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LOCAL RESOLUTIONS/ORDINANCES: Existing local ordinances/resolutions pertaining to health: • ASIN LAW - Ordinance No.2, S. 2002 • Municipal Fitness Day - Resolution No. 53 S. 2002 • STAC Creation - Ordinance No. 12 S. 2004 • Advocacy on Healthy Life style - Executive Order No. 11 S. 2005 • Ordinance Regulating Videoke Bars, Etc. - Ordinance No. 3 S. 2005 • Ordinance on Use of Fortified Foods - Ordinance No. 5 S. 2007 • Creation of Philhealth Capitation Trust Fund Ordinance No. 7 S. 2008
LOCAL RESOLUTIONS/ORDINANCES: Proposed local ordinances/resolutions pertaining to health: • Voluntary Blood Bank (Republic Act 7719 - National Blood Services Act of 1994) • Anti-Dengue Fever Clean-up Day (4 O’clock Habit) Ordinance – Ordinance No. __Series of 2011 • GarantisadongPambata - Resolution of Support to the Program • EPI Program - Resolution of Support to the Program • Ordinance on NTP-DOTS Program Ordinance No. 4 Series of 2011 • Ordinance Adopting TB Control Program - deferred • TB for Children - Resolution of Support to the Program • Republic Act 7183: An Act Regulating the Sale, Manufacture, Distribution and Use of Firecrackers and Other Pyrotechnic Devices
LOCAL RESOLUTIONS/ORDINANCES: Proposed local ordinances/resolutions pertaining to health: • Micronutrient Supplementation - A Resolution requesting the Municipal Mayor to include in his priority projects the procurement and distribution of Vitamin A capsules for supplementation to sick children and lactating mothers - Resolution No. 42, series of 2011 • Regulation of Smoking (Republic Act 9211 - Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003) • Ordinance Banning Smoking in Public Places and Public Utility Vehicles • Ordinance Prohibiting Use, Sale and Distribution of Cigarettes and other Tobacco Products in Certain Places
LOCAL RESOLUTIONS/ORDINANCES: Proposed local ordinances/resolutions pertaining to health: • Republic Act 8504 - Aids Prevention and Control Act of 1988 - deferred • Republic Act No. 10028 An Act Expanding The Promotion Of Breastfeeding • Resolution Promoting Advocacy for Breastfeeding to Protect the Health of Infants and Children Resolution No. 44, series of 2011 • Ordinance Prohibiting Counterfeit Drugs - deferred • Resolution supporting Healthy Lifestyle Program as a Major Health Policy in the Municipality of Calasiao Resolution No. 43, series of 2011 • Ordinance on Avian Influenza (AI) Prevention and Preparedness Program in the Municipality of Calasiao • Rabies Control Ordinance - deferred
AMENDMENT OF THE LOCAL TAX CODE: CALASIAO REVISED REVENUE CODE OF 2005 ORDINANCE NO.10, SERIES OF 2005 ARTICLE V- PHYSICAL EXAMINATION & MEDICAL CERTIFICATION FEES Service / Laboratory Examinations: Present Proposed New RateRate • Medical Certification 50.00 • Transfer Permit of Food Product 50.00 • Health Certificate for Employment 50.00 • Health Certificate for Employment (renewal) 20.00 • Complete Blood Count (CBC) 90.00 • Urinalysis 40.00 • Fecalysis 35.00 • Sputum Exam 30.00 • Hemoglobin 45.00 • Hematocrit 45.00 • Platelet Count 70.00 • Fasting Blood Sugar 90.00 • Blood Typing 45.00
AMENDMENT OF THE LOCAL TAX CODE: Laboratory services discount rates; • Philhealth enrollees – free • BHWs - 10 % discount • Senior Citizens - 20 % discount • PWDs - 20 % discount • LGU employees - 10 % discount Requirements for Water Refilling businesses: • 1. Certificate of Potability Proposed Fee: P 50.00 per quarter • 2. Drinking Water Site Clearance Certificate Proposed Fee: P 50.00 per year
