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NATURA 2000 Bird areas in Slovakia. P resentation took place 18.10. – 23.10.2010 in Slovakia. European programme Natura 2000 What is Natura 2000? The national register of bird areas suggested for protection in Slovakia. Why birds were chosen to be protected in the first place?
NATURA 2000 Bird areas in Slovakia Presentation took place 18.10. – 23.10.2010 in Slovakia.
European programme Natura 2000 • What is Natura 2000? • The national register of bird areas suggested for protection in Slovakia. • Why birds were chosen to be protected in the first place? Non-governmental organization Natura Opava – Czech Republic • Non-governmental organization for environmental education, advice and other activities • The activities of Natura Opava in Czech Republic, Poland and Greece
What is Natura 2000? Natura 2000 is an ecological network of protected areas in the territory of the European Union. In May 1992, the governments of the European Communities adopted legislation designed to protect the most seriously threatened habitats and species across Europe. This legislation is called the Habitats Directive and complements the Birds Directive adopted in 1979. These two directives are the basis of the creation of the Natura 2000 network. Each EU Member State must compile a list of the best wildlife areas containing the habitats and species listed in the Habitats Directive and the Birds Directive. This list must then be submitted to the European Commission, after which an evaluation and selection process on European level will take place in order to become a Natura 2000 site. The network of Natura 2000 sites is spread throughout Europe, from Finland in the north to the Canary Islands in the south. Today, sites, cover about 20% of the European territory, so most European citizens will not live far from a Natura 2000 site! More information and interactive map: Clic here. EU Legislation: Clic here. Information from European Commission Environmentand from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Biotope Biotope is an area of uniform environmental conditions providing a living place for a specific assemblage of plants and animals. Biotope is almost synonymous with the term habitat, but while the subject of a habitat is a species or a population, the subject of a biotope is a biological community. Biotope from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Clic Here.
Habitats Directive The Habitats Directive (more formally known as Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the Conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora) is a European Union directive adopted in 1992 as an EU response to the Berne Convention. It is one of the EU's two directives in relation to wildlife and nature conservation, the other being the Birds Directive.It aims to protect some 220 habitats and approximately 1,000 species listed in the directive's Annexes. Annex I covers habitats, Annex II species requiring designation of Special Areas of Conservation, Annex IV species in need of strict protection, and Annex V species whose taking from the wild can be restricted by European law. These are species and habitats which are considered to be of European interest, following criteria given in the directive.[3][4]The directive led to the setting up of a network of Special Areas of Conservation, which together with the existing Special Protection Areas form a network of protected sites across the European Union called Natura 2000. Article 17 of the directive requires EU Member States to report on the state of their protected areas every six years. The first complete set of country data was reported in 2007. The Habitats Directive on-line. Clic here. Information from European Commission Environmentand from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Birds Directive The Birds Directive (more formally known as Council Directive 2009/147/EC on the conservation of wild birds) is a European Union directive adopted in 2009. It replaces Council Directive 79/409/EEC of 2 April 1979 on the conservation of wild birds which was several times modified and, thus, had become very unclear. It aims to protect all European wild birds and the habitats of listed species, in particular through the designation of Special Protection Areas (often known by the acronym SPA). The Birds Directive is one of the EU's two directives in relation to wildlife and nature conservation, the other being the Habitats Directive. The Habitats Directive led to the setting up of a network of Special Areas of Conservation, which together with the existing Special Protection Areas form a network of protected sites across the European Union called Natura 2000 List of all protect species: Clic here. Information from European Commission Environmentand from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
