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(ôg zil’ y ѳ rē). Auxiliary. (adj.) giving assistance or support (n.) a helper, aid Synonym – back-up Antonym - primary. (kan’ did). Candid. (adj.) frank, sincere; impartial; unposed Synonym - forthright Antonym - evasive. (kyü’ b ѳ k ѳ l). Cubicle.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. (ôg zil’ yѳ rē) Auxiliary (adj.) giving assistance or support (n.) a helper, aid Synonym – back-up Antonym - primary

  2. (kan’ did) Candid (adj.) frank, sincere; impartial; unposed Synonym - forthright Antonym - evasive

  3. (kyü’ bѳ kѳl) Cubicle (n.) a small room or compartment Synonym - enclosure Antonym - auditorium

  4. (drѳj’ ѳ rē) Drudgery (n.) work that is hard and tiresome Synonym - toil Antonym - frolic

  5. (en’ voi; än’ voi) Envoy (n.) a representative or messenger (as of a government) Synonym - emissary

  6. (es’ kѳ lāt) Escalate (v.) to elevate; to increase in intensity Synonym - ascend Antonym - descend

  7. (ek spē’ dē ѳnt) Expedient (n.) a means to an end (adj.) advantageous, useful Synonym - serviceable Antonym - disadvantageous

  8. (fān) Feign (v.) to pretend Synonym - fake

  9. (flâr) Flair (n.) a natural quality, talent , or skill; a distinctive style Synonym - aptitude Antonym - inability

  10. (grē’ vѳs) Grievous (adj.) causing sorrow or pain; serious Synonym - heartrending Antonym - joyful

  11. (het ѳ rѳ jē’ nē ѳs) Heterogeneous (adj.) composed of different kinds, diverse Synonym - mixed Antonym - homogeneous

  12. (hôrd) Horde (n.) a vast number (as of people); a throng Synonym - swarm Antonym - handful

  13. (im pel’) Impel (v.) to force, drive forward Synonym - propel Antonym - restrain

  14. (in krej’ ѳ lѳs) Incredulous (adj.)disbelieving, skeptical Synonym - dubious Antonym – believing

  15. (in skrīb’) Inscribe (v.) to write or engrave; to enter a name on a list Synonym - imprint Antonym - erase

  16. (män’ ѳ läg) Monologue (n.) a speech by one actor; a long talk by one person Synonym - soliloquy Antonym - conversation

  17. (präg nō’ sѳs) Prognosis (n.) a forecast of the probable course and outcome of a disease or situation Synonym - prediction

  18. (ras’ piŋ) Rasping (adj.) with a harsh, grating sound (n.) a harsh sound Synonym - abrasive Antonym - smooth

  19. (rē pѳg’ nѳnt) Repugnant (adj.) offensive, disagreeable, distasteful Synonym - odious Antonym - pleasing

  20. (skѳt’ ѳl) Scuttle (v.) to sink a ship by cutting holes in it; to get rid of something in a decisive way; to run hastily, scurry (n.) a pail Synonym - discard Antonym - salvage

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