BUDGET FOR HEALTH (2011): A. PERSONNEL SERVICES: • Full implementation of SSL III and Magna Carta for 2012 • Personnel requirement: 1. Public Health Dentist Rationale: Calasiao Health Office can not offer dental services for the people. No accomplishment reports for dental services for pregnant women and children. 2. Rural Sanitary Inspector Rationale: Poor Environmental Sanitation Report compliance resulting to Zero Accomplishment Reports of Calasiao to the PHO, CHD and the DOH • Prioritization of Personnel Requirement Rural Sanitary Inspector
BUDGET FOR HEALTH (2011): A. PERSONNEL SERVICES: SANITARY INSPECTOR’S ACTIVITIES 1. For business permit applications • If restaurants, canteens, food vendors, food manufacturers, - require medical certification (sputum microscopy/fecalysis) • Inspections of establishment before issuing sanitary permit • Enter name and other details of establishments in database 2. Survey household water supply and sanitary toilets and maintain/update records and reports 3. Monitor safe water supply • Conduct water sampling • If warranted, decontaminate water source (chlorination)
BUDGET FOR HEALTH (2011): A. PERSONNEL SERVICES: SANITARY INSPECTOR’S ACTIVITIES 4. Monitor Water refillers • For new water refilling stations • Issue drinking water site clearance • Issue application for drinking water site clearance • Refer owner to Engr. Ashley Antonio of CHD • For old water refilling stations • Personally obtain water samples for bacteriological examination once a month • Coordinate or personally bring water samples to testing centers with payment ( secure O.R. to be endorsed to owner) • Physicochemical test- twice a year
BUDGET FOR HEALTH (2011): A. PERSONNEL SERVICES: SANITARY INSPECTOR’S ACTIVITIES 5. Monitor commercial sex workers • Check documents of CSWs ( police clearance, Mayor’s Permit, NSO birth certificate, etc) • Take pictures, issue pink cards after presentation of smear results from the Social Hygiene Clinic-Dagupan City • Make master list of CSWs, date of pink card issuance • Assist in inspection of videoke bars, night clubs, etc. 6. Inspection of complaints with Mission Orders • Act on complaints/petition on environmental sanitation concerns • Issue and deliver Sanitary Order, Sanitary Permit 7. Others as maybe determined by the MHO
BUDGET FOR HEALTH (2011): B. MOEE: The full implementation of SSL III for the Calasiao public health workers for FY 2011 resulted in cuts in the MOOE which affected the following: Regular Activities: • drugs and medicines, from P 870,000.00 to 750,000.00 • medical and laboratory supplies, from P 60,000.00 to P 0.00 • gasoline, oil & lubricants, from P 145,000.00 to 120,000.00 • maintenance of health centers, from P 25,000.00 to P 0.00 • ambulance maintenance, from P 120,000.00 to 100,000.00 • office supplies, from P 60,000.00 to P 50,000.00 • maintenance of I.T. equipments, from P 10,000.00 to P 0.00 Amount deducted for SSL III from regular MOEE items = Php270,000.00 (-120,000.00) (-60,000.00) (-25,000.00) (-25,000.00) (-20,000.00) (-10,000.00) (-10,000.00)
BUDGET FOR HEALTH (2011): B. MOEE: Special Projects: 2010 Budget • Stimulation Therapeutic Activity Center (STAC) P 200,000.00 • Rehabilitation Treatment for the Masses (RTM) P 30,000.00 • Boticang Barangay (BnB) P 0.00 • Environmental Sanitation Program (ESP)P 240,000.00 Php470,000.00 But since all the Special Projects require contractual/consultants for their operations, for 2011, they have been allocated the following: Contractual/ConsultantsPer month Per year PT for STAC Project 7,000.00 84,000.00 SPED Coordinator for STAC 6,000.00 72,000.00 PT for RTM Project 6,000.00 72,000.00 Pharmacist for BnB7,000.00 84,000.00 Sanitation Adviser 7,000.00 84,000.00 Php396,000.00