The choice of areas. The national register of bird areas suggested for protection Dolné Pohronie
The national register of protected bird areas in Slovakia • Boheľovské rybníky (Dunajská Streda) • Bukovské vrchy (Snina) • Cerová vrchovina a Rimavská kotliny (Rimavská Sobota, Lučenec, Revúca) • Dolné Pohronie (Komárno, Levice, Nové Zámky) • Dolní Považie (Nové Zámky, Komárno) • Dubnické štrkovisko (Ilava, Trenčín) • Dunajské luhy (Bratislava, Dunajská Streda, Komárno, Nové Zámky, Senec) • Horná Orava (Čadca, Dolný Kubín, Námestovo, Tvrdošín) • Košická kotlina (Košice) • Kráľová (Galanta, Šaľa) • Laborecká vrchovina (Humenné, Medzilaborce, Snina, Stropkov, Svidník) • Lehnice (Dunajská Streda)
The national register of protected bird areas in Slovakia 13.Malá Fatra (Čadca, Dolný Kubín, Martin, Prievidza, Námestovo, Růžomberok, Žilina 14. Malé Karpaty (Bratislava, Malacky, Myjava, Pezinok, Piešťany, Senica, Trnava) 15. Medzibodrožie (Michalovce, Trebišov) 16. Morava (Bratislava, Malacky, Senica, Skalica) 17. Muránska planina a Stolické vrchy (Brezno, Rimavská Sobota, Revúca, Rožňava) 18. Nízké Tatry (Bánská Bystrica, Brezno, Liptovský Mikuláš, Poprad, Ružomberok) 19. Ostrovné lúky (Dunajská Streda, Komárno) 20. Parížské močiare (Nové Zámky) 21. Poliplie (Levice, Lučenec, Velký Krtíš) 22. Poľana (Bánská Bystrica, Brezno, Detva, Zvolen) 23. Pusté Úľany – Zeleneč (Galanta, Senec, Trnava) 24. Senné (Michalovce, Sobrance)
The national register of protected bird areas in Slovakia 25. Slánské vrchy (Košice, Prešov, Trebišov, Vranov nad Ťoplou) 26. Sľňava (Piešťany) 27. Slovenský kras (Košice, Revúca, Rožňava) 28. Strážovské vrchy (Bánovce nad Bebravou, Bytča, Ilava, Povážská Bystrica, Prievidza, Trenčín, Žiliny) 29. Sysľovské polia (Bratislava) 30. Tatry (Liptovský Mikuláš, Poprad, Tvrdošín) 31. Tríbeč (Nitra, Partizánské, Topolčany, Zlaté Moravce) 32. Trnavské rybníky (Trnava) 33. Veľká Fatra (Banská Bystrica, Martin, Ružomberok, Turčianské Teplice) 34. Veľkoblahovské rybníky (Dunajská Streda) 35. Vihorlat (Humenné, Michalovce, Snina, Sobrance) 36. Volovské vrchy (Gelnica, Košice, Prešov, Rožňava, Spišská nová Ves) 37. Východoslovenská rovina (Michalovce, Trebišov) 38. Žltavský luh (Nové Zámky, Nitra)
Dolné Pohronie Rationale for the suggestion of protection: Belongs among five most important nesting areas of Merops Apiaster, Vlha pestrá,Včelárik zlatý, Szcurek pszczolojad, (Ευρωπαϊκός) Μελισσοφάγος, Guêpier d'Europe) in Slovakia . In the Levicedistrict it includes a cadastral area Pastovice. The photos used in the presentation were taken by Milan Kubačka and Jakub Kubačka. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ipolyp%C3%A1szt%C3%B303.JPG The photos of the protected bird species living in the area of Pastovce were taken as laboratory specimens of the preparator Vilem Boruvka (Opava), in the depository of Silesian museum in Opava.
Occurrence of protected bird species in Pastovce reservation Merops apiaster Vlha pestrá, Včelárik zlatý, Żołna zwyczajna,(Ευρωπαϊκός) Μελισσοφάγος , Guêpier d'Europe) Alauda arvensis Skřivan polní, Škovránok poľný Skowronek polny, (Κοινή) Σιταρήθρα, Alouette des champs Anthus campestris Linduška úhorní,Ľaptuška poľná, Świergotek polny, Ωχροκελάδα, Pipit rousseline, Galerida cristataChocholouš obecný, Pipíška chochlatá, Dzierlatka, Κατσουλιέρης, Cochevis huppé Lanius collurioŤuhýk obecný,Strakoš červenochrbtý, Dzierzba gąsiorek, Αετομάχος, Pie-grièche écorcheur Riparia riparia Břehule říční, Brehuľa knedá, Jaskółka brzegówka, Οχθοχελίδονο, L'Hirondelle de rivage Saxicola torquata Bramborníček černohlavý, Pŕhľaviar čiernohlavý, Kląskawka zwyczajna, (Ευρωπαϊκός) Μαυρολαίμης , Tarier pâtre Streptopelia turtur Hrdlička divoká, hrdlička divá, Turkawka zwyczajna, Ευρωπαϊκό) Τρυγόνι , Tourterelle des bois Sylvia nisoria Pěnice vlašská, Penica jarabá, Pokrzewka jarzębata, Γερακοτσιροβάκος , Fauvette épervière
Merops apiaster, Vlha pestrá, Včelárik zlatý, (Ευρωπαϊκός) Μελισσοφάγος, Źołna, Guêpier d'Europe
Alauda arvensis, Skřivan polní, Škovránok poľný, (Κοινή) Σιταρήθρα, Skowronek, Alouette des champs
Anthus campestris Linduška úhorní,Ľaptuška poľná, Świergotek polny, Ωχροκελάδα, Pipit rousseline
Gateridacristata, Chocholouš obecný, Pipíškachochlatá, Κατσουλιέρης , Dzierlatka, Cochevishuppé Juv.
