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Decisions, Uncertainty, and Brain Functions: Neuroeconomics Insights

Explore the intersection of neuroscience, economics, evolution, and game theory in understanding decision-making and uncertainty in the brain. Delve into challenges to reflex theory and alternative perspectives rooted in optimization strategies and interdisciplinary approaches. Discover how the brain navigates uncertainty and optimization problems, enhancing our understanding through empirical studies and theoretical frameworks. Gain insights into the complex web of decision-making processes influenced by probability, economics, and evolutionary theory.

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Decisions, Uncertainty, and Brain Functions: Neuroeconomics Insights

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  1. CS 182Lecture 28: Neuroeconomics J.G. Makin April 27, 2006

  2. Decisions, Uncertainty, and the BrainPaul Glimcher (2003); MIT Press • Thesis: neuroscience has been dominated by the reflex paradigm • Alternative: investigations rooted in economics, evolution, game theory, and probability

  3. Reflex Theory • Model: Input-Association-Output • (think of trying to explain language this way) • Even ANNs? • Methodology: thoroughly constrain the environment • “Isn’t this how science is done?” • Obscures a system-level view • Has this really led researchers astray? • Why are there so many questions on this slide?

  4. Glimcher 2003

  5. Reflex Theory (con’t) Challenges to “naïve” reflex theory • T. Graham Brown and the Half-Center Oscillators [This is not the name of a band, as far as I know, though it should be] • Sherrington: stimulus for walking from enteroceptive or interoceptive sources only • Reafference and Efference Copy (Von Holst and Mittelstaedt) • [Glimcher actually has these confused]

  6. Reflex Theory (con’t) Challenges to “naïve” reflex theory • T. Graham Brown and the Half-Center Oscillators [This is not the name of a band, as far as I know, though it should be] • Sherrington: stimulus for walking from enteroceptive or interoceptive sources only • Reafference and Efference Copy (Von Holst and Mittelstaedt) • [Glimcher actually has these confused]

  7. An Alternative Behavior is structured • by goals (cf. shoulder reflex) • by optimization strategies in the face of uncertainty • Specification of the problem on the basis of function rather than implementation (Marr) • In particular, the problem is an optimization problem • Conclusion: Neuroscience needs probability theory, economics, evolutionary theory, and game theory

  8. Reflex Theory (con’t) What reflex theory doesn’t address • the shoulder “reflex” (Paul Weiss) • foraging • mate selection • exploratory behaviors • Language & thought

  9. An Alternative Behavior is structured • by goals (cf. shoulder reflex) • by optimization strategies in the face of uncertainty • Specification of the problem on the basis of function rather than implementation (Marr) • In particular, the problem is an optimization problem • Conclusion: Neuroscience needs probability theory, economics, evolutionary theory, and game theory

  10. I: Optimization • Q: Optimization with respect to what? • A: Inclusive fitness but modularized. Evolution provides the goals, economics the optimization techniques • Do we have a prayer at specifying the optimum? • Phototransduction near the quantum limit • Hair cells can detect individual fluid molecule collisions • Convergent Evolution: Cichlid fish of Tanzania

  11. II: Uncertainty: Epistemological • Reflex theory dominated by deterministic responses to input (from a highly constrained set) • Alternative: in general, we suffer from epistemological uncertainty, so we have to optimized in an indeterminate world

  12. Uncertainty (con’t) • An empirical test of foraging economics: the prey model, Parus major • View foraging as an optimization problem: choose the probability p_i of attacking the prey i that maximizes the rate at which energy is gained • Solution: • “zero-one” rule • “independence from encounter inclusion rate” principle

  13. Uncertainty (con’t) • Frequencies of large and small mealworms were varied • Small mealworms always had larger handling time • Prediction (from optimal sol’n): • Preference for large worms as their freq. increases, regardless of small worm freq. (by IEIR principle) • If the bird couldn’t get all the worms, it should give up entirely on the small ones (by the zero-one rule) • Result: yes and no (only 85% selective) • Maybe this is an optimal strategy after all…

  14. Epistemological Uncertainty & the Brain:A Series of Studies • Input-association-output model: sensory-parietal-motor • Lateral intraparietal area (LIP) and monkey saccades: • Monkeys trained to perform task w/juice reward • Invariant to input stimulus (light or button or whatever) • Position-encoding • Conclusion: command signal (Mountcastle)

