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Psalm 19. psalms.seedbed.com Julie Tennent ASH GROVE (Let All Things Now Living) Tune: Trinity Hymnal #125 CCLI #977558. The hea-vens are tel -ling the glo-ry of God; and the skies are de- claring the work of His hands . For day after day they speak,
Psalm 19 psalms.seedbed.com Julie Tennent ASH GROVE (Let All Things Now Living) Tune: Trinity Hymnal #125 CCLI #977558
The hea-vensare tel-ling the glo-ry of God; and the skies are de-claring the work of His hands. For day after day they speak, pour-ingforth know-ledge, and night af-ternight is dis-played their ex-panse.
Their voice is not heard – there’s no speech and no word, but their sound has gone forth to the earth’s far-thestend. The sun in the heav-en comes forth like a bride-groom; the Lord for a race does His cham-pion send.
It ri-sesat one end of hea-venand tra-vels; its cir-cuitextends over all of the earth. And no-thing is hid-den from its heat or glor-y; and like it, God’s law shines with pow-erand worth.
The law of the Lord is most per-fect and ho-ly, re-vivingthe soul and re-storing the heart; The stat-utesof God can be tru-sted most surely, they make wise the sim-pleand truth do impart.
The pre-ceptsof God are right, gi-vingthe heart joy; com-mandsof the Lord are pure, light-ingthe eyes. The fear of the Lord is en-during for-ever; His judg-mentsare true, right-eous, mak-ingus wise.
They are much more pre-ciousthan gold, and much swee-terthan hon-eyand hon-ey-comb where hon-ey’sstored; More-over, by them is Your ser-vant in-struct-ed; in kee-ping Your stat-utes, there is great re-ward.
But who can disc-ernhis faults? O Lord, for-give both my hid-den and will-fulsins – let them not rule! Then I will be blame-less, com-plete, and acquit-ted of every tran-sgres-sionthat be-sets the fool.
May all of the wor-ds of my mouth a-ndthe thoughts of my heart be ac-cepted, O Lord, in Your sight; O Lord, my sure Rock and my pre-ciousRe-deemer, may my life be plea-sing and lived in Your light.