Lanius collurio, Ťuhýk obecný, Strakoš červenochrbtý, Αετομάχος, Gąsiorek, Pie-grièche écorcheur F M
Ripariariparia, Břehule říční, Brehulahnedá, Οχθοχελίδονο, brzegówka, Hirondelle de rivage
Saxicolatorquata, AfricanStonechat , Bramborníček černohlavý, Tarierpâtre, Kląskawkazwyczajna, (Ευρωπαϊκός) Μαυρολαίμης M Juv.
Streptopelia turtur, Hrdlička divoká, Hrdlička poľná, (Ευρωπαϊκό) Τρυγόνι, Turkawka, Tourterelle des bois M Juv.
Sylvianisoria, Pěnice vlašská, Penicajarabá, Γερακοτσιροβάκος, Jarzębatka, Fauvetteépervière
Occurrence of protected bird species in other bird reservations in Slovakia • Acrocephalus melanopogon, Rákosník tamaryškový, Trsteniarik tamaryškový, Ψαθοποταμίδα, Tmaryska, Lusciniole à moustaches • Aegolius funereus, Sýc rousný, Kuvik kapcavý, Αιγωλιός, Włochatka, Nyctale de Tengmalm • Alauda arvensis, Skřivan polní, Škovránok poľný, (Κοινή) Σιταρήθρα, Skowronek, Alouette des champs • Alcedo athis, Ledňáček říční, Rybárik riečný, (Ευρωπαϊκή) Αλκυόνη, Zimorodek, Martin-pêcheur d'Europe • Anas querquedula, Čírka modrá, Kačica chrapľavá, (Ευρωπαϊκή) Σαρσέλα, Cyranka, Sarcelle d'été • Anas strepera, Kopřivka obecná, Kačica chripľavá, Καπακλής, Krakwa, Canard chipeau • Anser anser, Husa velká, Husa divá, Σταχτόχηνα, Gęgawa, Oie cendrée • Anthus campestris Linduška úhorní,Ľaptuška poľná, Świergotek polny, Ωχροκελάδα, Pipit rousseline • Aquila heliaca, Orel královský, Orol kráľovský, (Ανατολικός) Βασιλαετός, Orzeł cesarski, Aigle impérial
Occurrence of protected bird species in other bird reservations in Slovakia • Aquilachrysaetos, Orel skalní, Orol skalný, Χρυσαετός, Orzełprzedni, Aigleroyal • Aquila pomarina, Orel křiklavý, Orol křiklavý, Κραυγαετός, Orlikkrzykliwy, Aiglepomarin • Ardea alba, Volavka bílá, Volka biela, Αργυροτσικνιάς, Czaplabiała, Grande Aigrette • Ardeapurpurea, Volavka červená, Volavka purpurová, Πορφυροτσικνιάς, Czaplapurpurowa, Héronpourpré • Aythya ferina, Polák velký, Chochlačka sivá, Γκισάρι, Głowienka, Fuligulemilouin • Aythyafuligula, Polák chocholačka, Chocholačkavrkočatá, ΜαυροκέφαληΠάπια, Czernica, Fuligulemorillon • Aythyanyroca,Polák malý, Chochlačka brlooká, (Ευρωπαϊκή) Βαλτόπαπια, Podgorzałka, Fuligulenyroca • Bonasabonasia, Jeřábek lesní, Jarjabok horný, Δασόκοτα, Jarząbek, Gélinotte des bois
Occurrence of protected bird species in other bird reservations in Slovakia • Botaurus stellaris, Bukač velký, Bučiak trsťový, (Ευρασιατικός) Ήταυρος, Bąk, Butor étoilé • Bubo bubo, Výr velký, Výr skalný, (Κοινός) Μπούφος, Puchacz, Grand-duc d'Europe • Bucephala clangula, Hohol severní, Hlaholka severská, (Ευρωπαϊκή) Βουκεφάλα, Gągoł, Garrot à oeil d'or • Caprimulgus europaeus, Lelek lesní, Lelek lesný, (Ευρωπαϊκό) Γιδοβύζι, Lelek, Engoulevent d'Europe • Ciconia ciconia, Čáp bílý, Bocian biely, Λευκός Πελαργός, Bocian biały, Cigogne blanche • Ciconia nigra, Čáp černý, Bocian čierny, Μαύρος Πελαργός, Bocian czarny, Cigogne noire • Circaetus gallicus, Orlík krátkoprstý, Hadiar krátkoprstý, Φιδαετός, Gadożer, Circaète Jean-le-Blanc • Circus aeruginosus, Moták pochop, Kaňa močiarna, Καλαμόκιρκος, Błotniak stawowy, Busard des roseaux
