inner Circle
Most people that come to the Lord come because of an individual and not a sermon.
VALUE OF INSIGNIFICANT GIFTS • Andrew knew that no gift was too small in the Lord’s hands. He knew the power of Christ. - Lk. 21:1-4 • God’s ability to use a gift for good is in no way hindered or enhanced by its size. • The faithfulness of the giver is the true measure of the gift’s significance. • God always takes the sacrificial and seemingly insignificant gifts of the faithful and multiplies them to accomplish monumental things. Andrew – Apostle on the Inner Circle
VALUE OF INCONSPICUOUS SERVICE • Everyone can’t be the lead guitarist, the clean-up hitter, or the president. • Andrew realized this and therefore labored humbly bringing others to the Lord. • Being hidden is not bad, as long as the work is being done. - Every rank in the Lord’s army is not general. • Eph. 6:6; Jms 3:11; Mk. 9:35 all warn of the consequences of desiring to be first. Andrew – Apostle on the Inner Circle
VALUE OF INCONSPICUOUS SERVICE • Everyone can’t be the lead guitarist, the clean-up hitter, or the president. • Andrew realized this and therefore labored humbling bringing others to the Lord. • Being hidden is not bad, as long as the work is being done. - Every rank in the Lord’s army is not general. • Eph. 6:6; Jms 3:11; Mk. 9:35 all warn of the consequences of desiring to be first. Servants, be obedient …as unto Christ; not in the way of eye-service, as men-pleasers; but as servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart; with good will doing service, as unto the Lord, and not unto men: knowing that whatsoever good thing each one doeth, the same shall he receive again from the Lord, whether he be bond or free. Eph. 6:5-8 ASV
VALUE OF INCONSPICUOUS SERVICE • Everyone can’t be the lead guitarist, the clean-up hitter, or the president. • Andrew realized this and therefore labored humbling bringing others to the Lord. • Being hidden is not bad, as long as the work is being done. - Every rank in the Lord’s army is not general. • Eph. 6:6; Jms 3:11; Mk. 9:35 all warn of the consequences of desiring to be first. Doth the fountain send forth from the same opening sweet water and bitter? Can a fig tree, my brethren, yield olives, or a vine figs? Neither can salt water yield sweet. Who is wise and understanding among you? let him show by his good life his works in meekness of wisdom. Jas 3:11-13 (ASV)
VALUE OF INCONSPICUOUS SERVICE • Everyone can’t be the lead guitarist, the clean-up hitter, or the president. • Andrew realized this and therefore labored humbly bringing others to the Lord. • Being hidden is not bad, as long as the work is being done. - Every rank in the Lord’s army is not general. • Eph. 6:6; Jms 3:11; Mk. 9:35 all warn of the consequences of desiring to be first. And he sat down, and called the twelve; and he saith unto them, If any man would be first, he shall be last of all, and servant of all. Mk. 9:35 (ASV)
VALUE OF INCONSPICUOUS SERVICE • Fruits of Peter’s ministry is ultimately also the fruit of Andrew’s faithful, individual witness. • Many Christians think that because they can’t speak in front of groups they can’t evangelize.
CONCLUSION • He is said to have preached in Scythia, in Greece, in Asia Minor and Thrace, and to have been crucified at Patrae in Achaia. Said to have led the governor’s wife to Christ. • X-shaped cross called Saltire • Hung on cross 2 days • Exhorted passersby to turn to Christ
Crucified • Was Andrew slighted? - He was first to hear that Jesus was the Lamb of God - First to follow Christ and on the inner circle of Christ’s Apostles. - His name will be inscribed in the foundation of the New Jerusalem.
CONCLUSION • Andrew was not one of the greatest of the apostles, yet he is typical of those men of broad sympathies and sound common sense; without whom the success of any great movement cannot be assured. (C. M. Kerr)
CONCLUSION • Is it possible that Andrew’s leadership style is a better model (than say Peter’s) for those in today’s church? • Do we possess the character traits of Andrew? • Are we eager to follow Christ and zealous to introduce others to Him? • Are we willing to lead in the background and from the sidelines? • Can we lead with a minimum of contention and a maximum amount of thought?
CONCLUSION • Thank God for the Andrews of the world. • Quiet, faithful, inconspicuous workers who are willing to give small, but sacrificial gifts to accomplish the Lord’s work. • They won’t receive much recognition because they won’t seek it. • They are only listening for the Lord’s “well done.”