  15. Epistemological Uncertainty & the Brain (con’t) • Lateral intraparietal area (LIP) and monkey saccades: • Fixation and saccade tasks w/eccentric light • Weak activation on fixation, but increasingly active over trials of saccade task • Conclusion: attentional enhancement (Goldberg)

  16. Epistemological Uncertainty & the Brain (con’t) • Lateral intraparietal area (LIP) and monkey saccades: • Memory saccade task: target is extinguished but LIP neuron still fires—until the motor command is executed • Conclusion: motor intention (Gnadt & Anderson)

  17. Epistemological Uncertainty & the Brain (con’t) Platt & Glimcher: encoding the probability of pay-off

  18. Epistemological Uncertainty & the Brain (con’t) Probability experiment

  19. Epistemological Uncertainty & the Brain (con’t) Value experiment

  20. III: “Irreducible” Uncertainty & Game Theory • Static environment  Dynamic competition with other agents • Then the optimal approach is given by game- theoretic approaches • In these cases, the optimum often involves (purposefully) random behavior

  21. Uncertainty & Game Theory (con’t) • Example 1: Chicken

  22. Uncertainty & Game Theory (con’t) • Conclusion: Smith is best served by behaving non-deterministically, but with probability 0.647 of being a chicken. (Ditto for Jones.) • If Jones finds non-randomness in the distribution of Smith’s choices, he can predict above chance which option Smith will pick—and win. • Random behavior is the optimal solution, so: we shouldn’t expect behavior to look deterministic (contrast w/reflex theory).

  23. Intermezzo: How Random Are We? • Paper, scissors, rocks • Dice, viscera divination, etc.: technological breakthrough (Jaynes) • Unconscious vs. conscious behaviors; natural selection vs. “rational actors” • Pigeons, babies, and adults: the matching rule and cognitive load (and reward)

  24. Game Theory and Ethology • Duck foraging • Two feeders at opposite ends • 33 ducks • Rate of food depends on feeder, but the more ducks in an area the worse it is • Where to sit?

  25. Game Theory & Ethology (con’t)

  26. Game Theory & Ethology (con’t) • Person 1: 2-gram bread ball every 5 sec • Person 2: 2-gram bread ball every 10 sec

  27. Game Theory & Human Behavior:Work or Shirk

  28. Game Theory & Human Behavior:Work or Shirk (con’t) Insp = -50 Insp = -5

  29. Game Theory & Human Behavior:Work or Shirk (con’t) • Experiment: subjects play against a computer program which looks for statistical regularities in its opponent’s plays and tries to exploit them • Subjects are only told that they can make money by playing • 150 trials, then the pay-off matrix switches (unannounced) • Guess how human beings played….

  30. Game Theory & Human Behavior:Work or Shirk (con’t) • 150 trials, one pay-off matrix, vis-à-vis the Nash equilibrium?

  31. Game Theory & Human Behavior:Work or Shirk (con’t)

  32. Game Theory & Human Behavior:Work or Shirk (con’t) • Work-shirk-work-shirk yields 50% behavior. Shannon entropy of choices?

  33. Game Theory & Human Behavior:Work or Shirk (con’t)

  34. Game Theory & Human Behavior:Work or Shirk (con’t) • Switching between pay-off matrices?

  35. Game Theory & Human Behavior:Work or Shirk (con’t)

  36. Game Theory & the Brain • Repeat the game, this time with monkeys instead of humans • Simultaneously record from parietal area LIP • Prediction: if these neurons encode expected utility, then they will fire at constant rates over various movements and various rewards (contrast Platt & Glimcher 1999) • Now we have an experiment that yields non-deterministic behavior but about which predictions of lawful actions can nevertheless be made

  37. Game Theory & the Brain (con’t)

  38. Game Theory & the Brain (con’t) • Across trials: • Monkeys behave (near?) optimally: their behaviors track the Nash equilibrium • LIP neurons do not track the Nash equilibrium suggesting that they are, in fact, encoding (relative) expected utility • Play-by-play: • The relative expected value on any given play does vary slightly, given the randomness of play • Positive correlation b/n this fluctuating expected value and fluctuations in LIP neurons

  39. Neuroeconomics & Language • Skinner’s Verbal Behavior • Programs that are more than input/output • Bayes Nets for utility as well as beliefs • Minimum description length: grammar • Minimum description length: evolution

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