Occurrence of protected bird species in other bird reservations in Slovakia • Circus pygargus, Moták lužní, Kaňa popolavá, Λιβαδόκιρκος, Błotniak łąkowy, Busard cendré • Coracius garrulus, Mandelík hajní, Krakľa belhá, (Ευρωπαϊκή) Χαλκοκουρούνα, Kraska, Rollier d'Europe • Coturnix coturnix, Křepelka polní, Prepelica poľná, (Κοινό) Ορτύκι, Przepiórka, Caille des blés • Crex crex, Chřástal polní, Chriašteľ polný, Ορτυκομάνα, Derkacz, Râle des genêts • Dendrocopus leucotos, Strakapoud bělohřbetý, Ďateľ bielochrbtý, Λευκονώτης Δρυοκολάπτης, Dzięcioł białogrzbiety, Pic à dos blanc • Dendrocopus medius, Strakapoud prostřední, Ďateľ prostredný, Μεσαίος Δρυοκολάπτης, Dzięcioł średni, Pic mar • Dendrocopus syriacus, Strakapoud jižní, Ďateľ hnedkavý, Βαλκανικός Δρυοκολάπτης, Dzięcioł białoszyi, Pic syriaque • Dryocopus martius, Datel černý, Ďateľ čierny, Μαύρος Δρυοκολάπτης, Dzięcioł czarny, Pic noir
Occurrence of protected bird species in other bird reservations in Slovakia • Ergetta garzetta, Volavka stříbřitá, Volavka striebristá, (Κοινός) Λευκοτσικνιάς, Czapla nadobna, Aigrette garzette • Falco cherrug, Raroh velký, Sokol raroh, Στεπογέρακο, Raróg, Faucon sacre • Falco peregrinus, Sokol stěhovavý, Sokol sťahovavý, Πετρίτης, Sokół wędrowny, Faucon pèlerin • Falco vespertinus, Poštolka rudonohá, Sokol červenonohý, (Ευρωπαϊκό) Μαυροκιρκίνεζο, Kobczyk, Faucon kobez • Ficedula albicollis, Lejsek bělokrký, Muchárik bělokrký, Κρικομυγοχάφτης, Muchołówka białoszyja, Gobemouche à collier • Ficedula parva, Lejsek malý, Muchárik červenohrdlý, Νανομυγοχάφτης, Muchołówka mała, Gobemouche nain • Galerida cristata, Chocholouš obecný, Pipíška chochlatá, Κατσουλιέρης , Dzierlatka, Cochevis huppé • Glaucidium passerinum, Kulíšek nejmenší, Kuvik vrabčí, Σπουργιτόγλαυκα, Sóweczka, Chevêchette d'Europe
Occurrence of protected bird species in other bird reservations in Slovakia • Haliaeetus albicilla, Orel mořský, Orliak morský, (Ευρωπαϊκός) Θαλασσαετός, Bielik, Pygargue à queue blanche • Hirundo rustica, Vlaštovka obecná, Lastovička domová, Σταβλοχελίδονο, Dymówka, Hirondelle rustique • Chlidonias hybridus, Rybák bahenní, Rybár bahenný, Μουστακογλάρονο, Rybitwa białowąsa, Guifette moustac • Chlionidas niger, Rybák černý, Rybár čierný, Μαυρογλάρονο, Rybitwa czarna, Guifette noire • Ixobrychus minutus, Bukáček malý, Bučiačik močiarny, (Ευρωπαϊκός) Μικροτσικνιάς, Bączek, Blongios nain • Jynx torquilla, Krutihlav obecný, Krutihlav hnedý, Στραβολαίμης, Krętogłów, Torcol fourmilier • Lanius collurio, Ťuhýk obecný, Strakoš červenochrbtý, Αετομάχος, Gąsiorek, Pie-grièche écorcheur • Lanius excubitor, Ťuhýk šedý, Strakoš sivý, Διπλοκεφαλάς, Srokosz, Pie-grièche grise