BUDGET FOR HEALTH (2011): B. MOEE: Special Projects: Thus, for 2011, all special projects are lumped together ( P 40,000.00) for expenses such as rehab equipments, teaching materials for both STAC and SPED, rehab equipments for both STAC and RTM Project and sanitation and environmental IEC materials, cleaning gears and chemicals for the Environmental Sanitation Program (ESP). 2011 Budget for Special Projects Php396,000.00 40,000.00 Php436,000.00 Amount for SSL III from regular MOEE items - TOTAL AMOUNT DEDUCTED FROM MOEE FOR SSL III = Php 470,000.00 (2010 allocation) 436,000.00 (2011 allocation) Php 34,000.00added to SSL III - + + 270,000.00 Php 304,000.00
BUDGET FOR HEALTH (2011): B. MOEE: TOTAL AMOUNT DEDUCTED FROM MOEE FOR SSL III = Php304,000.00 The Health Office is pleading for the return of the Php 270,000.00 to the Regular Activities MOEE allocations in order to reinstitute the proper operations of the health services affected by the deductions in 2011, without prejudice to the 3rd trance of the SSL II implementation. Also proposed are the following: -The services and allocations for the contractuals/ consultants of Special Projects be retained - Allocation for overtime pay of our 6 personnel (2 PHNs, 4 JOWs) who will be in charge of the treatment and management (TutokGamutan) of our Multi-Drug Resistant-Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) patients every Saturday. (If a Sanitary Inspector is appointed, the annual allocation for a Sanitation Adviser (P 84,000.00) can instead be used for this purpose) Letter request August 18, 2011
HEALTH ACTIVITIES/PROJECTS: • Philhealth coverage of Calasiao for OBP: 250 Families/Year – Basis for identification (MSWD) • Enrolment of poor pregnant women • New Pnoy program using NHTS – no capitation Fund? • Anti-Dengue Activities • Municipal resolution/ordinance – Done • Year-round info dissemination – reproduction of tarpaulins, IEC materials • Barangay resolution/ordinance; budget for Anti-Dengue Activities – Cleaning, misting chemicals/fuel, IECM • Volunteer Blood Donation and Barangay Pool- Done
HEALTH ACTIVITIES/PROJECTS: • Lectures/Seminars to improve health staff knowledge and capabilities including BHWs • Request LIGA for appropriation for weighing scales (Nutrition) and syringes (EPI) and STAC contribution • LGU Scorecard: • Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (FP) • Case Detection Rate (NTP) • Safe Water and Sanitary Toilets – hiring of RSI
BHW CONCERNS PLANS FOR BHWS FOR 2011: (Taken up during the Local Health Board Meeting held last December 17, 2010) • Clarification of Provisions of Republic Act No. 7883: Barangay Health Workers' Benefits and Incentives Act of 1995 • Request LIGA for appropriation for BHW training • Set guidelines and lectures, specific assignments /tasks of BHWs in Calasiao
Republic Act No. 7883: AN ACT GRANTING BENEFITS AND INCENTIVES TO ACCREDITED BARANGAY HEALTH WORKERS AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES Section 1. Short Title. – This Act shall be known as the “Barangay Health Workers’ Benefits and Incentives Act of 1995.” Section 2. Statement of Policy. – The state shall protect and promote the right to health of the people and to provide … Section 3. Definition. – The term “barangay health workers” refers to a person who has undergone training programs under any accredited government and non-government organization and who voluntarily renders primarily health care services in the community after having been accredited to function as such by the Local Health Board in accordance with the guidelines promulgated by the Department of Health (DOH).
