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How to manage sustainable competences during the whole professional career ? S ustainable competences for sustainable careers ?. Jean-Marie DUJARDIN HEC-Management School,University of Liège, Belgium.
How to manage sustainable competences during the whole professional career ? Sustainable competences for sustainable careers ? Jean-Marie DUJARDIN HEC-Management School,University of Liège, Belgium
Question : Why and how cansomeindividual/workers manage and developtheircompetenceslifelong? Why do other not ? Whatkind of impact on employability?
CONTEXT • End of a linear and sedentary career (one employer for the whole career) in EU (?) • EU: skills portfolio, Europass, Lifelong learning, EQF, learning outcomes, etc.
WHAT IS THERE IN YOUR BACKPACK OF COMPETENCES ? Combination of • Knowings • Know how • Attitudes (Le Boterf, 1997 & 2008, Tardif, 2006) Professional Situations (workcontext) Competences • Mobilisation of resources • Knowings • Know how • Attitudes
WHAT IS THERE IN YOUR BACKPACK OF COMPETENCES ? • learnings in professional life and in citizen life • Formal, non-formal,informallearnings • Boundarylesscareers : knowing how, knowingwhom, knowingwhy (Cadin, 2003)
THE CONCEPTS OF THE RESEARCH • Transferablescompetences : competences that have been acquired in a context - professional or citizen -, and that can be replicated in another context Elements: context, de-contextualisation then re-contextualisation, reflexivity • Sustainablecompetences : contact with the context, the resources, the professional or citizencommunity • Professional careers, employability
TRANSFER OF COMPETENCES : DIFFERENT TYPES • For the same person : from education/training to professional context (KirkPatrick Model) • For the same person : from a professional (or citizen) context to another professional (or citizen) context • From one person (group/generation) to another person (group/generation) • From one organization to another organization
What is a professional career ? • Nowadays conception • Objective and subjective career • Boundaryless careers, protean careers • From career management to professional project: a vision, objectives, steps, resources
What is employability? • Definition • Responsibility : • Internal and external • Objective and subjective Individual Employer Public authorities
METHOD • Focus on the individual, not on the organisation • Seven case studies during the whole professional life • Interviews and content analysis : - 75 workers : 25 « very mobiles » (« employability champions ») 50 « other » workers - 25 career/employment/training advisors
Validation University SME Big Firm Outplacement Units Going out Training E-secretaries Entering After professional life Time
VERY MOBILES WORKERS (« EMPLOYABILITY CHAMPIONS ») • Numerous employers, different jobs, different work places (boundaryless careers, « adventurers of professional life ») • manage their competences in a more accurate way (personal skills assessment, personal SWOT analysis, personal objectives, positioning on the labour market, etc.) • Description of their resources and bringing them together in the concept of « metacompetence »
EMPLOYABILITY METACOMPETENCE • Definition :employability metacompetence is the consciousness that an individual has about his own competences and the ability he has to control, manage and develop those competences, particularly in relation with the labour market. • Associated competences : managing information (on the labour market, future jobs, etc.), assessing (ones’ skills, the risk of a new job, etc.) and deciding (accepting a new job, going back at university to study, etc.).
EMPLOYABILITY METACOMPETENCE • Critical moments or transitions in professional life : looking for a first/new career orientation, for an opportunity of mobility in present company, looking for a new job, facing the loss of a job due to economic crisis, asking for a skills assessment and defining a professional project, undertaking studies at university as an adult, defining an “after career” project, etc.
THE RESOURCES OF METACOMPETENCE • knowledge : tools (SWOT analysis, SMART objectives, etc.) and information (on the labour market, new jobs, type of contracts, financial incentives for training programmes, etc.) • know how : reflexivity and metacognition, verbalization, connection in time and space (ability to find a common link in the professional career-path), capacity of maintaining the skills and watching the evolutions on the labour market, knowing why (global sense of professional career) • attitudes : knowing oneself, trust in personal resources, taking emotional distance, curiousity and mind opening, opening to change in professional life
METACOMPETENCE IN EDUCATION, TRAINING AND AT WORK • In education: reflexivity, métacognition, post hoc learning (Gordon & Findley, 2011; Tardif, 2012) • In lifelong learning: training to transfer (Le Boterf, 2008) • At work : various tools and practices (Dalkir, 2010) (Simonet et al., 2008) : collaborative tools, databases and shared folders, communities of practice, forums for sharing experiments, "debriefing" meetings, etc..
METACOMPETENCE : SOME CONCLUSIONS • A more autonomous worker : the individual is the « owner » of his competences and of his career-path • Securing transitions in a professional career (with the support of an advisor) • The individual’s competence portfolio : need for recognition, portability and traceability • Flexicurity at European level : yes, but first internal security • Learning lifelong is a good way to remain employable and to keep in movement
SOME CONCRETE RESOURCES IN THE PROFESSIONAL LIFE • Validation of priorlearning • Career vouchers • Dual system in Lifelonglearning • Mid-career interview • Latecareer and « afterprofessional life » project • Individualcareer/training account • Lifelong orientation (i.e. Cité des Métiers)