Occurrence of protected bird species in other bird reservations in Slovakia • Lanius minor, Ťuhýk malý, Strakoš kolesár, Σταχτοκεφαλάς, Dzierzba czarnoczelna, Pie-grièche à poitrine rose • Larus canus, Racek bouřní, Čajka sivá, Θυελλόγλαρος, Mewa pospolita, Goéland cendré • Larus melanocephalus, Racek černohlavý, Čajka černohlavá, Μαυροκέφαλος Γλάρος, Mewa czarnogłowa, Mouette mélanocéphale • Limosa limosa, Břehouš černoocasý, Brehár čiernochvostý, (Ευρωπαϊκή) Λιμόζα, Rycyk, Barge à queue noire • Lullua arborea, Skřivan lesní, Škovránok stromový, Δεντροσταρήθρα, Lerka, Alouette lulu • Mergllus abellus, Morčák bílý, Potápač biely, Νανοπρίστης, Bielaczek, Harle piette • Merops apiaster, Vlha pestrá, Včelárik zlatý, (Ευρωπαϊκός) Μελισσοφάγος, Žołna, Guêpier d'Europe • Milvus migrans, Luňák hnedý, Haja tmavá, Τσίφτης, Kania czarna, Milan noir
Occurrence of protected bird species in other bird reservations in Slovakia • Milvus milvus, Luňák červený, Haja červená, Ψαλιδιάρης, Kania ruda, Milan royal • Moncicola saxatilis, Skalník zpěvný, Skaliar pestrý, Πυροκότσυφας, Nagórnik, Monticole merle-de-roche • Muscicapa striata, Lejsek šedý, Muchárik sivý, Σταχτομυγοχάφτης, muchołówka Szara, Gobemouche gris • Netta rufina, Zrzohlávka rudozobá, Hrdzavka potápavá, (Ευρασιατικό) Φερεντίνι, Hełmiatka, Nette rousse • Nykticorax nycticorax, Kvakoš noční, Bučiak nočný, (Κοινός) Νυχτοκόρακας, Šlepowron, Bihoreau gris • Otis tarda, Drop velký, Drop fúzatý, Μεγάλη Ωτίδα, Drop, Grande Outarde • Otus scops, Výreček malý, Výrik lesný, (Ευρωπαϊκός) Γκιώνης, Syczek, Petit-duc scops
Occurrence of protected bird species in other bird reservations in Slovakia • Pernis apivorus, Včelojed lesní, Včelár lesný, (Ευρωπαϊκός) Σφηκιάρης, Trzmielojad, Bondrée apivore • Phoenicurus phoenicurus, Rehek zahradní, Žltochvost lesný, (Κοινός) Φοινίκουρος, Pleszka, Rougequeue à front blanc • Picoides tridactylus, Datlík tříprstý, Ďateľ trojprstý, Τριδάχτυλος Δρυοκολάπτης, Dzięcioł trójpalczasty, Pic tridactyle • Picus canus, Žluna šedá, Žlna sivá, Σταχτής Δρυοκολάπτης, Dzięcioł zielonosiwy, Pic cendré • Platalea leucorodia, Kolpík bílý, Lyžičiar biely, (Ευρασιατική) Χουλιαρομύτα, Warzęcha, Spatule blanche • Porzana parva, Chřástal malý, Chriašteľ malý, Μικροπουλάδα, Zielonka, Marouette poussin • Porzana porzana, Chřástal kropenatý, Chriašteľ bodkovaný, Στικτοπουλάδα, Kropiatka, Marouette ponctuée • Recurvirostra avosetta, Tenkozobec opačný, Šabliarka modronohá, (Ευρωπαϊκή) Αβοκέτα, Szablodziób, Avocette élégante
Occurrence of protected bird species in other bird reservations in Slovakia • Riparia riparia, Břehule říční, Brehula hnedá, Οχθοχελίδονο, Brzegówka, Hirondelle de rivage • Sterna hirundo,Rybák obecný, Rybár riečný, Ποταμογλάρονο, Rybitwa rzeczna, Sterne pierregarin • Streptopelia turtur, Hrdlička divoká, Hrdlička poľná, (Ευρωπαϊκό) Τρυγόνι, Turkawka, Tourterelle des bois • Strix uralensis, Puštík bělavý, Sova dlhochvostá, Puszczyk uralski, Chouette de l'Oural • Sylvia nisoria, Pěnice vlašská, Penica jarabá, Γερακοτσιροβάκος, Jarzębatka, Fauvette épervière • Tetrao tetrax, Tetřívek obecný, Tetrov hoľniak, Λυροπετεινός, Strepet, • Tetrao urogallus, Tetřev hlušec,Tetrov hlucháň, Αγριόκουρκος, Głuszec, Grand Tétras • Tringa totanus, Vodouš rudonohý, Kalužiak červenonohý, Κοκκινοσκέλης, Krwawodziób,
