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Promoting the Arabian Horse from the Top Down and the Grassroots Up! 2012 AHA Club Excellence Awards Entry . Aug 2011 – July 2012 Activities Membership Recruitment Breed Promotion Communication Club Projects. Pro moting the Arabian Horse from the Top Down and the Grassroots Up!
Promoting the Arabian Horse from the Top Down and the Grassroots Up! 2012 AHA Club Excellence Awards Entry
Aug 2011 – July 2012 Activities Membership Recruitment Breed Promotion CommunicationClub Projects Promoting the Arabian Horse from the Top Down and the Grassroots Up! 2012 AHA Club Excellence Awards Category Entries
Aug 2011 – July 2012 Activities Membership Recruitment Promoting the Arabian Horse from the Top Down and the Grassroots Up! 2012 AHA Club Excellence Awards Category Entries
Membership Recruitment CategorySituation Analysis • WCAHA 2010 membership mark hit 150+ for the first time. • WCAHA has sent full delegates to AHA for the past 10 years • To send 4 Convention delegates each year we must retain the membership mark of 150+ members annually
Membership Recruitment CategoryGoals • WCAHA goal for 2012: Target expired members to retain 150+ adult memberships! • Retain the current voting delegate level from 2010 and 2011 for the 2012 AHA Convention • Additionally, Gain new members especially new to Arabians– with annual growth goal of 5% annually
Membership Recruitment CategoryPlan • Created a membership brochure for mailing which Includes: Who is WCAHA? What is our purpose? What are our activities? • Utilization of new AHA report-Membership Renewal Notification to proactively contact members whose membership will expire on a monthly basis • WCAHA paid subscription to “Modern Arabian Horse” to all renewing members when membership renewal sent to club secretary • Continue distribution of club brochure at local events • Free meal at our Annual Club meeting to all current, new and renewing members • Maintain current club price structure with NO increase
Membership Recruitment CategoryTimeline • Meet membership goal by June 30, 2012 • Retain membership requirement for 4th delegate • Adult members in June 2009: 135 • Target members in June 2010: 155 • Target members in June 2011: 153 • Target members in June 2012: 152
Membership Recruitment Category Results Success! WCAHA had a count of 152 adult memberships on June 30! We retained our 4 delegates for 2012! Our goal for 2013 is to again retain all members and strive harder for a minimum 5% growth!
Aug 2011 – July 2012 Activities Breed Promotion Promoting the Arabian Horse from the Top Down and the Grassroots Up! 2012 AHA Club Excellence Awards Category Entries
Breed Promotion CategorySituation Analysis • WCAHA is a club that believes in providing programs and venues that help participants showcase their Arabians and Arabian crosses, and in some cases, the results of their breeding programs. In an effort to facilitate this commitment, WCAHA has maintained a Futurity for more than 30 years --- allowing nominated weanlings and yearlings to show and win payback at its annual November show. • Approximately eight years ago, the club decided to implement an All-Star Stallion Futurity Auction to increase the number of entries and to build more lucrative Futurity paybacks by using monies obtained through stallion services purchased in the Auction.
Breed Promotion CategoryGoals • To increase national awareness for an already successful Futurity program • To build/retain membership numbers through increased participation in the Futurity program • To find a webhost provider that could provide appropriate subscriber numbers, design assistance, and ongoing support to market the Auction. • To grow the Stallion Auction not only in numbers of participating stallions, but also in caliber of stallions. • To increase total dollars to fund annual paybacks to Futurity participants each November. • To spread the opportunity for payback to more people
Breed Promotion CategoryPlan • To communicate information about the Futurity through the use of the club’s website for information dissemination • To generate heightened interest in the Stallion Auction through new additions, appropriate marketing, and efficient operation of the auction itself • To evaluate the Futurity program through the solicitation of feedback from participants and implementing appropriate suggestions as needed
Breed Promotion CategoryFuturity and Stallion Auction Audience • Anyone breeding Arabians or Part-Arabians, locally, regionally and nationally • Anyone interested in purchasing stud services at a reduced fee, both locally, regionally, nationally and globally
Breed Promotion CategoryFuturity Publicity • Promoted on the WCAHA Club website with a description of the program as well as the Rules, Regulations and Nomination forms. • Updates and changes communicated through member emails generated by WCAHA’s secretary as needed
Breed Promotion CategoryAll-Star Stallion Auction Publicity • Launched yearly to 40,000+ subscribers through email blasts generated by webhost • Advertised with a full-page ad in MAH or AH Times distributed at Scottsdale • Showcased on the webserver from January through early April (and remaining available throughout the year) for bidders to review and place bids. Added benefit to stallion owners as this advertises their studs year round • Advertised in our Region 12’s monthly newsletter • Information on auction sent to club members through timely blanket emails • Wrapped up with a “Last Minute Reminder” email blast generated by webhost
Breed Promotion CatagoryBudget • Revenue: WCAHA’s Futurity program operates on a cash basis beginning at zero each year. Total revenue consists of auction monies raised, Futurity nomination fees and class entry fees. All monies are disbursed equally among eight classes at the November show, paying down through fifth place. • Expenses: WCAHA splits the cost of the webhost yearly maintenance fee with the Futurity program ($270 each). Other expenses for the Futurity and Auction include a full page ad promoting the auction ($650) and miscellaneous expenses which includes share of website maintenance, trophies, ribbons and other small miscellaneous expenses ($1533).
Breed Promotion CategoryResults Success! • Bidders have purchased stallion services from across the United States, as well as Canada and Switzerland • In 2011, auction raised $25,875 from 20 successful bidders, for a total of over $100,000 raised in last 5 auctions • Every penny of auction proceeds awarded in 2011 minus expenses - $23,422 awarded in 2011 !!!!!!!!!
