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Shu Yamamoto Carl Williams Hidetoshi Yokota KDDI R&D Labs

Shu Yamamoto Carl Williams Hidetoshi Yokota KDDI R&D Labs. KDDI Trial Hub & Spoke. 1. Trial Overview. Trial for Home Users To find the new service capability by IPv6 global reachability (connectivity from anywhere to user’s home network) To confirm IPv6 usefulness.

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Shu Yamamoto Carl Williams Hidetoshi Yokota KDDI R&D Labs

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  1. Shu Yamamoto Carl Williams Hidetoshi Yokota KDDI R&D Labs KDDI Trial Hub & Spoke 1

  2. Trial Overview • Trial for Home Users • To find the new service capability by IPv6 global reachability (connectivity from anywhere to user’s home network) • To confirm IPv6 usefulness. • Technical and operational verification of tunnel service • IPv6 Tunnel Service Trial in FTTH users • IPv4 over IPv6 tunnels are setup between Home Gateway and Tunnel server over ISP IPv4 access network • 1000 tunnels are always activated throughout Japan. • Trial is from November 28, 2005 to March 31, 2006.

  3. Trial Service • Connectivity • To provide the connectivity from user’s PC in outside IPv4 network to home network. • To provide the connectivity from cellular phone to home network. • Applications through Tunnel • Photos or Movie taken by a cellular phone is uploaded from outside to PC in user’s home network. • To access the home PC from a cellular phone to properly display the Internet WEB pages by the KDDI provided software installed in the home PC.

  4. IPv6 Tunnel Service Example #1 • IPv6 over IPv4 Tunnel • TSP client installed in Home Gateway. IPv6 over IPv6 tunnel is setup between Home Gateway and TSP server located in ISP IPv6 network (KDDI Data Center). • Connectivity from Outside • User can access to PC and devices in home network from IPv4 network with the combination of address translator and IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel IPv6 Portal Server Home Gateway (CPE) TSP Server SSL TSP Tunnel (IPv6 over IPv4) IPv4 Internet Address Translator KDDI Network Access Network FTTH User IPv4/IPv6 Dual Stack IPv4 Address IPv6 Address IPv4 Dynamic Address

  5. Internet IPv6 Tunnel Service Example #2 • Connectivity from Cellular Phone • Data (photo, movie, message, etc) in cellular phone is able to upload to the home network PC. • To access WEB page for PC from cellular phone through home PC. IPv6 Portal Server Home Gateway (CPE) Mobile IPv4 Network TSP Server TSP Tunnel (IPv6 over IPv4) Address Translator KDDI Network Access Network FTTH User IPv4/IPv6 Dual Stack IPv4 Address IPv6 Address IPv4 Dynamic Address

  6. IPv6 over IPv4 Tunnel and IPv6 Address • Tunnel Description • Tunnel is setup using Tunnel Broker Model and Tunnel Setup Protocol (TSP) • IPv4 over IPv6 tunnels traverses NAT at Home Gateway using UDP encapsulation. • Tunnel connectivity maintains for dynamic IPv4 address. • Connectivity to host in home network • /64 prefix allocated by ISP is delegated to user’s home network. • IPv6 address of devices in home network is auto-configured. • The devices in home network are accessed by using domain names through the portal WEB site.

  7. Tunnel User Requirement • General • Tunnel configuration does not require complex setup. • Convenience for home user • User Requirement • Home Gateway automatically setup the tunnel. • No change of IPv4 service subscription. For example, It does not require static IPv4 address. • NAT traverse is mandatory. • High level security. For example, it requires the mechanism to hide IP address of user’s home network.

  8. ISP Operational Requirement • General Requirement • Scalable and reliable • Low cost • Operational Requirement • Tunnel health monitoring capability (mandatory) • Tunnel log data for accounting (mandatory) • Coordination with deployed AAA server (desirable) • Flexibility for customization (desirable)

  9. Summary • IPv6 tunnel service using tunnel broker was deployed for FTTH users • TSP client (initiator) is installed at Home Gateway. • 1000 tunnels are always activated. • The connection from outside IPv4 network uses IPv6 tunnel together with address translator. • After trial, feedback from customers will be obtained in terms of usefulness and convenience.

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