Section 4. Registration. – In order of barangay health workers to be entitled to benefits and incentives provided under this Act, they shall register with the Local Health Board… Section 5. Number of Barangay Health Workers. – The DOH shall determine the ideal ratio of barangay health workers… Section 7. Review by the Local Health Board. – Every incentive or benefit for barangay health worker requiring expenditure of local funds shall be reviewed and approved by the Local Health Boardto ensure that only the deserving barangay health workers get the same. Section 11. Effectivity. – This Act take effect fifteen days (15) after its publication in at least two (2) national newspapers of general circulation. Approved: February 20, 1995 Sgd. Jose de Venecia, Jr Sgd. Edgardo Angara Speaker of the House Senate President of Representatives Sgd. Fidel V. Ramos President of the Philippines
BASIC TRAINING FOR NEW BARANGAY HEALTH WORKERS IDENTIFYING INFORMATION: Project Title: Basic Training for BHWs Program Component: Primary Health Care and other Department of Health Programs Sector: Barangay Health Workers Coverage: Municipality of Calasiao Implementing Agency: Calasiao Municipal Health Office/Center for Health Development for Ilocos (CHD-!)/Pangasinan Provincial Health Office Funding Source: Calasiao LIGA ng Mga Barangay (24 Barangays of Calasiao, Pangasinan)
LEGITIMIZATION A certificate of training will be issued to all who successfully comply with training requirements and their names will be submitted for accreditation to the Local Health Board which will, in turn, endorse the names of the accredited BHWs to the Office of the Municipal Mayor, Municipal Budget Office, Municipal Accounting Office and the Municipal Treasurer’s Office.
SECOND BATCH August 10-11, 2011 Banaoang5 Buenlag1 Gabon2 Lasip 3 Longos3 Lumbang6 Macabito3 Mancup3 Nagsaing9 Nalsian5 Poblacion East2 San Vicente4 Talibaew2 Songkoy10 58 FIRST BATCH August 3-4, 2011 Ambonao8 Ambuetel7 Bued5 Cabilocaan4 Dinalaoan4 Doyong6 Malabago12 Poblacion West2 Quesban4 San Miguel6 58
CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWSof theBARANGAY HEALTH WORKERS FEDERATION OF CALASIAO, PANGASINAN ARTICLE IV – COMPOSITION AND MEMBERSHIP • Section 1. Composition- This Federation shall be composed of registered and accredited Barangay Health Workers of all the twenty-four (24) barangays within the territorial jurisdiction of the Municipality of Calasiao; • Section 2. Membership- It is open primarily to men and women who subscribe to the objectives of the Federation, its goal and purpose, abide by this laws, are willing to accept responsibility and are duly qualified having undergone the Basic Training Course for BHWs conducted by and accredited government agency and NGOs and are at least 18 years of age, and are physically and mentally fit. This Constitution and By-Laws was signed and approved by all the members of the Federation on August 17, 2007.
ARTICLE IV – COMPOSITION AND MEMBERSHIP; • Section 3. Grounds for Suspension and Removal – Any member or officer of the Federation may be suspended or dropped from the roster upon commission of acts inimical or prejudicial to the affairs of the Federation which includes, but not limited to the following: 1. Neglect of duty; • Excessive absence from the duties of rendering health services in their respective barangays exceeding 30 cumulative service days with no letter of explanation prior to or during the said duration 0f absence submitted to and approved by the Board of Directors. • Any negligence of duty which the Board of Directors may consider to be a serious ground for removal or suspension. 2. Gross misconduct;
ARTICLE IV – COMPOSITION AND MEMBERSHIP; 3. Non-payment of annual membership dues and non-payment of financial obligations related to the affairs and projects of the Federation; 4. Culpable violations of the Constitution and By-Laws; 5. Any medical, physical or mental disability that renders any member or officer unfit to perform expected tasks and assignments. The assigned Rural Health Midwife in each of the barangay, being the direct supervisor, will submit the names of barangay health workers who have failed to perform expected tasks and assignments due to any disability to the Municipal Health Officer for medical, physical or mental evaluation. The Municipal Health Officer may refer the case to a higher level of medical examination if warranted. The Municipal Health Officer, based on the results of the evaluation and the provision stated in Article IV, Section 2, will recommend to the Board of Directors through the Committee on Membership, the removal of the barangay health worker
ARTICLE IV – COMPOSITION AND MEMBERSHIP; 6. And other grounds for suspension or removal as determined by the Board of Directors through the Committee on Membership, with the recommendation of the supervising Rural Health Midwife, the Public Health Nurse, the Municipal Health Officer, and other agencies under the Department of Health
BHW CONCERNS • The health workers recommended for removal will be properly informed and be given due process during the suspension/removal evaluation by the Local Health Board; • After the Local Health Board evaluation, if the grounds for suspension/removal is/are deemed sufficient and with cause, the concerned BHWs will be not be reinstated to the Calasiao BHW roster of members. A master list of the registered and accredited Calasiao BHW members will then be submitted by the Local Health Board to the Office of the Municipal Mayor, Municipal Budget Office, Municipal Accounting Office and the Municipal Treasurer’s Office, as their guide pursuant to Section 7 of R.A. 7883: Section 7. Review by the Local Health Board. – Every incentive or benefit for barangay health worker requiring expenditure of local funds shall be reviewed and approved by the Local Health Boardto ensure that only the deserving barangay health workers get the same.