Aug 2011 – July 2012 Activities Communication Promoting the Arabian Horse from the Top Down and the Grassroots Up! 2012 AHA Club Excellence Awards Category Entries
Communication CategorySituation Analysis • WCAHA consistently looking for ways to expand and enhance communication • Being one of first clubs to utilize a website our ‘look and feel’ was very out of date • Concerns over the ability to keep website current for general public and members
Communication CategoryGoals • The Board solicited input from club members and tasked the website committee to improve both design and content while operating with fiscal prudence. • A website with a more finished modern look, added ease of navigation, and increased information. • Keep the website current for both members and general public.
Communication CategoryPlan • Analyze color and design • Add President’s message with photograph on home page • Create a “What’s New section” to include current activities, show results, monthly board minutes, upcoming shows and events • Add feature member stories within the club to showcase achievements and illustrate involvement with the Arabian horse
Communication CategoryBudget • Revenue: Increases visibility of the club’s activities including our shows resulting in greater participation - entries • Expenses: Annual maintenance fees to our webmaster and recent upgrade fees
Communication Category Success! See our updated website at www.wcaha.org
Aug 2011 – July 2012 Activities Club Projects Promoting the Arabian Horse from the Top Down and the Grassroots Up! 2012 AHA Club Excellence Awards Category Entries
Club Projects CategorySituation Analysis WCAHA is committed to club projects. We believe that club projects from sending delegates to the AHA Convention, promoting Arabians through an open show, Endurance rides and out Youth are some of the very most important areas that we have the opportunity to promote our Arabians. Aside from two Class A shows each year to promote the horse show industry, WCAHA promotes breeding, endurance and recreational riding, youth development and other activities as needed.
Club Projects CategorySituation Analysis Overview WCAHA Club Projects 2011– 2012 • Full slate of Delegates to 2011 – 2012 AHA Convention (Nov) • All Star Stallion Futurity Auction (Dec – Apr) • WCAHA/CCHA March Madness Open Show & Clinic Weekend (Mar) • South Carolina Upstate Equine Council Fundraiser (Apr) • Region 12 Endurance Ride - Water Break Sponsor Biltmore Estate, Asheville, NC (May) • Region 12 Youth Jamboree Fundraiser - Sponsor (June) • National AERC Endurance Rider Biltmore Endurance (Sept)
Club Projects CategorySituation Analysis • Full slate of Delegates to 2011 AHA Convention (Nov) • Bob Bennett • Grace Greenlee • Ed Davidson • Pat Webb • WCAHA sends a full group of delegates to the AHA Convention each year. For 2011, WCAHA provided $500 of financial assistance to each delegate to help pay for expenses to Convention, • WCAHA believes in supporting club members who are involved at the national level with AHA
Club Projects CategorySituation Analysis • Equine March Madness Open All Breed Horse Show • March 10, 2012 for the 3rd consecutive year • WCAHA strongly encourages outreach to the community and additionally through Clemson University’s Collegiate Horseman’s Assocation. .
Club Projects CategorySituation Analysis • All Star Stallion Futurity Auction (Dec – Apr) • December 2011 – April 2012 • Carol Johnson Futurity Chairperson • The 2011 auction raised $25,875 to award in 8 futurity classes for weanlings and yearlings paying each class through 5th place
Club Projects CategorySituation Analysis Overview • Water Break sponsor Biltmore Endurance Rice (May) WCAHA provided $125 worth of bottled water and snacks to Ann Ayala for the Biltmore Endurance Ride held May 2012. WCAHA supports the endurance ride and provided WCAHA membership brochures to place at the entry table to target non- AHA or club affiliated members.
Club Projects CategorySituation Analysis Overview • Region 12 Youth Jamboree Major sponsor (Jun) The Region 12 Youth Jamboree show was held for the fourth year at the T Ed Garrison Arena in Clemson, SC. This year the show and clinic week ran from June 12 – 15. Robert Obermiller, WCAHA Vice President, stepped in as show manager for the show in 2011 and again in 2012. WCAHA members provided monumental support to make the Jamboree an outstanding success in both 2011 and 2012
Club Projects CategorySituation Analysis Overview • Region 12 Youth Jamboree Major sponsor (Jun) • WCAHA members volunteering at Youth Jamboree – a one of a kind event in AHA, to give youth riders a venue to learn and socialize with other young equestrians at a reasonable cost. WCAHA has been supportive of this event through volunteers and sponsorship for numerous years. • Youth Jamboree Board of Directors and numerous WCAHA club members
Club Projects CategorySituation Analysis OverviewRegion 12 Youth Jamboree Major sponsor (Jun) Provided bottled water and a lunch for all participants and their parents during the Jamboree Bottled water - $150 Lunch - $550 Volunteers and manpower for event manager, clinicians and show staff WCAHA raised money via a pig toss at our annual shows, secret auction items and donations during our awards banquet. the Youth Jamboree. Pig toss - $135, Secret Auction - $300, general donations - $115
Club Projects CategoryResults You Guessed it! Success! WCAHA Club Projects 2011– 2012 • Full slate of Delegates to 2011 – 2012 AHA Convention (Nov) • All Star Stallion Futurity Auction (Dec – Apr) • WCAHA/CCHA March Madness Open Show & Clinic Weekend (Mar) • South Carolina Upstate Equine Council Fundraiser (Apr) • Region 12 Endurance Ride - Water Break Sponsor Biltmore Estate, Asheville, NC (May) • Region 12 Youth Jamboree Fundraiser - Sponsor (June) • National AERC Endurance Rider Biltmore Endurance (Sept)
Promoting the Arabian Horse from the Top Down and the Grassroots Up! 2012 AHA Club Excellence Awards Entry