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Unit 2, Chapter 5

Unit 2, Chapter 5. Integrated Science. Unit Two: Work and Energy. Chapter 5 Work, Energy and Power. 5.1 Work 5.2 Energy Conservation 5.3 Energy Transformations. Chapter 5 Learning Goals. Calculate the amount of work done by a simple machine.

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Unit 2, Chapter 5

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  1. Unit 2, Chapter 5 Integrated Science

  2. Unit Two: Work and Energy Chapter 5 Work, Energy and Power • 5.1 Work • 5.2 Energy Conservation • 5.3 Energy Transformations

  3. Chapter 5 Learning Goals • Calculate the amount of work done by a simple machine. • Use units of joules to measure the amount of work done. • Analyze the effects of changing force or distance in a simple machine. • Calculate the efficiency of a machine. • Calculate power in machines. • Discuss perpetual motion machines.

  4. chemical energy electrical energy energy transformations heat efficiency horsepower joule energy kinetic energy law of conservation of energy nuclear energy potential energy watt power work radiant energy radiation solar power Chapter 5 Vocabulary Terms

  5. 5.1 Work Force (N) W = F x d Work (joules) Distance (m)

  6. Key Question: What happens when you multiply forces in machines? 5.1 Work *Read text section 5.1 BEFORE Investigation 5.1

  7. 5.2 Power Work (joules) P = W t Power (watts) Time (sec)

  8. 5.2 Energy • Energy is the ability to do work. • Any object that has energy has the ability to create force. • Energy is measured in the same units as work. • A joule is a unit of force that acts over a distance.

  9. 5.2 Potential Energy Mass (kg) Ep = mgh Potential Energy (joules) Height (m) Acceleration of gravity (m/sec2)

  10. 5.2 Kinetic Energy Mass (kg) Ek = 1 mv2 2 Kinetic Energy (joules) Speed (m/sec)

  11. Key Question: What is energy and how does it behave? 5.2 Energy Conservation *Read text section 5.2 BEFORE Investigation 5.2

  12. 5.3 Energy Transformations Energy transformations occur between different types of energy. • radiant energy • electrical energy • chemical energy • nuclear energy

  13. Energy Transformations in a Power Plant Power plants convert chemical energy into electrical energy. • chemical energy • heat energy • mechanical energy • electrical energy

  14. Key Question: Where did the energy go? 5.3 Energy Transformations *Read text section 5.3 BEFORE Investigation 5.3

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