MATERNAL CARE PACKAGE PLAN OF ACTION FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A MATERNITY CARE FACILITY FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF CALASIAO UNDER THE MATERNITY CARE PACKAGE (MCP) PROGRAM OF PHILHEALTH A. IDENTIFICATION OF MATERNAL CARE HEALTH SPECIALISTS • The MCP Program of PhilHealth requires the LGU to enter into an agreement (Memorandum of Agreement) with two private and accredited medical professionals, an Obstetrician who is an active member of the Philippine Obstetrical and Gynecological Society (POGS) and a Pediatrician who is an active member of the Philippine Pediatric Society (PPS), and both doctors should be Philhealth accredited as well. • It is preferable that both doctors are residents of Calasiao although assurance of their immediate accessibility in times when their services are needed will be adequate enough (must be stipulated in the MOA). • Philhealth will provide the guidelines on the sharing scheme of Philhealth-enrolled mothers who avails of the Calasiao MCP services while services rendered by the two medical professionals on mothers with no Philhealth coverage will be shouldered by the LGU (must be stipulated in the MOA). • The two medical professionals will be on-call status. UPDATE STATUS (as of August 22, 2011): The PHO, Dr. Anna de Guzman, will facilitate the approval of this Philhealth requirement.
MATERNAL CARE PACKAGE B. THE LOCAL MCP STAFF • Another requirement of the MCP Program of PhilHealth is the skills training on birth delivery and newborn care for the local health staff who will take charge of the MCP operations. However, this training will have to be coordinated first with either the Region1 Medical Center (R1MC) in Dagupan City or with the Pangasinan Provincial Hospital (PPH) in San Carlos City since this type of training is not routinely being given. The Health Office will coordinate with Dr. Roland Mejia. Hospital Director, for the R1MC and Dr. Anna de Guzman, Provincial Health Officer, for PPH • Other required personnel are midwives, at least 6 to 9 in number, who will be hired under JOW/contractual basis. They will go on 24 hour duty rotation. UPDATE STATUS (as of August 22, 2011): The CHD was gracious enough to provide free trainings on Basic Life Saving Skills (BLS) training, sponsored by POGS, to two (2) of our Health Office staff last August 15 to 21, 2011: 1. Brigida de Vera – RHM III 2. Jacqueline Salazar – RHM II
MATERNAL CARE PACKAGE C. BIRTHING FACILITY • The MCP Program of PhilHealth has set minimum requirements for the structure, equipments, furniture and fixtures of the birthing facility. • The compliance of such requirements can be achieved by either of two ways: • Use the present facility of the Health Office- Identified as a possible area is the radiology room which is being presently used as a stock room. For this room to be used as a viable place for the birthing facility, the following are recommended: • Construct an alternative storage room Renovations to be done on the radiology room • Renovations to be done on the radiology room • Construct a new building in an adjacent area near the health center. The birthing facility can be constructed in front of the health center where an extensive area has been recently earth-filled although the structure itself will only use a small part of the said area. The birthing facility can be designed and planned already based on the MCP Program requirements UPDATE STATUS (as of August 22, 2011): None