Because we are interested in their way of life.Many of them can sing nicely and they are colourful.They are active, so it is possible to see them.They are useful.People like feeding them in birdfeeders in winter or in the water. Why birds were chosen to be protected in the first place?
Muscicapa striga, Lejsek šedý, Muchárik sivý, Σταχτομυγοχάφτης, Muchołówka szara, Gobemouche gris
Carduelis chloris, Zvonek zelený, Stehlík zelený, Dzwoniec, (Ευρωπαϊκός) Φλώρος, Verdier d'Europe Carduelis carduelis, Stehlík obecný, Stehlík pestrý, Szczygieł, (Κοινή) Καρδερίνα, Chardonneret élégant Carduelis spinus, Čížek lesní, Stehlík čížavý, Czyż, (Κοινό) Λούγαρο, Tarin des aulnes Parus major, Sýkora koňadra, Sýkorka bielolica, Bogatka, Καλόγερος , Mésange charbonnière Coccothraustes coccothraustes, Dlask tlustozobý, Grubodziób, (Ευρωπαϊκός) Κοκκοθραύστης, Gros-bec casse-noyaux
1. Cygnus olor, Labuť velká, Labuť hrbozobá, łabędź niemy, Cygne tuberculé, (Κοινός) Κύκνος 2. Anser albifrons, Husa běločelá, Hus bieločelá, Oie rieuse, Ασπρομέτωπη Χήνα 3. Anas platyrhynchos, Kachna divoká, Kačica divá, krzyżówka, Canard, colvert, Πρασινοκέφαλη Πάπια 4. Fulica atra, Lyska černá, Lyska čierna, łyska, Foulque macroule, (Κοινή) Φαλαρίδα 1 2 3 4
Non-governmental organization Natura Opava – Czech Republic Activities in theCzechRepublic Nature trails building Publication activity Environmentální akce pro školy a veřejnost, Environmental activities for schools and public, nature walks, trips, international expeditions, excursions (botanical, ornithological, hydrobiological, etc.) Activities in Poland Since 2000 a common project „Nature without boundaries“ (nature research of the agricultural region along the Czech/Poland border in the Opava and Raciborz districts. The outcome of this research is a suggestion of the bio-corridor between the two cities) Exhibitions from the common events (bio-corridor, international meeting in Greece) Activities in Greece Since 1992 cooperation with a Greek city Preveza and the local organization Environmental Society of Preveza on nature research in Preveza region. Establishment of the Regional Museum of Natural History in Neohori, establishment of botanical garden by the museum, a nature trail called „The ten stops in the nature of Preveza region“, international meeting of young naturalists and artists on the base of Natura in Agii Apostoli. www.natura-opava.org www.jakubkubacka.cz
Why to protectthem? How to protectthem?
Nature trail Hvozdnice Information boards present birds in protected area Hvozdnice, near Opava.
Presentation took place 18.10. – 23.10.2010 in Levice -Slovakia. „Puzzle for businessmen in agriculture carrying business in a permanently maintainable way“ Thank you for your attention Milan Kubačka a František Gazda Consultant: Martin Gajdošík Fotography: Milan Kubačka, Jakub Kubačka English translation: Pavla Mižičová www.natura-opava.org www.jakubkubacka.cz